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Posts posted by kikoman

  1. ...others say the police were armed and firing....

    ...and the policeman's leg is a result of him dropping a grenade....

    ...this according to Thai people...and a foreign reporter....(Michael Yon ???)

    Look at the video above your post, or do you only believe what yellows write and not believe your own eyes, that police officer motioned the other police man over to set up his shield as protection as soon as he place his shield on the ground the grenade hit the shield and dropped to the ground, the officer tried to kick it away when it went off.

    If he would not have called the other policeman over that grenade would have landed in the mist of the unprotected policeman in the rear and more death would have likely occurred as the grenade hit the shield.and dropped down to the ground.

    Only a blind man would believed the police dropped it!


  2. I'm not bloodthirsty, I'm being realiastic, when you shoot at the police they kill you, their rules are to kill people that shoot at them, you think its ok for 'protesters' to shoot at the police from behind unarmed protesters-thats what i call cowardly and bloodthirsty.

    1. The police must kill the protesters that fire weapons at them, they are justified in shooting back with live Ammo.

    2. Once they arrest these 'protesters' most of whom are PAID to protest, and many of whom are armed with weapons, they must keep them in detention so they don't come back and cause more mayham. It's an outrage that they are then released on 'bail' the state of emergency is supposed to allow the police to restore order and detain mercenaries.

    You're a bloodthirsty little animal aren't you? Not happy till you see dead people on the ground eh? bah.gif

    I'm not in favour of anyone shooting at all but all the reports I've read to date say the police opened fire first. Was there a reason for this, in that, were they fired on earlier?

    You seem to be saying the police responded to being fired upon. Is there a link to this?

    That why you question my BBC post, I read a lot of those bias reports, Nation and most of the news media are nothing more than propaganda machines for the rich elite establishment, Their accounts are not factual , only good to use of the newspaper is for toilets tissue, I put more faith in the international news take, I know you saw that grenade explode in the middle of the police line on bbc, I will wait and get a more believable version from the international press, you seem to forget the police invited the news media, their will be more film clips surfacing!



    • Like 1
  3. Excuse me, but are the above posts actually made by expats living in and out of Thailand?

    I have been here for over 20 years and was on the front line on the night of May 17 1992 when Thai security troops under the Suchinda government opened fire at protesters gathering at Sanam Luang.

    I am so proud (then and now) to see the heart of the Thai people out on the streets farmers and all.

    Expats....do your homework. Do just a little research and you will find a history of a man (Thaksin) who has been a hugely corrupt and an unscrupulous and greedy parasitic megalomaniac who will NEVER be able to steal enough money from this great country.

    He is a convicted criminal who has siphoned billions upon billions of baht from the Thai people and now under his own sister has completely ruined the best quality and best producing rice industry in the world!

    It is gone with Cambodia winning last years Best Jasmine rice in the world award and India and Vietnam's rice harvests both out producing Thailand.

    They have ruined the country and totally divided the Thai people.

    For God's sake! These poor rice farmers are the very people the Shinawatra's convinced to vote for them.

    Yingluck doesn't even have the integrity or consideration to even show up to appease these poor farmers and Chalerm is running scared and half mad as he knows that if the Shinawatra Regime crashes his career and life is over and that includes his alleged murdering son.

    The alleged murdering son comment is simply information taken from public domain (Google it!) and should not be omitted.

    Wikipedia: Chalerm Yubamrung: In 2001 Duangchalerm was arraigned for the murder of a police officer. After deserting from the Army and fleeing to Malaysia, he returned and handed himself in. He was released from jail on bail terms in 2003, and finally acquitted as the court considered the evidence insufficient and the witnesses accounts contradictory.[

    Notation: In Thailand the word contradictory is often a synonym for purchasable.

    Yes, it does seem that you have to organize a band of corrupt thugs to become Prime Minister in Thailand but plundering the nations funds, ruining the country while turning Thai citizen against Thai citizen and then spitting on our King is just NOT in the cards folks.......it ain't gunna happen!

