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Posts posted by Babcock

  1. The reds are coming. Too bad they never found any of those men in black. The army anklets fired

    2500 bullets but DP Suthep said folks just ran into the bullets. The spin from the dems and army was believed by

    Many posters on here but not by ordinary Thais

    Imagine if pheu thai had control of gov media what the vote could have been. I hope we have a full investigation of shootings

    And who was responsible for central world.

  2. It's looking like a landslide. Thais we know who have never voted for thaksin all say the same thing abhisit never did anything. All talk. To see the pathetic turnouts for the democrats, numbers exaggerated by bp, against the hordes for yingluk has sent a message the people see through the propaganda from the government and army media. Just today seeing the aftermath of the attacks of those black shirts on the poor "squatters" sent a strong message how the poor are downtrodden by those with the muscle. The thai mafias.

  3. I have to admit though that even as your post lies naked in the wind I haven't the heart to deconstruct it. Suffice it to say that your conclusions

    Based on your analysis will not be shared by the majority of Thais.

    The old order may be about to change.

    I got into trouble on this board without substantiating claims

    I made about central world burning down etc. I will post further without comment.

    The redshift movement has grown out of the farmers unions, rather past protests of rural folk versus previous thai governments dating back 50-60 years where much was offered but never delivered hence the marches from the north to Bangkok and the blockades to seek reasoning. Thaksin himself used the iso law to use police to assault poor people seeking justice and a fair price for their product.

    It may surprise you to hear there are many redshirts who do not like thaksin. I know some. If pheu thai win and it's just more cronryism you will see the poor out again

  4. Firstly France 24 captured the explosion that killed the army colonel on april 10th. The soldiers didn't dive for cover had a grenade been thrown and spotted. The redshirts were 70 meters away and even with a grenade launcher it would have been a miracle strike to take out the commanding officers. That's why it's believed the grenade was rolled along the ground from within the army ranks. This started the mayhem leading to the panicked withdrawal of these elite queen's guard.

    On the burning of Central world. Have none of you seen the pictures taken on May 19th at Central World shot from the 3rd floor by security staff showing them being shot at as well as stall holders on the ground floor with shotgun wounds to the legs. One fat security guard got shot in the back.

    How do we know they were security guards well they had clip-on id badges and they all carried red walkie talkies.

    All the staff including it admin etc were moved to one of the carparking levels and then escorted out the back of the building and led outside and made to wait by the soldiers who stood around casually with only some armed.

    Eventually a small plume of smoke rises from the bulding and they are ordered to leave.

    The back of Central world is next door to Wat Pathum where some 2000 people saught refuge. As the staff left Central world they were pinned down on the ground by shooters (soldiers clearly seen) firing from the BTS. This was late afternoon.

    There were some 70000 soldiers in and around Siam at this time.

    We're told that an intrepid band of professional arsonist terrorists set alight to the 4th floor of Central World all the time this building was surrounded by soldiers.

    Believe what you like but a year on the authorities are unable or unwilling to provide evidence of who burnt this building down.

    The chair of Central world group has come out stating he believes the army started the fire.

    Sure there were some redshirts who had petrol cans for the generators and their pickups and some of them tried to set fires but most people fled from the oncoming soldiers who were firing at will.

    Note: Not one person killed was armed.

    5 kalashnikov rifles and 7 ancient american rifles were found at the redshirt rally site. People were searched for weaponsat the rally site as they arrived. You don't want some lunatic in a mass of people brandishing and shooting people as it would cause panic and a stampede.

    I have 1000's of photos and 100's of videos including a recent one shot from inside a shop showing soldiers brutalising a group of redshirt detainees. The soldiers behaved in a murderous cowardly manner throughout and would be no match for a professional army.

    I have 1 photo of a man with a submachine gun at a BTS station. He's got it under his jacket. Is he a blackshirt, security for the leaders or for the BTS? There were a few agent provacateurs who succeeded in getting many people shot

    On what experience do you base claims about the grenade attack? An M-79 doesn't roll around the ground, it explodes on impact, leaving no time to react. Secondly, they are quite accurate. On a 50m range we had plywood man-shape targets on a 2"x1" stick, and used to amuse ourselves by aiming for the base of the target and snapping the rod. At 70m, I reckon I could still drop one in your shirt pocket. Miracle my RRs.

