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Posts posted by DonJuanDemarco

  1. They are 'British fighting forces'. The thing is that the UK government hasn't declared war on Thailand. They're civilians on holiday. I know this might seem strange to those Yanks who believe that the answer to all problem is violence. I suspect that if they were American Marines they wouldn't act much differently. Trailer trash, maybe. Trained troops, maybe not.

    Fighting forces as in, each is carrying their own death count? Cause, several of the American Marines I know, and I know a good few dozen, have just that. Perhaps you just don't know many American Marines, but I just don't think they take well to being extorted and threatened at gun point. But please clarify.

  2. Although there already seems to have been some official reaction in Phuket and Koh Phangan, it will be interesting to see what happens when this TV series hits the news around Thailand.

    The officials in Phuket have already expressed a desire to seek legal action against the filmmakers.

    Too late. The film's been made and the film makers have left Thailand. Perhaps they'd be better seeking legal action against the scamming scum that appeared in the film.

    Please understand that you are not the Thai officials father.

  3. One thing that really jumps out at me is the fact that these are supposed to be British fighting forces? What a bunch of sissies. And stupid under pressure. That guy first knew that he didn't do anything but was ready to flee (it appears that the definition of "run away" is in question here, but there is no doubt that he intended to flee if he could have), and subsequently caved in almost instantly to the Thai's outrageous demand for money. I'm here thinking, "Shit, I thought marines were supposed to be tough. So much for that idea...."

    Like I said, if these were American Marines, JJ would have likely been thrown a beating if the gun got put away. These British guys looked pretty soft, perhaps it was more of a Navy/Coast Guard outfit. I just can't see a bunch of guys who have been spending their days killing people in a desert being overly intimidated by 3 midget Thai guys who weight a combined total of 150 kg's.

  4. Although there already seems to have been some official reaction in Phuket and Koh Phangan, it will be interesting to see what happens when this TV series hits the news around Thailand.

    The officials in Phuket have already expressed a desire to seek legal action against the filmmakers.

  5. I rarely have problems with stuff purchased in the USA. I buy all name brand here and it will often fail. What could be the reason. Products to fail me:


    Ipod Head Phones

    Asus Motherboard

    Asus Graphic Card

    A second Asus Graphic Card

    3 different Microsoft Mouses

    Play Station 2


    Electrical Sockets delivering too much power?

    Products here are really copies or have been refurbished? Why is it that so often here when you buy a product it looks like the box has been opened 55 times previously?

    The good thing is that I have never had any problems using a warranty to get a new one.

  6. I personally consider the show to be complete rubbish, but it is well done in terms of what it sets out to do, and imagine the producer will make a nice profit off of it.

    I am not certain what (I am sure parts were) fabricated/intentional, but from the American Marines I know from High School, there is no way in the world this would have played out the same. The moment JJ went and got a gun he would have guaranteed himself the beating off a lifetime.

    -Why didn't the expert they bring in come with a Thai police officer?

    -After he concludes the damage is old why does he still let his friend pay? He really saved the day showing up...

    -Why does the gun just disappear after it is used to threaten the sailors?

    I would not want to meet any of these people (besides the cute girl) in real life and that includes the pseudo tourist police who probably have their own huge basket of personality disorders.

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