    Yes, Suthep has his own allegations of a corrupt history......but which one of you would walk in his shoes today....for even a minute!

    The man is and will go down historically as a super hero and servant to our King and the people of Siam......want to bet?

    Stand up Khun Thai! Stand up every Thai farmer that gave their rice harvest and received nothing in return!

    Fight this insanely evil piece of dung and through every generation of his family out with him as they have disgraced our King, our country and the very souls of our people.

    Yes, I'm white but I'm no expat!

    This is my home, my King and my brothers and sisters.

    Fight on and drive the snake out of the land!

    Now let's turn this over again to the usual ignorant barking dogs so they can shoot their uneducated and sorry asses off!

    Nicely put, but hopefully you do realise that many millions of Thai people disagree with you.

    What a distortion and misrepresentation of Thai history, have you ever bothered to read about it or you just have a recording of Sutheps stupid rants,

    Have you ever bothered to read Transparency International March 2013 reported findings that Yingluck government was less corrupt than Abhisit government,

    -During Abhisit government unemployment increased 63%

    -Thailand's government budget went into deficit for the first time since 2003

    -Budget debt had reached -4.8% of the GDP , the largest budget deficit since the Chuan Leekpai government.

    -Large scale fighting erupted with Cambodia leaving dozens dead,Thai military admitted using cluster munitions in that conflict.

    - Largest increase in military spending in many years

    -Southern Thai insurgency worsened International Human Rights groups accused Abhisit of routine and systematic torture of suspected insurgents.

    - ICT increased censorship of the internet

    -From 10 October to 19 November 2010 the worst floods in 50 years.

    - Corruption charge over the building a hundreds of police stations around the country.

    -corruption charges on building of hospital

    -corruption charge over rice deal

    - faces murder charges for red shirt crackdown

    His wealth upon appointment to PM was 51.8 million increased to 54.4 million, Abhisit has never worked in the private sector wealth was inherited.

    Documented proof that corruption was rife in the Abhisit Democrat government!


    What the ?!??!?! He's corrupt because of "-From 10 October to 19 November 2010 the worst floods in 50 years."

    How does that have anything to do with Abhisit.

    So what if his net worth grew from 51.8M to 54.4 M while in Power. Thaksins' grew into the billions. Yingluck has never been in politics, now she is PM>

    BTW, you noted the rice corruption but in fact, he never agreed to that. It was put in place after. Read up sonny boy.

    Yingluck promised 1 Tablet per child. Deal done and no kids done to rampant corruption. Budget allocated to flood prevention. Never happened.

    Stop the propaganda and speak facts. Still really surprised you tried to blame Abhisit for a flood. That's lunacy.

    If you disagree, tell Mr Wikipedia under Democrat Abhisit its all in there even the flood!,

    I was not addressing Thaksin, I was addressing Yingluck who Transparency International 2013 report found that there was more corruption in Abhisit government than Yingluck,

    You need to speak facts and stop your propaganda, when Yingluck stands trial "clueless", it will be on the violation of law she committed while in office "if any" not what Thaksin or anyone else did, can you understand that! The here-say evidence is not allowed as evidence in a court of law, all of your yellows propaganda will not count,

    The facts only the facts!

  4. Suthep is to blame for this , he is a raving idiot, It is obvious that the firing is coming from the protesters, if the Police were doing the shooting Why is one dead and at least 4 or more wounded, Thai news stated 29 some were injured at noon, did not say which sides.

    It is time for the rule of law to be enforced, let the army do what they may!.

    Oh REALLY? After the rants about the violence of 2010 you now advocate the use of force against these protesters?


    Have you your bi focal, states"Its time for the rule of law to be enforced" What part of that do you not understand, I would believe English may no be your first language, right!


    From an objective view point, his makes perfect sense, which is more than can be said of yours.

    Tell someone who cares!

  5. And who said the protesters don't have weapons. More lies.

    Please calm down.