    If you have seen the footage , you will also notice the batons, shields and visored helmets being worn. If you are in crowd control mode and someone starts dropping M-79 grenades, if you don't panic then you don't understand the situation.

    A person with a fuel can trying to light a fire is called an arsonist. Arsonists get shot - son nom na. For weeks idiots ahd been claiming that they were going to burn down Central World, including one farang. Central World was burnt to the ground. So the army must have done it to make the red-shirts look bad. Sure. So who started all the other fires, Donald Duck?

    Another gaping hole in the inaccurate speculation promulgated by babcock was the fact that numerous weapons were found at the Red Shirt camps.

    Add to that all the RPG's, bombs, etc. of the Red Shirt Bomber Squad members.


    There weren't numerous weapons found at the redshirt camp. As I stated 5 chinese kalashnikovs and 7 american rifles from I guess the vietnam era. Not the kind of gear your "Ronin" "blackshirts" would be using. Also found firecrackers, slingshots, some pingpong bombs.

    They should have made long bows and arrows or even crossbows. Agincourt 2.

    Did anybody see the debate in parliament afterwards. Jataporn was not allowed to show any video so Peu Thai used boards but the camera never focused on the pictures. It went in and out of focus. You couldn't see. Ha Ha. Then this general from the democrats side he showed a picture, a cropped picture of a man's hand on the ground holding a grenade. There was a lot of blood, dirt on the ground and the man's hand was suspiciously clean and we didn't see the rest of him. It was a fake. A soldier, whoever, rolled up his sleeve and laid his arm on the floor. Hilarious. These guys have IQ's of around 85

  5. Oz Mick

    On what experience do you base claims about the grenade attack? An M-79 doesn't roll around the ground, it explodes on impact, leaving no time to react. Secondly, they are quite accurate. On a 50m range we had plywood man-shape targets on a 2"x1" stick, and used to amuse ourselves by aiming for the base of the target and snapping the rod. At 70m, I reckon I could still drop one in your shirt pocket. Miracle my RRs.

    If you have seen the footage , you will also notice the batons, shields and visored helmets being worn. If you are in crowd control mode and someone starts dropping M-79 grenades, if you don't panic then you don't understand the situation.

    A person with a fuel can trying to light a fire is called an arsonist. Arsonists get shot - son nom na. For weeks idiots ahd been claiming that they were going to burn down Central World, including one farang. Central World was burnt to the ground. So the army must have done it to make the red-shirts look bad. Sure. So who started all the other fires, Donald Duck?

    I was talking about a hand grenade. What's the fuse? 7 seconds or less.? To fire from the redshirts positions the launcher would have to be in the front and clearly visible to the soldiers on the ground and the snipers in the school and other buildings? The colonel was not right at the front. If the grenade was fired from a window it would not have been from above the soldiers if fired by teh redshirts, blackshirts whatever.

    Your "idiots" talking from the stage were simply stating that if the army attacked and began killing the redshirts they threatened to burn down central Bangkok. I think if I was in a similar situation and was threatened with death I would try and bluff my way out. I mean it's a bit of postering, fronting up to the man. Saying you're going to kill someone doesn't mean you really intend to do it. Does it?

    This though may have provided a pretext for what followed.

    Abhisit said that the fireman couldn't reach the fires because the redshirts prevented them.

    The redshirts said that the army prevented the firemen from attending the blaze.

    We've never heard from the firemen have we? We do know that paramedics in green uniforms were targeted by shooters,snipers as well as those few journalists who managed to get through to the redshirt side. I suspect at the very least that it was unsafe for the firemen to proceed at the risk of being shot.

    What would Inspector Clouseau have made of it? In a crime the first rule is to look to see who gains. From the fires not the redshirts but for the elite amart etc this conveniently shows the redshirts in a bad light. Again there have been no proper investigations. Makes ya think huh?

    There were between 50000-70000 soldiers in Siam. 2000 people sheltered at Wat Pathum.

    Thai Rath newspaper published pictures showing empty water bottles and spent cartridges on the BTS tracks overlooking the temple and we have all the pictures of the soldiers aiming and firing their weapons from the BTS. They couldn't be bothered to remove the evidence.

  6. Firstly France 24 captured the explosion that killed the army colonel on april 10th. The soldiers didn't dive for cover had a grenade been thrown and spotted. The redshirts were 70 meters away and even with a grenade launcher it would have been a miracle strike to take out the commanding officers. That's why it's believed the grenade was rolled along the ground from within the army ranks. This started the mayhem leading to the panicked withdrawal of these elite queen's guard.

