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Posts posted by StasD

  1. Now Ukaranian-Russian border checkpoints are overloaded by people who do not want to be called up for military service in Ukraine. Rush to see Russian troops))))

    by the way I studied a lot of CB and US history in university but i would never start to teach let say Thai or Cerman person about living in US or GB)))) But there are a lot of people who try to inform other about events which have read in facebook.

    So Ukraine: 3 parts of it.

    Galichina who really hate Russians, Poles, Jews....capital is Lvov(ex-polish Lemberg). they acted massacres of poles in Volhynia, neo-nazis

    Malorussia- Kiev and some regions like Poltava, Sumy etc. It tryed to be indepedent from West and Ost but could not. The relations were like between brits and scotts

    Novorussia - Donezk, Lugansk ... they are mostly Russians and they do not want to live with Galichna's neo-nazi together. there is civil war now

    Ukraine was made by Stalin after WW2 finally (joined Galichna).

    Ukrain was the richest part of USSR in 1992. They lost all during 23 years of indepedents thank to their autority and oligarches.

    So we have the result now.

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  2. Mockery of history?? 99% of Russians think that WWII started in 1941 and know nothing about the Motherland's invasion of Poland in September 1939. They don't even call it the World War. To them it's Great Domestic War (literal translation from Russian).

    Do not tell what you do not know. I was taught in school that WW2 began in 1939. But Russian Great War started in 1941. I finished school in 1979,

  3. Putin the post communist and post apparatchik was and is KGB self serving agent and doing all he can to build soviet's Russia again at any cost. This dictatorship is strong with full support of majority of population who felt cheated by all previous regimes. He got partially out of the reach Jews who stole billions from "new" Russia and escaped to Israel and other nations for protection. He controls Russia and this grip will not be eased soon. Fuel low price works for US and EU, and not for Russia. Embargo if done correctly can trigger imbalance in politico-economic equilibrium. Arms race is very costly and US is ahead. It is hard to tell about finances, since all countries are in deep financial trouble including US. Nobody wants war, but this is the historical truth. the wars started because,.....nobody wanted and believed that will actually happen. The world population is always manipulated, or brainwashed if you like to the tunes of mass media. Who owns these media, will make money either way; With or without war. People who die are not those who make it happen; They are just an instrumental in their game. Dark truth of manipulating cowards for their own benefit without any regards for Europeans and Americans, and the Russians as well. It is what they prefer to get someone do the dirty job for them. How many Americans are dead and wounded in the last 20 years? Who will pay these trillions of dollars manipulated by American financial institutions, which were bail out of bankruptcy by general public? Who went behind bars for the largest scam in XX Century? Who benefited from it? Who runs all these institutions? Who manipulates media? Equal doesn't mean on the same plane, it means relative. Relatively speaking it depends how you look at it; from which point. White is black and black is white. In a sense if you are not with me, your are against me. This is called NEW DEMOCRACY, which in XIX Century was called Communism.

    Some pieces of thoughts of senator McCain?

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  4. till about 1950 black and white couldn't study in one shool in the US, Time is changed everywhere. I think many gays work for Putin in his administration. And if you come to Moscow you will not see big difference with NY.

    Please stop with the apologist propaganda.

    We know what happened with the largest gay nightclub in Moscow.

    We know what happens at gay film festival events.

    We know how gays are hunted and stalked on internet and then beaten, humiliated, forcibly outed ruining their lives with families and jobs, and even murdered and that the perps are usually not arrested and actually feel encouraged by the anti-gay laws of the state.

    In this era, you can't hide this stuff anymore.

    Don't even try.

    Maybe you're a patriotic Russian and you're offended by outside critics?

    Too bad!

    Je suis Charlie.

    There are maybe 100 gays clubs in Moscow, maybe 200 and they work everyday. If something happened in one what does in mean? I think that nothing. The reason of accident is unknown too. Anyway if you have been cought you would get penalty or even sentenced to jail even till 7 years no matter gay or not.

    About Gay film festival I heard only of Ukrain that cinema in Kiev was fired..

  5. this is only for documents if you have face as man in docs but you are looked as woman due to surgery you must change the pic on you doc too. Do not be i d i o ts, lads

    Maybe Putin shouldn't be such an idiot.

    Dude, it is illegal in Russia to stand with a sign that just says: GAY IS OK.

    How do you think Russian gay youth feel now?

    Russian gays have clubs, 90 of our singers are gays, but sign GAY is OK better do not show. The society is not ready for it. The word "Gay" in russuan "Pidor" sounds like f**ing ba***rd in English. This is historically

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