    This is just an isolated incident.

    I am sure it is just an accidental discharge.

    Not the fault of the protesters.

    I won't happen again.

    Suthep's protesters came in peace and with no weapons.

    They have no weapons. And yet the shot one police dead. And throwed grenades on another so he lost his leg. Yes very peacefully.

    Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    The grenade that wounded ten policemen including the one with the leg wound, tried to kick the grenade away from the police line, "Yes they are peaceful unarmed protesters"

    Chalerm had the good sense of inviting in live TV, Look at BBC World news channel 89, now the whole world saw it!

  6. @kikoman

    You said

    Well, 3 people have been killed now, one policeman and two protesters on BBC it said the police went in to take over the rally site armed with shields and batons and were met by live gun fire ,one policeman dead, 4 wounded.So the fascist started the gun fire.

    You are the one that needs to wake up, someone needs to buy you a calendar, Sonny it is 2014, not 2010 you are talking about the wrong battle. those Pattaya LB have fed you the wrong line!



    I've just read the BBC website and it says no such thing. Where did you get that BBC line from?

    Try looking at the BBC world news channel 89 on satellite TV

    will do, believe me I will do.

    Just saw on the same channel the grenade explode on the police line caught on film, when they were firing rubber bullets, one policeman tried to kick the grenade away was the one with serious leg injuries!

  7. Suthep is to blame for this , he is a raving idiot, It is obvious that the firing is coming from the protesters, if the Police were doing the shooting Why is one dead and at least 4 or more wounded, Thai news stated 29 some were injured at noon, did not say which sides.

    It is time for the rule of law to be enforced, let the army do what they may!.

    Oh REALLY? After the rants about the violence of 2010 you now advocate the use of force against these protesters?


    Have you your bi focal, states"Its time for the rule of law to be enforced" What part of that do you not understand, I would believe English may no be your first language, right!


  8. @kikoman

    You said

    Well, 3 people have been killed now, one policeman and two protesters on BBC it said the police went in to take over the rally site armed with shields and batons and were met by live gun fire ,one policeman dead, 4 wounded.So the fascist started the gun fire.

    You are the one that needs to wake up, someone needs to buy you a calendar, Sonny it is 2014, not 2010 you are talking about the wrong battle. those Pattaya LB have fed you the wrong line!



    I've just read the BBC website and it says no such thing. Where did you get that BBC line from?

    Try looking at the BBC world news channel 89 on satellite TV

  9. Excuse me, but are the above posts actually made by expats living in and out of Thailand?

    I have been here for over 20 years and was on the front line on the night of May 17 1992 when Thai security troops under the Suchinda government opened fire at protesters gathering at Sanam Luang.

    I am so proud (then and now) to see the heart of the Thai people out on the streets farmers and all.

    Expats....do your homework. Do just a little research and you will find a history of a man (Thaksin) who has been a hugely corrupt and an unscrupulous and greedy parasitic megalomaniac who will NEVER be able to steal enough money from this great country.

    He is a convicted criminal who has siphoned billions upon billions of baht from the Thai people and now under his own sister has completely ruined the best quality and best producing rice industry in the world!

    It is gone with Cambodia winning last years Best Jasmine rice in the world award and India and Vietnam's rice harvests both out producing Thailand.

    They have ruined the country and totally divided the Thai people.

    For God's sake! These poor rice farmers are the very people the Shinawatra's convinced to vote for them.

    Yingluck doesn't even have the integrity or consideration to even show up to appease these poor farmers and Chalerm is running scared and half mad as he knows that if the Shinawatra Regime crashes his career and life is over and that includes his alleged murdering son.

    The alleged murdering son comment is simply information taken from public domain (Google it!) and should not be omitted.

