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Posts posted by Babcock

  1. begin removed ...

    One day there will be justice.

    Now if only we could have, I would applaud it. Still sifting through all 'evidence' and only extracting the truth rather than hearsay or opinions ... Whenever someone comes with 'new' evidence it seems a rehash of old stuff. Even Dept. PM Chalerm can't give new info. Still waiting for what he promised a few months ago, by the way.

    I am in agreement with you regarding new information. There is still precious little to be found on many of the important details. I think that more accounts and reports will be forthcoming, but I too am waiting.

    Regarding casualties from grenades on April 10th, do you have a link to that? I have only found information that the first deaths resulting from grenades were on April 22nd.

    Oh sorry was it April 22nd? I got my dates muddled up. We visited the redshirts at the monument in late March when Nick Nostitz climbed up on a TV gantry to take a panoramic photo showing roughly around 150,000 people gathered.

    Everyone was very solemn. one man shook my hand. I was a witness no more. This is not my fight but for my wife and her children and their children it matters.

    When I hear pampered elitist foreigners come on here and make all their insinuations about the poor, how they are controlled and duped etc etc and how their votes really count for nothing and the alternative is only really the STATUS QUO and to just be thankful I want to *ucking puke!

  2. AFAIK, they did not. On April 10th, the first dispersal effort (and botched, at that) the military used live fire, and if I remember, there were 25 deaths that day.

    Again, even if a protest is violent, I do not believe that a govt should use lethal force against its own citizens. This is a personal belief. I also believe, and even people who don't agree with me about lethal force can at least see this much, that the government - with a very very large number of security forces - had many other options and tactics at its disposal.

    Those other options were not used, and in the case of the time-line of events, April 10th was the start of the killing which can be attributed to a poorly planned dispersal (begun shortly before nightfall, for example) and the use of live fire.

    Those 25 include the Army colonel and staff (five persons) who got one or two grenades lobbed on them. Plus total chaos when some friendly MiB opened fire to help their peaceful red-shirt protesters.

    If the police with their special units trained in crowd control had done their job, the army wouldn't have been involved. Just like in 'normal' countries. Incidentaly some posters defended the Minister of Defence setting up a War Room recently, seeing nothing wrong with using Army experience wink.png

    BTW if I have nothing else to do and get bored, I'll check this forum to see how many times this discussion can be found. At least a dozen times, would be my guess.

    Have you watched the videos?

    France 24 news comes to mind.

    Let's be specific right.

    There is 1 explosion in front of the camera and then teh bodies are rushed through.

    The are left on the ground; not in the recovery position.

    So they could drown in their own blood.

    It's all there.

    Then the soldiers panicked and ran about firing wildly. Totally undisciplined.

    It has been pointed out by Robert Armstrongs military expert that had grenades been fired at the soldiers and were seen standard military practice is to shout "grenade" and hit the deck.

    None of which happened. Hence his view that said grenade was rolled across the floor to the colonel.

    There was 1 other explosion but I don't believe any other casualties.

    Why only 2? If these MIB's really were intent on causing mayhem, and we know of a redshirt who was accused by the BIB of firing no less than 50 grenades at the army from Lumpini park,

    why so little from them. It doesn't add up.

    Bangkok didn't burn to the ground. All this histrionics from the yellowshirts on here day after day trying to justify their coup(s).

    There was a civil disturbance where men and boys armed with slingshots ranged up against a heavily armed army in the middle of a capital city.

    When they entered the red shirt camp the army found 5 kalashnikovs and 7 very old american rifles which I presume had been confiscated by teh red shirt guards to prevent people/malcontents entering a crowded area armed.

    Unreasonable assumption? I don't think so. Why weren't these guns trained on the thai soldiers?

    Why were the soldiers found in the army APC on teh night of the 10th April released back to their units by the hated red shirts?

    It pleases you lot not to understand these questions and it begs the question what were the coups about?

    The only justification has become this idea of Thaksin's orwellian all encompassing corruption which is all utter bull.

