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Posts posted by pop3

  1. I find this a very interesting topic, reading your comments only confirms to me that the fun days of motoring are over, sure if you have big bucks you can still buy a musle car with a big block but musle cars and big blocks for the multitude, those days have gone for ever, thats why unfortunatly I had to vote Turbo, years ago I wouldent have been seen dead in a diesel, for me it had to be a big block, I used to have a Lyncoln continental mk4, 460ci, also a Cadilac elderado 501ci, same as Boss Hogg on dukes of Hazard, but to be honest there's just nothing to take there place, and there hasent been for years, yes its great to be driving round in a firebird 400 but its a 30+ year old car ! to proove theres nothing to take there place just look at latest block buster moovies, why are many of the main charictors driving round in 30 year old cars ?

  2. There was one for sale in a garage on the way back into pattaya from Bang saray, it was an orange one, I took notice of it as it was practicly rust free, I seem to remember another one in the same road as the blind begger jomptien, it was oridgenal green with the crome trim and there was other cars in the garage from that time zone, ( triumph spitfire ) comming up from the blind begger it was a dusty garage on the left just before sukhumvit road, can look if it's still there if you want.

  3. Terdsak is right car's in general are so bledy expencive in this country we're all scared to scratch them, shame as I used to love off roading too but that was in a cheep range rover, not much chance of that here, I do some (mild) off roading tho, just go looking up dusty road's theres always somewhere but be very careful going alone, if you do get stuck it can be very nasty in this heat !

  4. Yes thats the only way I guess, Ive made a half hearted try around here ( pattaya ) but they tell me those big tyres come from an off road shop in Kantanaburi ? the same place they modify the Toyota hilux to surf suspension, I have heard of the shop but it seem's a long way for some tyres ! Anyway thanks for your replys and if anybody knows a shop just round the corner let me know.

  5. Shame for those that have black fortuners but it seems driving one you get the reputation of being an ######, especialy round pattaya an phuket, problem I think is the colour choice is rubbish, infact not just fortuners but most of the cars, why is there so many silver car's in Thailand when everybody you talk to says they never wanted silver but it's all there was ?

  6. Yeah why tell the world ? Having been here for many years I feel we're killing the goose that laid the golden egg, Im talking about year's ago it was only the farang that had the gut's to leave their country and go off to start a new life in a strange land that came here, we knew next to nothing and had to fend for ourselves the best we could, because of this we we're in a minority, these day's with the formation of the ex pat's club and their website they are encoraging people by the thousand's to re locate here, the result's are increased prices everywere, and nowhere to park your car !

  7. One thing that hasen't been mentioned as far as I can see is the obseen wealth many people have these day's, with bank account's bursting at the seem's the money ( wasted ) as I see it is nothing to them, Their a different breed but their on the increase, Amused to death.

  8. You'll know if it's termites quick enouth, the'll be nothing left of it in no time, I doubt if it is termite's as the other person said, probably just a beatle, Termite's are a real problem, I am slowly replacing all the wood in my house with plastic, termites can eat a wooden roof beam in a couple of month's or less!

  9. Haplopelma Minax, Black Tarantula, or Bird eating spider of Thailand, a fully grown female can reach 10cm, poisonus but not very strong, they can cause a bad reaction in some people especialy children, There quite common Ive seen quite a few myself over the years but the good new's is they much sooner live out in your garden than in your house, There are many other much smaller poisonus spider's here, even those small jumping spider's bite, Snake's is the other problem, they will come in your home, especialy in the rain season, unless you know what your doing don't aproach one in your home, get someone to keep an eye on it and go and call a Thai man, they are well used to them !

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