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Posts posted by pop3

  1. I have been trying to find out how to get to the start up menu on my windows xp because I have too many thing's starting up, I used to be able to find it and Im sure it was quite simple ? must be the Alzimer's epidemic kicking in that I saw on tv last night ? Thank's for any help.

  2. Reading through this lot I think many of us are worried about change's, not so much in Thailand but change's within us as we get older, Now at 46 I too sit down watching tv with my now fat wife and have become fat myself, a far cry from when I first came over as a slim energetic man dating slim energetic girl's, The truth is I coulden't do what I used to do everynight anymore, so for me I go out about once a week or so, party with the girl's and have a good night, to keep up that party animal lifestyle year in year out without the help of chemical assistance is just a dream as you get older and even if you do push yourself to do it, happieness may not be the outcome !

  3. There are many promotion deal's on one 2 call these day's but I can't find a thing in english, listning to what the Thai's tell you is hopeless because they won't tell you about the catch ! I believe the standerd charge is 4 bht a minuit, they say with freedom choice you pay 4 bht the first minuit followed by 25 stang for the following minuit's ? what's the catch ? why should they give you this price just by dialing in a number ? I can't believe you get something for nothing. anyone have any stories on this, good or bad ?

  4. I think it all depend's on how perfect you want to speak it, if you want perfection and are worrying about the diferance of snake or rat then you've a long painful road ahead of you, for me I don't worry about it, the Thai's know if Im talking about snake's or rat's by the drift of the conversation, how many Thai's pronounce house properly ? but we know what they mean !

  5. Thankyou very much for your time everyone, Lopburi has a good point there about the many year's on an o visa but Im not yet 50 so mabe I just hope for the best on that one.

    As for my girlfriend, she's done many thing's from child minding to house cleaning, even selling food with a motorbike, not to mention selling her pussy inbetween but mabe better not to mention that bit !! Thank's again, pop 3

  6. Here's a slightly diferent angle, I have lived in Thailand for 7 year's, I hold a non immigrant o visa doing the normal three month's run to Cambodia, I will be going back to the uk this year to visit my ageing mother and make repair's to my house, I have alway's gone back on my own but this time I would like to take my girlfriend, we have lived together for six year's, she hold's a passport but has never used it, if it would be ok to take her we would only be away from Thailand for about a month, what do you think immigration would think about this ?

  7. Thank you very much for your time, I also have a dv camara altho it is one of the cheeper model's, but the quality is still very poor, it say's I need 65.000-colour video display card or better, is it possible that it is my computer that dosen't have enouth power to produce a decent picture ? I say this because when the picture is small it is much better than when I go to full screen.

  8. Having just bought a video camara, a samsung vp-l 907, I now find myself with the problem of knowing what 8mm tape is best to buy, the price's range from about 120 bht to 590 bht, do you get what you pay for ? my camara is Hi8, is Hi8 realy direrent from ordinary 8mm ? also when I playback on a tv screen the picture quality is faltless, very very clear, but when I download onto my pc the quality is rubbish, is this normal. any advice on this matter would be very much apreciated, thank's.

  9. The overwhelming number of comment's on this topic goes to show that the upstanding member's of the community, the farang volunteer police are not needed, As crazy dave said, the Thai police are well able to sort out the underage sex problem, cop wanabees, call them snitch, grass, informer's, their the lowest form of f----n life there is.

  10. I have the pc game flight simulator 2004 from microsoft, The game work's fine and the grafic's are very good, but my problem is this, the game gives comentry and small vidio clipping's to show you how to play, on these comentry's I have sound but no picture, I don't think this is a falt on the part of the game, I think it is something to do with the way my media player is set, the reason I say this is because if I change a setting on my media player I can have pattern's where the vidio clipping should be, if I take out the pattern's then Im back to a blank screen again, I had this problem once before when trying to play a vidio cd, I had sound but no picture, and I can't remember what I done to cure it, doe's anybody know what I can try, Thank's for any help, pop3.

  11. Can anybody help me ? I use asianet and diel up with a standerd modem, I use the 20 hour cards you can buy in big c ect, I can set up my connection and diel up ok but when I disconect and diel again it has changed, my user name and password and telephone number has been alterd, I presume this is a dieler ? I have tried agv antivirus, ad aware, and spybot, and they can't find anything, is there something that is for dieler's only ? is a dieler a virus ? Thank's for any help on this one. Pop3.

  12. While we're on this subject, when ever I go up to Bangkok I see many farang bar owners in their bar's serving drink's, some even take the money and put it in the till, this is never seen in pattaya, the boy's in blue would be straight round for a bribe, How do they get away with it ? ok they have a work permit but they have work permit's here too and you still woulden't get away with it.

  13. I have a few videos that I would like to put on cd, I have seen some device's that you can buy in the shop's, some of them go into your computer and some are just box's that go between your video and your computer, can somebody please give me some more information on this, What is a good one, price ect ect. Thank you.

  14. The question now is, which is the best replacement. I need a printer that can also make half-decent photos, scan, act as copier, and have cartridges refilled.

    Yeah, same here but it's a tall order when it's so dificalt to find somebody that realy know's about these chips, but the chip resetter seem's interesting ! I wonder how much ?

  15. we're back to my original question again ! I know we all live in a throw away society these days but when that throw away society starts to hit you in the pocket theres always someone that finds a cheeper way out, we just need to find him !

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