    Why were the soldiers weaponry seized at the television tower earlier returned to those soldiers?

  3. The protests were violent. No question. The govt chose to use lethal force. I see this as the biggest problem.

    If you are standing in an area breaking the law in one way or another, be it minor or be it major, and authorities give you repeated warning that if you don't leave, you are at risk of being injured or worse, but despite this warning, you stay where you are and continue breaking the law, i would say that the biggest problem you have is yourself.

    I understand your position and am well aware of it. We do not agree.

    The govt had the choice to use lethal force or not use lethal force. They chose to do so. 91 are dead. Again, no one denies that the govt kill most of those people.

    I believe, firmly, that if the govt had used non-lethal force, determination (re: patience & commitment), and had not botched their own attempts at dispersal, there would have been many, many few deaths and injuries.

    They were VERY patient..Abhisit arranging to settle with them time and again. They didn't want to talk and compromise, they wanted their full-on totalitarian regime to march in under their terms only. This went on for months...businesses shut down, people out of jobs. A little spot of tea and negotiations were NOT what the red shirt leaders sought, you do recall?

    I don't know any gov't as tolerant as the democrats were while their city is pillaged, looted, burned, picketed. Can you name another place that would tolerate that crap?

    The fire zone was set up, and they were warned. The young men got what they asked for...and I am sure you do recall they were hoping for deaths, so they could make a scene out of it to point the finger at the gov't as "murderers" though the gov't can't be blamed for suppressing rogues and their tyrants from turning the place into the next cambodia.

    I don't know where you grew up and what land you're from and complaining about businesses closing down.

    Around the world civilian populations protest. Look at Greece, Syria etc.

    In Europe they don't use lethal force like this anytime.

    Rogues and their tyrants.

    I mean, come on. Is this why you're in Thailand? They're not strict enough for you back in the old country?

    The next Cambodia?

    What? I know they are poor and a million died. They are trying to rebuild their country and they are getting a lot of support.

    Wow. The city was NOT pillaged, looted, burned, picketed.

    There was a Legal demonstration. I repeat a LEGAL DEMONSTRATION begun in March.

    In April Abhisit declared a STATE OF EMERGENCY

    he ordered troops onto the street.

    He retreated into a military barracks.

    He ordered through Suthep the troops to attack the redshirts gathered around the DEMOCRACY MONUMENT on April 10th.

    They tried to push them out but failed and then they resorted to force.

    The attacks began after dark. The commanding officer and his staff were blown up by a grenade and left to die on the ground by their soldiers who

    panicked and ran. YES they ran like the cowards they are.

    Where someone now says that hundreds of soldiers were injured that is the first time I have heard that.

    However the soldiers panicked and shot randomly and on that night April 10th 2010 more thatn a thousand civilians were injured and 19 died.

    2 redshirts had their brains blown out.

    Want to see the pictures?

    The army gunner on the first APC fired wildly into the democracy mopnument.

    Unverified he refused an order from his commanding officer to fire his heavy machine gun into the crowd.

    Maybe he deserves a medal or something.

    The troops used were the only ones they could rely on to shoot civilians down. The Queens Gurad primarily.

    One day there will be justice.

  4. So does this mean that when we try to transfer our hard earned funds out of TH to offshore they will be blocked or limited? I.e. legitimate savings deposited and currently kept in a Thai bank account.

    Anyone got any factual information please?!? :-)

    Its coming. Italy proposed a downward limit on cash transaction size to increase tax revenue. Eventually, the world will catch on and cash will become a thing of the past.

    I know as I have just received some funds from Italy and it had to be split up to under £10000 transactions.The same occurs in the UK.

    When I tried transferring £20000 here they were ringing up with questions about what the money was for.

    Here too if you have an HSBC Premier account you can only transfer out 500000 baht per day I think.

  5. "Her deposit account eh? How did you work THAT out since most Thais like to carry out their transactions in Thai.

    That's right, you read Thai.

    Edited by NanLaew, Today, 07:48 ."

