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Posts posted by StasD

  1. Yes. There is no one interested in really stopping it. There are some cheering for Assad, there are some cheering for various factions of the rebels, but in the end, not too many with the stomach to intervene.

    There are probably more people with a vested interest in keeping Assad in power. He is a known entity and he has some friends. The rebels are an unknown entity and those backing them are largely those that just don't like Assad.

    somebody say terrorists, somebody say rebels so now Al-Quaeda with its branches are good guys ?

  2. I do not know, maybe somebody sit in Washington or London and know better then Russian citizens who is mr.Putin: tyrant or dictator. But he trys to stop war or at least not let its expand. Therefore I like him. BTW the reason of any war is money. Syria is not an exeption

    I think most Russians see through and distrust Putin, but what are they to do? Putin controls media, recently taken over social media such as vk.com, and has any legitimate or outspoken opposition arrested on trumped up charges. Those exposing voting fraud in 2011 where jailed or fled before being jailed. One journalist was executed. Yeah, great guy that Putin and most Russians fear him more than love him.


    you read what you want to read. http://exile.ru is managed by american. maybe it will be a little bit interesting for you

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