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Posts posted by DonJuanDemarco

  1. what makes u think its made in some village and not a factory? take the product to some factory owners and maybe one could make it for you. your goals should be to get directly to the source.

    u also need a work permit for this business, which may or may not be legal in thailand, i dont know.

  2. Is there farang racism against whiter skinned Thai girls? It's like some people assume that lighter skinned girls must somehow be part of an evil chinese agenda. Let's be honest here, lighter skinned girls are usually better educated here and with better jobs and so not as likely to want a foreign man unless he is on her level socially and economically.

    mostly the white skin girls have options so they say no to farang so farang hate them.

    i think bragging about ur gfs skin color is idiotic as is trying to say that one is definitively better than the other.

  3. Farang should start taking girls out of the Thai massage parlors. plenty of white skin prostitutes to be had. better yet, about a billion dirt poor white skin Chinese in that place called CHINA.



    i find it funny how guys take great pride in having a white skinned gf in thailand... i mean, wow, congrats, you can find many more chinese in that place called China.

  4. They rank South Africa and Mexico as being safer than Thailand? Ok...I'll believe that when I can walk the length of Joburg or Mexico City alone drunk at 3am and not be afraid, just like Thailand.

    Realistically how many expat retirees to SA or Mexico retire to Joburg or Mexico City? Thailand is a dangerous country but the dangers are not so much street crime, there are other more common ways to die here.

    Sorry there is no way Thailand is less safe than South Africa or Mexico for a White retiree.


    Actually, the Mexican retirement communities are quite safe for Norte Americanos. But your point is well taken.

    lol. I am sure parts of Oakland or Detroit are also really safe. Of course, they are teh most dangerous cities in America.

    But good job proving me wrong! I am sure you can walk around anywhere in Mexico and not have a problem as a tourist. South Africa too.

  5. It seems like a lot of people here don't want to accept the truth of the matter, and I'm sure I'll get loads of people telling me how wrong I am (I wonder why?). But, after more than 10 years of living in Thailand and having had Thai girlfriends of varying degrees of dark skin, it is my opinion that a lot of western guys would be just as happy with a fair skinned Thai girlfriend as long as they still have a lovely personality. However, most just don't know how to go about finding one (most Thai girls hanging out in the touristy areas will usually be of darker skin color, as in general that is the working class/farmer shade of skin color), or if they do know, they aren't willing to put in the effort required (a bit of dating and getting to know eachother, as well as probably no bedtime activities for a while). There are also western guys that just wouldn't be able to chat up a fair skinned good Thai girl, the same way they have problems in their home country with girls. It seems to me, guys who don't really know anything about Thailand come here and fancy themselves as Romeos, and somehow loose sight of the fact that anybody in Thailand with a bit of money can score a nice looking young girl (probably dark skinned though!).

    I have also been asked this question by many Thais, and it can be a difficult thing to explain with my limited Thai. The really unfortunate thing though is that a lot of Thais will also pre-judge you on what your Thai girlfriend looks like, dresses like, education level etc. I guess it's up to each individual if they want to buy into that or not. I went out with a very fair skinned pretty northern girl for a while and all the Thais we would meet would tell me how lucky I was to have such a beautiful girlfriend. However, I have never met such a spoiled, mean and volatile girl in my entire life!

    I must admit, I prefer the fairer look (as long as it a healthy look and not that overly white pasty kind of white), but I would never use this as a criterea for choosing a girlfriend and would be quite happy with a darker skinned girl if I liked her. This is what I also try to tell the Thais who ask me this question.

    So anyway, my answer to the question, most farangs don't prefer darker skin, but it's what they can get without too much effort, they are after all here for a holiday or nice easy lifestyle!

    u think this is actually original commentary? i can show u the exact same thing posted about 400 times.


    hate to bust ur bubble as you are probably thinking how u killed the thread or something.

  6. As an American, I don't quite understand these clubs. So you go on Saturday morning to a basketball club, and its what exactly, people playing pickup basketball or its organized into some kind of league? And for a young person, you are what, forced to play with a bunch of seniors?

    The facilities look run down. Those at 5 star hotels are much better. As for the socializing factor, I don't get that either. What, you are going to end up on the same team as a Senator or something and convince him to be your friend? Yeah, right.

    for the British club, I'd agree.

    For the RSBC? Not really. You don't get too many rugby fields and 50m lap pools in the the centre of town.....

    How do you play rugby there? You register to play? How do they differentiate skill level? As an American, I am not at all versed in <deleted> a sports club is. We just have leagues (adults play on teams that meet) and "the park".

  7. I am so curious about these types of place. Do the members take turns manning the entrances to prevent the 'wrong types' of people from getting in or do they allow the wrong types to work as staff in order to keep the wrong types out? Who gets to decide who is member quality and why would someone who can afford the fees be considered not member quality?