    Roman numerals dude.

    100,500000 is what I saw and on deposit you get 0.5% interest.

    It could even have been a current account where you get nothing.

    I wouldn't leave that sort of money in 1 account.

    Here we're talking about money laundering.

    I believe anything over 2 million hsa to be reported.

    Remember the case against the democrats?

    Monies were paid to girlfriends, wives ,sons and daughters etc. but payments never exceeded 2000000 baht

  6. this would have a huge impact on Thailand, most if all money brought in from the eastern bloc is being cleaned !, sold a house once and they paid 30 million THB in 500 Euro notes, bank didnt even ask any questions !,

    if they do crack down, you will see alot of these people leave, as well as the Costa Del sol lot whom have made thier home here, as it is so easy to launder money

    ah well

    It's late but what's happening with house prices and rents?

    They seem all of a sudden to be rising exponentially.

    Incidentally I posted this before but only yards from where the iranian blew himself up some weeks back I was waiting behind a lady at the K bank as she withdrew money from the ATM.

    I was curious as she touched the screen to count the zeros of the money she was taking out; 20,000 baht. She was so slow. Not uncommon.

    I then happened to glance at the balance which was 100,500,000 baht. More than 2 million quid in her deposit account.

    A developer we know has just rebuilt her old house and she was offered 26000000 baht for a 3 bedroom house by a farang off Sukhumvit soi 71 but instead now she wants to rent out for 100,000 per month.

    A year or two back over in Silom there were no farang and now...

  7. We heard the bomber was challenged by the police and he pulled the pin on I assume a grenade and blew himself up.

    He comes half way around the world to blow himself and innocents up.

    If he is iranian and we have heard of big news due imminently concerning their nuclear program is this perhaps the beginning of an iranian bombing campaign?

    Israel are threatening imminent airstrikes.

    There's a large mosque on Sukhumvit 71. The area is popular with thai executives. A lot of large houses tucked away of lousy broken up roads.

  8. As usual posters are too busy fighting each other rather than discussing facts. The basic fact is that no government has ever done anything for the poor in Thailand unless it was a surefire vote winner. Furthermore NO government can effectively help the poor until they have the opportunities and education to help themselves. Remember the old saying., " give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish he will eat every day"?

    Well before the election there was a very good article written by a thai enrepeneur in the "other newspaper" referred to by some as the Tokyo Rose making the same point about Abhisit and his handouts (bribes). "Give them fishing rods not fish."

  9. And they are convicting him on what proof ??

    From what I understand theres 'allegations' of drug use.. So they will now convict him based on that ?? Not on possession or a failed test..

    Makes a mocker of the law when they can simply hand out a sentence because they think it seems right.

    On one picture his soon to be ex. wife alleges is him taking drugs.

    If he smoked a pipe it is not proved it was drugs just because one

    party in a family dispute says it is so.

    A MoU between record companies and the culture ministry

    to keep their artists PURE. 5555555555.

    The absurdity of this is beyond belief.

    The eight-point MoU includes a two-year ban on publicity for any addicted artist

    And who determines what constitutes an addicted artist?

    One puff on a pipe, of an unknown substance,

    with a cellphone pic distributed later for revenge?

    Or found face down drunk in a gamboling den

    or brothel covered in white powder?

    OD'd, and coming into the hospital because

    someone wanted to ruin you and micky'd your drink?

    A 2 year publicity ban would be easy to use to ruin an enemies career

    and not coincidentally make yours the next big thing.

    This whole mishagas is far to easy to abuse.

    Which doesn't mean I support hard drug use or wife beating etc.

    It just has the potential to be like the LM laws, misused by some for their own ends.

    For once I am in total agreement with you. Well said.

  10. Unfortunately I was unable to get back into my house yet on the 15th so I could not provide any documentary evidence of the damage for this round of lawsuits. But I will definitely be joining the next round. I was able to get back in finally last Sunday, and I estimate damages at approximately 350,000, not including rental expenses and lost income due to my family being forced from our home, which is still ongoing.