    Wikipedia: Chalerm Yubamrung: In 2001 Duangchalerm was arraigned for the murder of a police officer. After deserting from the Army and fleeing to Malaysia, he returned and handed himself in. He was released from jail on bail terms in 2003, and finally acquitted as the court considered the evidence insufficient and the witnesses accounts contradictory.[

    Notation: In Thailand the word contradictory is often a synonym for purchasable.

    Yes, it does seem that you have to organize a band of corrupt thugs to become Prime Minister in Thailand but plundering the nations funds, ruining the country while turning Thai citizen against Thai citizen and then spitting on our King is just NOT in the cards folks.......it ain't gunna happen!

    Yes, Suthep has his own allegations of a corrupt history......but which one of you would walk in his shoes today....for even a minute!

    The man is and will go down historically as a super hero and servant to our King and the people of Siam......want to bet?

    Stand up Khun Thai! Stand up every Thai farmer that gave their rice harvest and received nothing in return!

    Fight this insanely evil piece of dung and through every generation of his family out with him as they have disgraced our King, our country and the very souls of our people.

    Yes, I'm white but I'm no expat!

    This is my home, my King and my brothers and sisters.

    Fight on and drive the snake out of the land!

    Now let's turn this over again to the usual ignorant barking dogs so they can shoot their uneducated and sorry asses off!

    Nicely put, but hopefully you do realise that many millions of Thai people disagree with you.

    What a distortion and misrepresentation of Thai history, have you ever bothered to read about it or you just have a recording of Sutheps stupid rants,

    Have you ever bothered to read Transparency International March 2013 reported findings that Yingluck government was less corrupt than Abhisit government,

    -During Abhisit government unemployment increased 63%

    -Thailand's government budget went into deficit for the first time since 2003

    -Budget debt had reached -4.8% of the GDP , the largest budget deficit since the Chuan Leekpai government.

    -Large scale fighting erupted with Cambodia leaving dozens dead,Thai military admitted using cluster munitions in that conflict.

    - Largest increase in military spending in many years

    -Southern Thai insurgency worsened International Human Rights groups accused Abhisit of routine and systematic torture of suspected insurgents.

    - ICT increased censorship of the internet

    -From 10 October to 19 November 2010 the worst floods in 50 years.

    - Corruption charge over the building a hundreds of police stations around the country.

    -corruption charges on building of hospital

    -corruption charge over rice deal

    - faces murder charges for red shirt crackdown

    His wealth upon appointment to PM was 51.8 million increased to 54.4 million, Abhisit has never worked in the private sector wealth was inherited.

    Documented proof that corruption was rife in the Abhisit Democrat government!


    • Like 1
  10. Suthep is to blame for this , he is a raving idiot, It is obvious that the firing is coming from the protesters, if the Police were doing the shooting Why is one dead and at least 4 or more wounded, Thai news stated 29 some were injured at noon, did not say which sides.

    It is time for the rule of law to be enforced, let the army do what they may!.

    Why do you bother to post other than to stir the pot. This is full of contradictions. So of the 29 injured lets assume some were protesters then how were they injured?

    They were hurt by DISOBEYING the LAW. If the army were to come in do you realize how many people would be killed????????

    Wake up for crying outloud, PTP disobeying the law since 2010...and really ever since square face bought his way in to power. This is in no way comparable to a city under absolute siege in 2010. But some are brainwashed by their Isaan bird enough to think so...or to kiss it up, for whatever in law benefits they think they'll reap.

    Well, 3 people have been killed now, one policeman and two protesters on BBC it said the police went in to take over the rally site armed with shields and batons and were met by live gun fire ,one policeman dead, 4 wounded.So the fascist started the gun fire.

    You are the one that needs to wake up, someone needs to buy you a calendar, Sonny it is 2014, not 2010 you are talking about the wrong battle. those Pattaya LB have fed you the wrong line!


  11. Keep strong PM good luck Yingluck

    I believe that PTP must take responsibility for not paying the farmer prior to becoming a care taker government, that being said!