  8. As an American, I don't quite understand these clubs. So you go on Saturday morning to a basketball club, and its what exactly, people playing pickup basketball or its organized into some kind of league? And for a young person, you are what, forced to play with a bunch of seniors?

    The facilities look run down. Those at 5 star hotels are much better. As for the socializing factor, I don't get that either. What, you are going to end up on the same team as a Senator or something and convince him to be your friend? Yeah, right.

  9. They rank South Africa and Mexico as being safer than Thailand? Ok...I'll believe that when I can walk the length of Joburg or Mexico City alone drunk at 3am and not be afraid, just like Thailand.

    Realistically how many expat retirees to SA or Mexico retire to Joburg or Mexico City? Thailand is a dangerous country but the dangers are not so much street crime, there are other more common ways to die here.

    Sorry there is no way Thailand is less safe than South Africa or Mexico for a White retiree.


  10. Those who actually love their husbands will not be happy about them sleeping around.

    Sorry to burst the farang delusional balloon.

    I agree with that.

    Not quite sure what you mean by "burst the farang delusional balloon".

    The delussion that they are allowed to cheat because they are such a great catch or because she just wants his happiness above all else or whatever reason she dreamed up to avoid having to get under him.

  11. It's more than double tier pricing. It's discretionary pricing that often has dozens of different prices for the same service and Thais face the same. They also complain about it. In the end though, the hospitals in question are businesses... it's easy to forget that because a good number of people grow up thinking that hospitals (even private ones) are public services of some kind.

    I charge about 5 different prices for a stem of white denobrium orchid, but not because I like or dislike any particular country (and sometimes different customers within the same country) I am shipping to.


    Well obviously a flower will be more or less expensive in certain countries, I don't really see how that is correlated to double pricing in a hospital, which in my opinion, is very petty. If I ask a hospital clerk why am I being charged more than someone else, what can she say in response without looking like a pickpocket?

    And how do they differentiate between Thais and how do they not ostracize those who get over charged? Do they have someone in the parking lot jotting down car values, counting syllables in last names and running tax return checks? Is this really the most efficient business strategy? I still have a hard time believing this (though I will take your word for it) as I rarely see Thais arguing or negotiating over bills in these situations.

  12. These types of drunken Marines types they should have put up against JJ and his crew, not the tea drinking scaredy cats British Lady Marines.

    be happy I am not a moderator in this forum here. You are so f...g obsessed with the USmarines its unbelivable rediculous.... :)

    you are a good speller. anyways, it was just a joke.

  13. I would like to hear more opinions on my comparison of a English taxi driver charging a Thai three times the true fare in the UK. If the Thai agrees to it is it just good business on the part of the taxi driver? Why is it that something we consider unethical in our own country somehow becomes ethical in Thailand because its common?

    In the case of the doctor at the hospital I visited, he gets too, apparently, write in his "doctor's consultation fee". He choose to charge me more for my 5 minutes with him (90% of which was in Thai language), because

    a. I am a farang

    b. I am a farang and he thinks I would not find out the real price

    c. ?????

    The thing is, Thai people care so much about face, but their willingness to attempt to over charge or cheat farangs shows that they do not value our opinion of them whatsoever. A Thai doctor would not want to cheat a Thai because he would lose face doing so. But with a farang, its like, whatever, I don't even look at this creature as a human being so they can think of me as a low life as long as I get my extra 200 baht.

    Sometimes I just want to take a bunch of $1 American Bills and throw them into a busy Thai street and watch as they all drop to their knees like they are fighting for the key to the city. Doctors included.

  14. Howard really does look tough in that uniform.

    "The driver tee-nai?"

    "Oh he pissed on that"

    Howard is really good at Thai language... I love how he explains what happened to the camera after he figures it out. He can't even say driver in Thai and is the head tourist police stomping around? LOL?

  15. i do not believe it will happen either. but i do believe that we will see these long periods of economic stagnation at the hands of failing/delayed governments. there seems to be no realistic outlook for cooperation or advancement.

    Actually, an ineffective government as you describe is good for business as they are then too busy squabbling with each other to hamper business as governments usually do.



    Nah. It deters foreign investment.

  16. People keep mentioning that the producer is getting (or will be getting) rich from this show, can anyone prove this? What kind of figures are we talking about? $10k?

    Of course nobody can prove it.

    Hard to prove how much the producers of Survivor or Biggest Loser got as well.

    But if the series is being sold to other countries, it is fair to believe they will make money, isnt it?

    As the prize money in Survivor is $1M it's fair to assume that they're making a good deal more than that. Having said that, this series is not likely to gain anywhere near the international viewing figures of Survivor, though no doubt the production company will do quite nicely out of it.

    lol, Survivor has probably made > than 500 million USD.

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