    In the interests of fairness and a quick resolution, I'll settle for just the 350k to repair my house. But I do hope this case goes to trial and we get to see those responsible try and justify their actions in a court of law. I get sick of hearing politicians tell outrageous lies and expect people to accept it. You can't do that when you are trying to justify criminally negligent actions to an expert in the field during court proceedings.

    So what insurance do you have?

    Maybe it's the case that the insurers say that if you live in a flood plain they cannot insure against flooding. In short it is at your own risk. This would apply to most of Bangkok

    Far more needs to be provided by central government

    And this action even if unsuccessful

    I hope it will result in significant investigations with serious funding

    Standard homeowner's policies in Thailand do not cover flooding. Fire and theft only.

    However, in this case the problem is not the flood, but gross incompetence by those responsible for managing the dams, and intentionally building a dam out of big sand bags that caused my house to flood longer and deeper than was necessary. These were conscious actions by people and I should not be required to have insurance against intentional damage by others to my property.

    They are responsible, and I will do what I can to make them accept their responsibility.

    A decision was made to protect inner Bangkok. At the time I couldn't understand why San Saeb canal and Phra Kanong were not used to ferry the water out to the river. These are major canals.

    Near us the Phra Kanong canal waters were just stagnant.

    They feared that if they released the waters into these canals that the banks couldn't contain the waters and Sukhumvit etc would get flooded.

  11. The Reds are our best protection for democracy against the Yellows, Blues, Multi color ....

    The only reason we didn't have a repeat of the previous election when the Yellows created mayhem until they had the government of their choice against the popular vote is because this time they knew they will have the Reds in front of them.

    Disband the Yellows and the Reds will disappear because they will have no reason to exist.

    So patently uninformed on the subject it boggles the mind.

    The Reds have their foot hold, and Thaksin or no Thaksin, yellows or no yellows, more likely with no Thaksin, they will push for their 'workers paradise' in any and all ways. He has reopened Pandora's box that was closed in the 70's, and we will all pay the price for his choice of temporary bedfellows.

    The Yellows were protesting to get rid of Thaksin's corruption.

    The ' making mayhem ' was caused by repeated violent attacks against them,

    that radicalized their actions in self-defense. Culminating with the Oct 7th

    shooting fish in a barrel incident, which with the night grenade attacks on their camp at Gov, House, lead to their taking the airport.

    Lacking the extreme violence and deaths 'brought to them' by their opponents, it was obvious at the time that they would not have bothered with the airport but would have just continued their loud barking protest at G.H.

    They since gone off the rails philosophically all on their own.

    Ah, but the Reds, they have a core ideological group, based on neo-Maoist

    action theory, and they have been handed a organizational umbrella to use.

    Something denied them for 40 years.

    They are not going to fade away as being nothing more than 'a counter to the yellows'. They have much longer term aims,emanating from the leadership that made a devils deal with Thaksins thugs and ass-kissers.

    So if the Reds are "our best protection for democracy against the Yellows, Blues, Multi color ...." who the hell will protect the great majority of the populace from The reds????

    Where do you get these weird ideas about communism from?

    Everyone in Thailand knows that communism doesn't work. Hell, the thai communist party objected to being told what to do by the Cambodian communists who quarrelled with the vietnamese communists.

    In the end the thai communists imploded.

    No what you and others are really afraid of, even if you don't know it yet, is socialism, the word banned from thai politics.

    What the PAD did is well documented. They use a swastika as an emblem for their political party. That kinda tells you where they're coming from.

    They've lost most of their support. The trade unions have left them once their membership discovered that their membership would be denied a vote should the Pad ever come to power.

    The protests were initially about corruption but only Thaksin's corruption and to date we have 2 phoney convictions for him.

    No prosecution over all the drug deaths. I wonder why? Why couldn't Abhisit take him down over this horrendous episode?

    You can't answer that can you?

    The PAD has no political party and at the last election the PAD promoted: Vote NO.