    On the burning of Central world. Have none of you seen the pictures taken on May 19th at Central World shot from the 3rd floor by security staff showing them being shot at as well as stall holders on the ground floor with shotgun wounds to the legs. One fat security guard got shot in the back.

    How do we know they were security guards well they had clip-on id badges and they all carried red walkie talkies.

    All the staff including it admin etc were moved to one of the carparking levels and then escorted out the back of the building and led outside and made to wait by the soldiers who stood around casually with only some armed.

    Eventually a small plume of smoke rises from the bulding and they are ordered to leave.

    The back of Central world is next door to Wat Pathum where some 2000 people saught refuge. As the staff left Central world they were pinned down on the ground by shooters (soldiers clearly seen) firing from the BTS. This was late afternoon.

    There were some 70000 soldiers in and around Siam at this time.

    We're told that an intrepid band of professional arsonist terrorists set alight to the 4th floor of Central World all the time this building was surrounded by soldiers.

    Believe what you like but a year on the authorities are unable or unwilling to provide evidence of who burnt this building down.

    The chair of Central world group has come out stating he believes the army started the fire.

    Sure there were some redshirts who had petrol cans for the generators and their pickups and some of them tried to set fires but most people fled from the oncoming soldiers who were firing at will.

    Note: Not one person killed was armed.

    5 kalashnikov rifles and 7 ancient american rifles were found at the redshirt rally site. People were searched for weaponsat the rally site as they arrived. You don't want some lunatic in a mass of people brandishing and shooting people as it would cause panic and a stampede.

    I have 1000's of photos and 100's of videos including a recent one shot from inside a shop showing soldiers brutalising a group of redshirt detainees. The soldiers behaved in a murderous cowardly manner throughout and would be no match for a professional army.

    I have 1 photo of a man with a submachine gun at a BTS station. He's got it under his jacket. Is he a blackshirt, security for the leaders or for the BTS? There were a few agent provacateurs who succeeded in getting many people shot

    On what experience do you base claims about the grenade attack? An M-79 doesn't roll around the ground, it explodes on impact, leaving no time to react. Secondly, they are quite accurate. On a 50m range we had plywood man-shape targets on a 2"x1" stick, and used to amuse ourselves by aiming for the base of the target and snapping the rod. At 70m, I reckon I could still drop one in your shirt pocket. Miracle my RRs.

    If you have seen the footage , you will also notice the batons, shields and visored helmets being worn. If you are in crowd control mode and someone starts dropping M-79 grenades, if you don't panic then you don't understand the situation.

    A person with a fuel can trying to light a fire is called an arsonist. Arsonists get shot - son nom na. For weeks idiots ahd been claiming that they were going to burn down Central World, including one farang. Central World was burnt to the ground. So the army must have done it to make the red-shirts look bad. Sure. So who started all the other fires, Donald Duck?

    I was talking about a hand grenade.docx

  7. It's laughable Thaksin would be allowed to put a puppet PM in place in the form of his sister.

    The politics of a fledgling Democracy where the Baht still rules above all.

    He put a puppet PM in place in the form of his brother in law. He's just getting it closer to the family this time.

    I'm reading over and over the article. TULSATHIT TAPTIM did a fine job writing this. Every word spelled correctly, proper punctuation marks, and easily understandable. Impressive. Who is this Kune Tulsathit??

    The reds' fight for democracy:

    In Chiang Mai they have systematically defaced posters of Abhisit, tearing out his face wherever they can.

    In Chiang Mai they have already errected posters offering a free tablet pc to all children! (At the same time denouncing the democrats for buying votes).

    In San Patong there are already reports of red thugs threatening those who will not vote red (source, Thai friend of 20 years resident in a village)

    and so it goes on: All organised and financed by a leader who has been banned from politics.

    As a long time resident of chiang mai, I fear for the future. I really do, so I hope that the democrats get their act together.

    go on I dare you admit you're a fascist.

  8. Thaksin put it here for sure...he cam by night put it here then came back to cambodia to drink with Hue Sen and plan to destroy Thailand with the red hearless peoples of 'who give a sh..' Isaan region. After that the red leaders decided to rip appart thailand, give 1/3 to cambodia, 1/3 to Laos, 1/3 to china, 1/3 to Myanmar and 1/3 to malaysia...yes this is 5/3 but as they are uneducated, stupids, selfish, greedy, they don t care.

