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Posts posted by DonJuanDemarco

  1. Fairly simple really. While I'd love to see a property tax of some sort across the board to beef up governemnt coffers, there are too many vested interests.


    Grandfather anything under the old rules that was bought before the royal assent of the legislation. They stay under the old rules. Anything bought, and then subsequently sold after that date cops a land tax.

    Keeps to Phu Yai happy, means that Thailand misses out for another generation on taxes which could be used to develop infrastructure, but you have to start somewhere.

    so the solution is to basically say that the ultra rich don't have to participate in the tax? ... lol.

    I didn't say it was fair...but it was a start.

    a start to what? go take a stroll through the African American areas of big cities and see how successfully wealth distribution and socialism worked in the usa. these programs keep on going because the government is a monopoly. an unsuccessful business would go bankrupt, an unsuccessful government raises taxes to create more funding.

    all the concerned here don't need government mandates to distribute their wealth. go out today and start giving it away in the form of donations - but that is not really the objective, the objective is to knock down those above you on the ladder + liberal coffee house ideologies that don't match up to the way they actually live.

  2. Fairly simple really. While I'd love to see a property tax of some sort across the board to beef up governemnt coffers, there are too many vested interests.


    Grandfather anything under the old rules that was bought before the royal assent of the legislation. They stay under the old rules. Anything bought, and then subsequently sold after that date cops a land tax.

    Keeps to Phu Yai happy, means that Thailand misses out for another generation on taxes which could be used to develop infrastructure, but you have to start somewhere.

    so the solution is to basically say that the ultra rich don't have to participate in the tax? ... lol.

  3. Its sooooooooooooo much easier for a poor Thai to become a rich Thai than it is for a poor American to become a rich American. Yes, its easier for Americans to borrow for schooling. That is where the line ends. The cheap labor + lack of huge business conglomerates controlling every sector of business makes it very easy to run a small business here. if Thailand was America you could pretty much guarantee there wouldnt be any of these independent food carts on every corner. it'd be mc-cart on every corner and the average somchai would never be able to compete with them.

  4. Property taxes in Thailand are a joke. Or at least for outlying areas, where I happen to have secured properties. I assume taxes are also ludicrously low in the cities, don't know. However, in the countryside, property taxes are essentially non-existent. Methinks that's because so much acreage is tied to Thai VIP big shots, and they quite like avoiding taxes - as it fits with their ultra-selfish ways of going through life.

    Just another reason to live here. :)

  5. African American accents are easy to discern, especially if they use a lot of up to date jive language. he told one girl, "once u go black, you never go back"... that is a common American slang phrase that the ladies love.

  6. If you weren't aware, and well, frankly, I wasn't, laptop theft is at an all time high. on average, my contacts in the bangkok tourist police tell me that between 600-3000 laptops are stolen everyday in bangkok. I always dismissed these claims as speculation but it almost happened to me today. My laptop was on the bench in california fitnes changing room and while i as powdering up my thighs/buttocks/groin area with a towel wrapped around myself (using two arms) i believe that another customer (a lady boy) was staring at my laptop and moved it a few meters in his direction. i think he/she was ready to bolt with it when i spotted them at the last moment and recaptured it.

    So, if you do not have laptop insurance, i really think you are playing with fire.

  7. there was an African American man chatting up one thai lady after another in the mobile phone center and it resulted in all the surrounding Thais gawking and laughing. the girls, for whatever reason, racism perhaps, did not seem interested in this man and appeared very uncomfortable. When he would isolate one of the girls, all the other Thais would start whispering and pointing, perhaps to humiliate the girl being isolated or perhaps some sort of traditional preamble to a mating ritual... it really seemed like things were going to reach a boiling point when he finally called it quits and backed off.

    it just goes to show you that this is still a homogeneous society.

  8. next time he rings her, get her to talk to him, and have her suggest they meet, so she can see what he wants.

    If you know any BIB, have them meet up at the meeting place,with you and g/f and see what the guy looks like. Shake down. Game Over.

    another 'connected' farang it seems. :)

  9. I would love for someone to try and come at me with one of these tasers. There is no way they could take me down, and then, Itd be my turn. I have studied meditation for several years and I am confident that I could mentally survive the tasering to fight back, and once I did fight back, it'd be all over.

  10. This was not a rental. He also had this Thai University girl in the passenger seat, and from what I could tell, it looked like she too was really enjoying the spectacle. She had on one of those really short, really tight skirts and tight white tshirt. I can't believe a woman that attractive would involve herself with a young farang with these types of 'hobbies'. I was shaking in anger and trust me, I almost did something.

  11. ever heard of George Clooney or Brad Pitt?

    Between 46 and 48. Take care of their appearance, are above average in looks, great personalities (apparently off-screen they are down to earth too), and extremely successful and wealthy. Tbh i dont really think this reflects the average late 40 year old.

    But..did you want fantasy or reality?

    Im not saying that older men are not attractive, nor am i saying a younger woman cannot fall head over heels for a much older man. There are many things involved. But..to say things like a young women when with a similar aged or younger man likely shuts her eyes and thinks of an older man etc..is a bit far fetched tbh..

    But again, if you wish to project your own ideals/fantasy onto womens minds..thats your choice. Sorry if my view offended you, i actually thought from your OP that you were inviting a womans honest perspective, but maybe you were just trolling. :D

    Hey anyway, doesnt matter does it.? You are happily married and thats all that should matter. Life is what we make it and thankfully there is always someone who loves us even when we get old and wrinkly. :)

    Well said.

  12. i thought i was dreaming. i saw this young farang, perhaps 24 year old behind the wheel of what looked like a brand new car changing lanes tailgating an innocent farang motorcyclist. this was on sukhumwit road. he went from left to middle to right back to middle, the whole time tailgating. they passed those cops out there and thought finally some justice but the Thai cops all started laughing and did not think or care whatsoever to stop what was going on. i pulled up next to this farang at the next stop light and he was practically in tears from laughter. what kind of sick world is this and how did he afford that car?

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