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Posts posted by StasD

  1. I'm Russian and I appreciate your opinion. I have read this topic, and I think that everything you say here is true. My folk, or rather most of it is really rude. That is why, when a Russian man sees other Russian man, he usually tries to leave (go away) and never shows that he is too Russian. In order to not show that he from the same group of rude people. It is pity, but it's reality. Of cause, I am from the same group.

    Yes Dmitry, we are so bad that we need to be punished unconditionally! I am ready for it!!! but you?

  2. Russian woman Victoria Tatarinceva got in accident on 01 Feb 2011, a truck hit her motobike

    Firstly she was in Bangkok Pattaya hospital, where she was under sophisticated surgery about 6 hours.

    She has femur and coxa multifractures, bleeding at the head, still in coma with mechanical ventilation

    You know this hospital is extremely expensive and the Victorias' insurance company has contract with Sriracha Somdet Memorial Hospital and cannot cover all the expenses.

    She worked 4 years in Ptt and must have gone home on 2 Feb

  3. So tour companies serving the huge Russian inbound market are supposed to do this with 10 Thai Russian speaking guide...

    just wondering what the Russians need a guide for at all?

    Their One-Stop-Service consists of 7/11s (and the adjoining walk-way for having a stylish dinner...) plus the doll houses

    in Patty plus baht buses plus the massage girls on the beach -- no guide needed for that

    yes racism does not sleep. if I saw drunk let say Finnish men in S-Peterburg I never made any conclusion about finnish nation

  4. I use 20 meters borehole and small pump which i brought from Russia. It is put to the bottom of the borehole and that is all. 2 months i got bad dirty water, it was working 24 hours but now everything is ok and I can drink water immediately, do not need to prepare of filter. I checked water in lab but not here, in Russia too

  5. If you really want to write the true story of crime in Thailand, not only will you have to leave Thailand, but maybe you won't be able to go back to Russia either, if you know what I mean. Perhaps you could go to Switzerland.

    I cannot write true story of crime in Thailand because I am not criminal. Just ironic and maybe sarcastic story with a lot of samples that you cannot be too careful.

  6. Thank to everyone for the answers.

    My first story "Grand Rieltor of Thailand" was written as black-humored thriller and based on real events. I got many positive emotionally charged reviews.

    I think I will change the final title of the book.

    If somebody can tell how to publish&distribute the book here and how much it cost it will be very helpful for me.

  7. Thank you for your cautionary note. I would like to say I like and respect Thailand, its people and culture. This book will say only about criminal situation here and we know that not only some thai citizens are criminals. So I plan describe the real problem and how to solve it without big losses. Step by step. I know there is a risk to get pressure.

    The book will not be in English, evidently

    haha in Russian

  8. Thank you for your cautionary note. I would like to say I like and respect Thailand, its people and culture. This book will say only about criminal situation here and we know that not only some thai citizens are criminals. So I plan describe the real problem and how to solve it without big losses. Step by step. I know there is a risk to get pressure.


    I do not think I can avoid to talk about corruption

  9. Thank you for your cautionary note. I would like to say I like and respect Thailand, its people and culture. This book will say only about criminal situation here and we know that not only some thai citizens are criminals. So I plan describe the real problem and how to solve it without big losses. Step by step. I know there is a risk to get pressure.

  10. Just laugh at him.

    Last time I checked falling over on a motorbike was not a crime that made you a culprit for other motorists damages as they tried to avoid hitting you due to not keeping their distance.

    You should be in control of your vehicle all the time, so yes, falling off your bike is against the road laws. However the same applys to the vehicles following you (distance), so its kind of a lose lose situation :(

    Russian told the pregnant woman crossed the road that is why he fell off. But he was in shock and could not find her in time so now he cannot prove it

  11. Russian drove motobike in Ptt and fell down. there was a tuk-tuk behind him, it pulled up sharp, turned left immediately and broke the mirror about another tuk-tuk. Police came, put the motobike on its parking, took the passport of Russian. Next day an Italian came to the police and told that he was in tuk-tuk and staved in several ribs. Firstly he asked 300 000baht as compensation, now decreases till 200 000 even insurance company paid him already. I would like to ask - if it happened in Russia the tuk-tuk driver would be guilty because did not keep the right distance. What about Thailand?

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