    But the PAD was awaken by Buddha whispiring in ears of yellow narak narak shirts that something happened so they just wipe everyone with suay army and magic nim nim bullets which tcha kati the red in temples.

    Somanamna evil, bad redshirts. Yellow wins again...they just put some weapon here for fun...

    it's amazing how previous posters made conclusions so easily and so wrong as everyone know i am the only one who tell the truth


  9. Yes, this just might keep the Reddened hardcores occupied during the election, or set them off round the twist and piss everyone else off... He brought this on himself with his own words, always pushing the envelope and publics tolerances.

    It would be lovely to cut down his rants by, oh say, 98% for the duration.

    Mr Animatic thai reads his rants. Interesting. Perhaps buried in your subconscience somewhere is the thought that things are not quite as they should be here in LOS.

  10. I can't make up my mind, perhaps someone can help me out. Is the army the militant branch of the Democrats, or are the Democrats the political voice of the army. :jap:

    Both effectively. Who is pulling whose strings is another matter.

    The army likes to pursue a robust semi-independent foreign policy as we have been observing re: the temples.

    However one remembers how this all started with Abhisit and the pad attacking the previous government demanding scrapping of international agreements made with the previous democrat government over sovereignty of the temple.

    The Pad demonstrations outside pariament this year followed by the Pad representatives foray across the border and their subsequent arrest by cambodian troops.

    The 40 minute youtube video posted of arrested democrat MP talking on his mobile to Abhisit from the cambodian side despite Abhisit's earlier denials.

    The following thai troop deployments along the border.

    The Cambodian call for international observers. The subsequent fighting.

    Currently the thai demand for cambodian soldiers to leave the Preah temple which incidentally is on the cambodian side of the border!

    Most thais probably 95% want peace.

    The population along the border are 90% khmer.

    Back in 1987 the army under Chavilit occupied a lao village on the disputed 1907 french border map. It eventually cost 1000 thai soldiers their lives and the thais were driven back over the border.

    There's an election planned though there is now some doubt it will occur due to a possible event.

  11. Why learn anything? The students know that no matter how hard they try, its already decided who will be on top and who will be selling used mobile phones. Stuff like that works wonders on motivation.

    But Mark, take a positive spin on this. Now that the future generation shows they are in no way ready to lead the country, you can stay in power for 40 more years. Why let a bunch of people without knowledge take part in something as important as elections? Just make sure the TV-stations have a lot of soaps...

    Constructive: Ban soaps, send documentaries 24/7 and make sure the grades matter more then social standing when the younger generation steps into their working age. Of course this would also be a more educated and political awakened population, and that will be harder to controll for the old money...

    I agree wholeheartedly.

    From the nation: "Political activists and associates of high-profile Thammasat University historian Somsak Jiamteerasakul have reacted with shock to the lese-majeste charge filed against him."

    I have been told by a professor with links to Thammasat they are not allowed to teach recent thai history there as opposed to ancient thai history for fear of falling foul of the Les majestie law 112. Critcal faculties are smothered as questioning the status quo is discouraged.

  12. Nick Nostiz, the famed photo-journalist, published a panoramic picture from a gantry at the March rally at the Democracy monument showing there were

    around 150000 people there.We were there.

    That was at a time when the demonstration was still legal and before any grenades had gone off around Bangkok. The bombings, some would say, were the

    convenient excuse for the government to bring in Thaksin's Emergency decree and to ban the rally which by turn led to the catastrophe on April 10th.

    Most thai children do not know what the Democracy monument commemorates as most contemporary thai history, even at Thammasat university, cannot be taught

    due to Les majestie laws.

    I remember the Nation publishing a photo on their cover of one early rally in a stadium taken several hours before the rally began. Imagine a similar

    picture taken at a game at Old Trafford with the caption Man U v Liverpool Poor attendance.

    I'm looking forward to the next installment from Wikileaks. According to Sondhi of the PAD it's all lies of course.

    For informed analysis I look up and cross reference the leading actors in this Thai melodrama on Wikipedia. See the antics of the elite recorded for


    As Emptyset has helpfully provided links to Khun Ying Jaruvan Maintaka A senior member of the PAD and friend of Sondhi Lim, she set up the assets scrutiny commitee to look into Thaksin's assets starting with the land sale.

