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Posts posted by StasD

  1. Dont forget the Russian market .They are buying mostly Condos i think though ?

    Yesssss! Russian realters will make you price 50% lower because "there are almost no any client at the moment" and double price for clients "because there is almost no any property at the moment"

  2. As former Russian NAVY submarine officer I do approve the bargain because it is very good opportunity to restore coral population.

    I take it that you don't think they will be floating for very long :rolleyes: Will it be because of the Thai crews inability to handle the boat or because it's "German Technology" :whistling:

    I believe in German Technology. I am afraid if a diver swims to submarine and knock,knock...

  3. Finland, 100,000 annual tourists, 20 pedos in Thai prison

    Spain, 200,000 annual tourists, 15 pedos in Thai prison

    Russian, 500,000 annual tourists, 10 pedos in Thai prison

    O! you see! The percentage of Russians are much less than the others! Even if I doubt in your info. I have listened Russia honorary council about prison's statistic recently. The figures shocked me- only a few Russians in prisons here, I have not expected:).

    So who is better for you - either drunk and noisy Russian or polite and quiet Western's pedophile ? Tomorrow there will be a lot of Chineses? what will you do? make a new vote? Result? To flatter your smarting vanity that you are not alone in your phobia? haha

    Irishman pissed on BTS station http://www.thaivisa....63#entry4210263 and what, we start to think that all the people from Ireland are the same?

    So i would like to give you some pieces of advices:

    1. Eat something and drink a little bit alcohol

    2. Take a girl (or boy if you are gay)

    3. have a fun with her/him

    because today is russification, tomorrow will be arabication, the day after tomorrow... Life is not easy, really, if you cannot relax you will have problem with your health

    As for me I would like say "Thank you very much" to the westerners who brought here the best sides of western culture.

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