    "The EC and the protesters have used every trick they could think of to keep the farmers from being paid" The government has tried everything to pay the farmers and the protesters are fighting that in every way, once they are paid and then they look at what happen with their rice money in their pocket they will see who was behind their non-payment.

    Yes, Yinkluck Keep strong,


  12. " At Chaengwattana site, the police moved in with teargas firing, protesters sat down and prayed with no resistance. At Pan Fah bridge, police form the Second Region Provincial Police were seen firing at protesters with shotguns. Many protesters were injured and several ambulances were seen moving into the area to take the injured to hospitals. "

    This ugly, ugly administration is now showing it and Thakin's true colours. Protesters that were sitting and praying have had canisters of tear-gas thrown at them, and other protesters have been shot at by police, as reporters are now witnessing.

    Chalerm was obviously very upset yesterday. He was humiliated. What we are seeing now is the true face of Chalerm in action - pitting Thai people against Thai people. He is a coward, and a bully. And he has perpetrated a great sin today. These images are being broadcast all around the world. They are not subject to the Yingluck administration's spin. They show a savage, savage administration, that has over-reached in their response alarmingly. The army is watching, and one's guess is that they will not be able to tolerate this much longer. This administration is out of control, and is at war with its own people.

    Are you getting a head start at the revisionist version already? The "shotguns" you describe were in fact the teargas delivery systems. The teargas was fired after the police were attacked. Yes, assailants who were initially protestors were injured. The reporters you allude to, at least the reporters who are not employed by pseudo news organizations aligned with the PDRC are reporting that the PDRC supporters initiated the violence. You may wish to check the unbiased news feeds before you engage in more revision.

    Which unbiased news feeds would they be? Please tell us all.

    The account I heard was by Khaosod English, the police approached Phanfa Bridge Barricades, as they breached the barricades, the sound of gunfire and explosion were hear and the police had one shot in the head and 4 others wounded they were forced to withdraw from the barricades under gunfire! to regroup!

    I do not think it is likely they brought the media along, if they were going to fire the 1st shot, they may fire the last one!

  13. 1. The police must kill the protesters that fire weapons at them, they are justified in shooting back with live Ammo.

    2. Once they arrest these 'protesters' most of whom are PAID to protest, and most of whom are armed with weapons, they must keep them in detention so they don't come back and cause more mayham.

    Based on 2010, the authorities aren't justified in using guns regardless of what the protesters are using.

    You can't get your head out of your 2010, wake up this is 2014, those unarmed protesters just killed a policeman and wounded others!

    It is a policeman they were fired on by protesters when they went up to take over the site they retreated under live gun fire and explosions to regroup! One policeman dead,

    • Like 1
  14. every journey begins with a small step... keep it up

    The torturing monk is currently opening up Chaeng Wattana government complex to 'allow' government workers return to work there.

    PCAD fascists lose, who would have thought, no doubt tomorrow's March will be declared as another victory by the corrupt, fascist Palm-Oil man.

    What torturing monk?

    The one that interrogated the 2 police officer (shown in the picture associated with the article) that admitted under his interrogation they were undercover policeman, the policeman were then beaten.

    I know you always have not been good on minor details.


  15. "It was to show the public that the CMPO authorities performed their operations in a transparent manner in line with the laws and that they did not use force to crack down on the protesters," (my bold added)

    So no blow-by-blow commentary then ? whistling.gif

    The police will all be unarmed, no rubber-bullets or water-cannon or tear-gas, this time at least ? wink.png

    It will be on live TV, how much more "transparent" could it get!

    It is not saying there would be no valence, hence, the reason for live TV, if violence should arise it will not be the police that instigated the violence, but they have a right to defend themselves from violence and to put an end to any protesters acts of violence for the safety of all!


  16. "It was to show the public that the CMPO authorities performed their operations in a transparent manner in line with the laws and that they did not use force to crack down on the protesters," (my bold added)

    So no blow-by-blow commentary then ? whistling.gif

    The police will all be unarmed, no rubber-bullets or water-cannon or tear-gas, this time at least ? wink.png

    It will be broadcast on live TV what more "transparent" can it get, does not mean their will be no violence, if the protester violently resist the police have a right to self defense, or put an end to the violence, hence, why it will be televised, to let the public can witness the police did not instigate any violence that may arise!