    Remember Sondhi was excused the 12000000 dollars he owed the bank when his former finance director, then politician became head of said bank. She defended Sondhi to the teeth against his detractor in government over the affair. These people are dangerous. I fear for the future here in Thailand.

    The charges against Thaksin so far after 4 years are all a nonsense. They're laughable. They even had to invent a law of Polity corruption unknown

    throughout the rest of the world. Where's the real meat?

  13. Well you make my point yet a again for me.

    The Japanese invade, the Thais fought for a long afternoon

    and then rolled over like a puppy to be belly scratched.

    And set up the equivalent to Vichy in Bangkok

    Occupation number 1

    Then after the war the English come in a Thailand has no say in it.

    Only the Americans can talk England down from occupying Thailand indefinitely.

    Occupation Number 2

    Both forgotten by Kuhn Jingoist of the EDUCATION department.

    Yep, The Americans dropped the atomic bomb over the Japanese in WWII, we all know it.

    But these evil Thai still don't speak American, time to replace the education minister with some tourist from Texas or Nevada.

    If this is typical for the comments on the OP I'm glad I stayed away from it.

    Yeah, that is the 'logic' even the OP use to operate with his arguments and a lot of comments here are the same style.

    But for the fun - the topic is worth to take a look from time to time.

    I've been reliably informed that the professor for History at Thamassat university is not allowed to teach thai history.

    Thais are taught instead not to question, not to think for themselves. Ignorance of the outside world is paramount. Teaching in schools is by rote. As pointed out previously most of the internet is in english and the elite don't want the people getting ideas above their station don't you know.

  14. Furthermore

    If Thaksin was truly corrupt he would have left office with not 1 billion but 20 billion. He would have milked the system.

    Since leaving office UK former premier Blair has amassed a 20 million pound property empire and still refuses all interviews unlike Thaksin.

    So all you Thaksin haters I defy you. He didn't screw you but you all have a screw loose.

    Fix it!

    for Jim

  15. I shake my head in wonder when I read the comments of the Thailand haters on this site.

    It is beyond belief that any of you can actually live in this country.

    The SOE only impacts those who want to make trouble everyone else goes about their business as usual.

    It is tragic that some idiots plant bonbs or throw grenades without care as to who they injure or kill.

    Whatever the perceived motives in their twisted minds they must never be allowed to gain by these cowardly acts.

    Lets hope they get the ones who planted the big C bomb and they receive their just deserts.

    I think the same way. If some of these people are in Thailand why are they here? I have not been impacted at all by the SoE, other than minor inconvenience when there was a curfew (necessary at the time and now long gone). And I was happy to accept that inconvenience for order to be restored. I'm happy in Thailand, no other country would have put up with the the redshirt shenanigans the way Thailand did. As long as there is a need for the SoE, it should be maintained - and used to prevent the redshirts from engaging in more violence...

    you don't even know why they were demonstrating do you?

    Oh and if you think Thaksin was corrupt. Get this. They're all at it. Get your head around the idea that the wealthy just get wealthier. 1 billion dollars. What's the interest?

    They had to invent a new law called "Policy corruption."

    This only applied to the prime minister. In other words should the PM get wealthier whilst in office he is guilty.

    How the money is used is another matter. I believe we will see a lot more Mercedes cars on our streets as this is how the democrats will use Thaksin's money, heaven forbid they try to buy votes. It didn't work before.

  16. I wait with baited breath the CCTV pictures of the perps at Sunday's atrocity. I passed by some 15 minutes or so after the event on foot.

    The Bangkok mayor he wants to install 100000 cameras I believe.

    All the bombings during the redshirt protests no witnesses, no cctv, no real damage except to a security guard outside the ministerial "spa". Check out Poseidon on interweb.

    Sondhi's car being shot up. No witnesses, no CCTV (camera's not working). Someone knew that. Closed off a street, Shot up his car. No witnesses.

    I agree with Kuzon

    Bank accounts. Commercial websites. They're being interfered with. Sometimes blocked. Are they freelancing at the DSI?

  17. troubling indeed.

    As you say either a Napoleonic figure should emerge and /or a napoleon figure emerges whilst the populous was watching some TV soaps.

    We now never hear of any efforts being made to stem corruption in this country. We're allways told of Thaksin's corruption though. That's very telling but I don't want to labour the point.

    To "Trouble" For the police to protect and serve rather than rip the people of then there should be an ending to this feudal state.

    Backwards is the state in Thailand one thinks.

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