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Posts posted by DonJuanDemarco

  1. :)

    They also prefer them bald and overweight

    perferably with speedo's on, walking down the beach while they hold hands, nary a word being spoken between them (because they don't understand each other).

    Ah yes, true love, especially after the barfine was paid.

    i woud love to arm wrestle u right in the middle of siam square.

  2. Women are not less attracted to older men than they are to younger men. There is significant scientific research to suggest that women prefer older males. Older males off spring are healthier on average than younger men. Men over 50 have so much wisdom and life experience that is one of the reasons why women prefer older men. you can ask any female thai visa user and I think you will find (if they are honest) that their preference in men, both physically and emotionally is between the ages of 45-55. many young men are insecure and i keep reading posts saying this and that about age differences in Thailand. Rest assured, your girl friend or wife is more than likely closing her eyes and thinking of a 45-55 year old man when she is with you physically.

  3. I once had a Thai lady who I was courting who finally after more than a few months of deliberation, leave me for a Thai man her parents wanted her to marry. I remember grabbing her by the sides of her arms and starring into her eyes with my crystal blue eyes (I also have beautiful, long blonde hair - good luck for the looks of her future children with the Thai man she choose) and telling her that she would never be happy with him because he would never know the real her, not to mention, satisfy her in bed. I think she knew this too but she was too silly and stubborn to fight against her hiso parents and her country's racism. I was offering her a Western style relationship in which I would serve her every physical need and NOT cheat on her. You can more or less guarantee that her hand picked by Mommy husband would be a drunkard spending every last night in a karaoke bar lusting over other women while she stays up at night thinking about what it would be like under me, sweating.



    I think you were just unlucky there. For every girl who listens to her parents wanting her to "keep it in the race", two others have more open-minded parents and a more independant mind. That goes for the wealthy ones too. The key to meet the folks fairly early on so they get to know you a bit, and you get to know their true feelings through your lady. You'll soon get to learn what they want from their daughter and what she's likely to do about it, and you can then prepare yourself.

    i just dream of the day my future children become famous movie stars and i see her in MK or FUJI restaurant with her short, small nosed semi-white skinned thai children so i can look her dead in the eyes again and ask WAS IT WORTH IT?

  4. trust me, when u use debit it takes longer. this is fact.

    :) ...said the expert who never used one. Are you playing "stir it up" by Bob Marley ? :D


    wow dude you are as fast as molasses.

    i stand behind people and thus can observe which is faster.

    wait endlessly for the computer to ding ding + person to sign is much more time than pay with cash.

  5. one of the things i hate about America is that its too difficult for people to carry cash so every checkout isle has a long wait for the moron to swipe their debit. same thing in thailand more and more it seems, especially among women. so much easier than carrying cash? i have never used a debit card to buy something in my life. i carry cash like a man. what is this non sense?

  6. Recently i decided I wanted to go to one of the military beaches in Sattahip I had heard they are nice and that one of them lets foreigners in.

    At the first beach the guard says sorry no farang I asked my self did he mean no white people or did he mean no foreigners? mmm

    On the second beach the guard said sorry Thai people only, that sounded better.

    On the third beach I got in, but it was full of ferang. :)

    They were probably scared the ladies would be starring at you and cause problems.

  7. I was offered marriage to a few Thai ladies for this much or that much , I told them I had married off 3 daughters and paid all the costs , if her parents were prepared to do the same I could maybe think they may even feel something for me , they did better burnouts than a drag racer . Moved to Cambodia , met a younger lady with chinese heritage , no husband or boyfriend , cost me $500.00 for a village wedding and that was 4 years ago , incidentaly , she chose a $40.00 ring for her wedding gift . SIN-SOT is for suckers .

    Thank God for third world countries, right?


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