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Posts posted by Daren

  1. Smoking grass is Thailand is a crime and I think you would be hard pressed to find any one who would try to deny that fact. Certainly any one who stays here for an extended period of time is aware of the general Thai views on booze, drugs and cigarettes. But, just as in your country people choose to breaks certain laws and sometimes they're forced to face the consequences. Obviously most people get away with relatively minor offenses that's one reason why they continue to do them. Asking people to obey all laws, all the time is good but not realistic. Have you ever broken a law in Thailand?

    As for the gentle nature of drunken Thais, I must whole-heartedly disagree. I have seen more violent, bloody massive brawls here in LoS than anywhere else in the world. Mind you I'm not British :o , but I have traveled a bit. And, I have never seen an entire nightclub, packed with 200-300 people, erupt into an shower of glass shards except in Thailand. Imagine what would happen to a venue in any western country if they had more than one massive bottle-chucking, all out brawl. Would they be allowed to continue business? Here in NST, I have seen over a dozen of these horrendously stupid fights (and not just at Fusion). Also, I have seen huge gang fights on the street in Phangan, Pattaya, Phuket and Bangkok... and, was it westerns doing the fighting? NO! Do you think alcohol had something to do with those fights? Probably.

    As for your comments on respect and understanding, I think you're right. Cultural awareness and sensitivity are so important here or anywhere you go. But it's not my job to "fix" the perceptions of Farang by Thais nor am I bothered my prejudiced individuals form any country. Don't they have a word for it when someone dislikes another person based only on the color of their skin.......?

  2. Hey dream2rock,

    Thanks for the reply! Did you get any response from shop4thai? Did you choose to buy a different keyboard? I'm still in the market for a good solution. I don't like the MS 4000, but it's mostly just because it's an MS and I don't think the wrist rest isn't removable.

    Anyone else got any ideas?


  3. The angry Thai is probably weighing the international implications of the situation, aware that the news would spread beyond the local area.

    Do you really think that the sort of person who makes death threats in a road rage incident really ponders international consequences? :o

    As for westerners being killed in NST, I know of one guy getting stabbed in a robbery. That was several years ago, as I understand. NST isn't exactly a farang shooting gallery.

  4. Just as the description implies, I wanna buy a cordless S530 keyboard & mouse combo in Thailand. It seems the s530 is the only keyboard in Logitech's wireless line-up that natively supports Mac OS. Seems strange to me but them's the breaks.

    Or, can anyone speak to the compatibility of the Cordless Desktop MX 5000 Laser with Mac 'puters? The MX5000 is a bluetooth keyboard and therefore more desirable for me. How about the availability of this model?

    BTW, I've already searched Pantip for hours and the same goes for the internet with no luck.

    Thanks in advance for your input!

  5. Just a shot in the dark but, does anyone know of a decent A/C room for around 500B/night somewhere near the nightlife in Patong? I've heard of a few cheaper places further down the beach but I'd like to stay somewhere central... staggering distance from Bangla, preferably. :o

    Happy Friday Folks!!!


  6. waldwolf, I'm pretty sure it's not a matter of inaccurate login attempts. Two people in the household have tried, unsuccessfully, to login. I highly doubt that we both made multiple mistakes when attempting to sign in. As for the phishing, could be possible. I guess phoning the ISP and chase.com are the next logical steps.

    Thanks to everyone who took time to help out.

  7. I know nothing about Apple but, let me take a stab. Make sure that you have the Scripts enabled for that site, the free Macromedia Reader and Java loaded and then it should work. Again I know little about Macs.

    Java and JS are both enabled. I'm not sure what you mean about the Macromedia Reader... Googled and found nuffin.

    Might want to check your firewall settings on the router and your PC in case something changed, specificially port 443 (https). Also in FF, select "Options" "Advanced" "Security" and make sure all three SSL boxes are checked.

    Done and done.... no change.

    most likely your ISP.. the best way is to avoid ya ISP all together use an SSH tunnel to ya home country

    I think this is really weird because, as I said, I was able to use the site without any issues just 3 weeks ago. As for SSH, is that really a viable method of surfing one's bank site?

  8. Recently I have been unable to login to my American bank's web site (www.chase.com). Previously I have had no problems at all! I can open the home page and all other non-secure pages on the site but when I attempt to login I get an infinitely spinning "load" logo. I have tried killing the cache, zapping all cookies, restating modem and puter, different browsers and screaming at both router and computer. There are no proxies set up... Nothing works. The only other site I've found that I cannot get into is ThaiAir.com. For some reason it times out too. Here's the deeet's:


    TOT ADSL 512/256

    D-Link G604T ADSL wireless router

    Mac PowerBook 12" - OSX 10.4.8

    Safari v2.0.4 AND Firefox v1.5.0.7

    I'druther not go to a cafe to open my bank account.... any tips, ideas, effective computer threats? I consider myself to be fairly computer literate... so go ahead and use your big words. All help is much appreciated!!! :D:o

  9. I'd like some suggestions from the participants of this forum for relaxing activities in the Big Mango, a normally hectic place. My brother and his wife, both around 30, are arriving on a long and late flight and I'm not sure what to do with them the following day. Of course they can sleep as much as they want but I thought it would be good to come up with some easy to get to, laid back activities. I had considered Lumpini Park, a river boat ride, or maybe even a movie if they are game.

    What else doesn't require a lot of walking or engery, and is more "Thai" than watching a movie in a shopping mall? (Of course Thai's love movies, but my family can do that back home.)

    Also, do you know any "knock-your-socks-off" good Thai restaurants in western or central (say, Banglampu to Nana) Bangkok? I'd like to take them out for something really special.

    Thanks in advance for the tips!



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