  17. About time too! clap2.gif

    Arresting and charging a few hundred protestors whilst seeing their leaders still free and barking orders may make the rest reconsider their status as pawns in the game.

    The Suthepistas have got what they wanted; they don't actually need Bangkok to continue their anti-democracy campaign - the south can disrupt another election if they so wish. Keep a token stage in Bangkok, but give the city back to the people - the working people.

    I think you are so wrong.

    The CMPO intends to charge these people with a breach of the emergency decree, but there appears to be no grounds whatsoever for any charge. The protesters offered no resistance, thereby proving that were engaging in a peaceful protest, which has already been recognised as their constitutional right.

    This is likely to convince the courts that they should set aside the current 'state of emergency' decree with all of these protesters being released immediately.

    As an aside, one wonders how such a confrontation might have turned out if it was a red shirt protest...?!

    Classic example of yellow Farangs misrepresentation of facts as they exist! You indicated that the protesters have done nothing wrong but protest peacefully, "WRONG" they violated the emergency decree, they were warned on numerous occasions if they chose to violate the emergency decree they would be arrested. They were violating the emergency decree, the government has shown agonizing restrain, in the face of Bangkok being held hostage for 3 months.

    Now is the time to put an end to these idiots actions in a protest that has failed miserably with Bangkok shut down with their "(6 million protesters) now down to 100. the government must enforce the rule of law!

    At Last!

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  18. Is this wise? So far, it sounds like episodes of Police Farce.

    If true that Yingluck is keeping Chalerm on a leash, then these programmes may be for her benefit.

    Its always to Yingluck's benefit (as well as the country's ) that the authorities do not use violence to dislodge the protesters, it also is extremely wise for the government to allow live broadcast of the events to not leave to the rich elite bias medias to report to the country "their version" on what happened and not the truth of the situation.

    If the protesters resort to violence against the police, it will only be in self defense that the police protect themselves and/or respond to stop that violence, and will be on live TV for all the country to see.


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  19. The Democrat Party is not part of the government. Why are they owed an explanation about the rice scheme? The rice farmers are the party to this dispute and it is the farmers to whom the government owes an explanation.

    That is correct, the Democrats want to gain political mileage and/or goals based on the farmers suffering, the farmers need to understand that the area that are making the run on the banks are the same areas that boycotted the election, Bangkok and the South according to the B.P. newspaper. It is clear that the rich elite establishment and other Democrat party backers are behind the intimidation to the Thai banking system.

    What is the real reason why, the Democrats want that information, so they can attempt to further block payments to the farmers! that is the only reason, as they caused the present problem related to the election, they have no right to demand anything!

    But as it is a fact that the Democrats and PDRC represent a small minority of the population, that run can be used by pro Democracy bank customers by withdrawing their money from other banks nation wide and deposit in the bank/banks actively helping to pay the debt to the farmers as we in the village will do!

    The Rich Elite Establishment own the banking system and in the end will be the ones that suffer from the run to all other banks and deposit in the bank helping to pay the farmers!

    The Democrats, "do not" want the farmers to be paid off before the next round of election in late April, when they are worried the farmers would be paid and any electoral damage would be greatly minimized!


  20. What seems clear is the constitution has not been so expertly drafted, leaving a lot of holes everywhere as to what to do when certain things happen - hence no one is really sure and all sides claim their own interpretation is the right one.

    Bit of a problem that. Got to get to the spirit of it.

    The military Junta passed a law that made illegal to publicly criticize the draft constitution, prior to the vote to accept or reject it.

    The military threatened not to step down if the constitution is not accepted!

    Source Wikipedia!

    Yes, that was the source of the problems with the constitution!


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