    And to educate you a little bit: The Swastika they use is a Hindu Sun symbol, used approx. 3000 years before Hitler was born. You find it on most Hindu Temple which does not mean that the Hindu priests are all hidden German Nazis.

    Beside that the artwork of the NPP has no similarities with the Nazi Germans.

    Well we know what the intent is even if it's only partial.

    Yes their party stood aside at the elections and we had all those posters of animals.

    "Don't vote they're all the same."

    That appears to be more or less what's happening in the US.

    In America you have 2 brands of the same thing. The democrats and the republicans both owned by Wall street. Afterall the Federal Reserve is a private cartel.

  12. What the PAD did is well documented. They use a swastika as an emblem for their political party. That kinda tells you where they're coming from.

    They've lost most of their support. The trade unions have left them once their membership discovered that their membership would be denied a vote should the Pad ever come to power.

    Actually, no it doesn't, and they haven't lost most of their support. The NPP, which is different from the PAD, never had much support to begin with. The swastika is an ancient symbol, and even school girls in Chiang Mai aren't sensitive to the Western symbolism. You are applying your own cultural biases to a people you clearly do not understand.

    What the PAD stood for was a front against tyranny by Thaksin. That support is still alive and very strong. Most won't go for the rest of their political platform laid down by the NPP, but they will rally to prohibit any attempt by the square faced fugitive demagogue in exile from returning to destroy the country. It is a mistake to think that just because the membership of the original PAD was diverse that they will simply lie down and allow the tyrant to resume his pillaging of the country.

    And I reiterate, the reds are Thaksin, and Thaksin is the reds. Anyone who thinks otherwise is naive. If Thaksin denounces the reds and says he no longer supports them, the numbers of the remaining reds will be substantially less than the NPP. Just like the numbers of the NPP were substantially less than the complete PAD whose only goal was to fight for justice against the crimes by Thaksin.

    The key to everything is Thaksin. He is the source of the division. Since he is incapable of making the kind of concessions necessary for a peaceful return, there will be civil war if he comes back. Anyone who eagerly awaits his return should keep that in mind. His return means bullets will be flying, and someone you do care about might be a victim of that tragedy.

    Well if you look at your history book you will see that hours after Pearl Harbour the thais surrendered to the japanese and promptly declared war on Britain and the USA. They joined the axis and the swastika,as you say an ancient symbol of good luck etc, was used by the nazis reversed from its normal representation. My point is japanese imperialism was greatly admired then by the Thai elite. Not all as Pridi Banomyong mobilised some 50000 thais against the japanese.

    So it is today with Thailand polarised. Intellectual curiosity is discouraged. Were there to be another coup I don't think it would be accepted so easily. That's why we have the redshirts that Abhisit fears.

    Hey it took most of europe over a hundred years to establish democracy. It's going to take a long time here to persuade people of the benefits which do include proper accountability and due process.

  13. My girlfriend works for a family who are red shirts, the only tv station on is the red shirt station and they all support Big T. I asked her why? She says when Big T in office times where great lots of business, lots of tourist. Iasked her donot they realize when he came into office times where good world wide 40baht to the dollar, 70baht to the lb.People from america,great britian,and europe where travelling and spending money and it had nothing to do with Thaksin other than for him right time right place. She says yes I know but boss doesn't understand and think Thaksin was behind it.

    This is no poor family they have money from a very good business similar to Amway but an asian concept.

    What's the redshirt TV station?

    What's it's name? Perhaps I can get mine to stop watching channel 5 soaps!

  14. The Reds are our best protection for democracy against the Yellows, Blues, Multi color ....

    The only reason we didn't have a repeat of the previous election when the Yellows created mayhem until they had the government of their choice against the popular vote is because this time they knew they will have the Reds in front of them.

    Disband the Yellows and the Reds will disappear because they will have no reason to exist.

    So patently uninformed on the subject it boggles the mind.

    The Reds have their foot hold, and Thaksin or no Thaksin, yellows or no yellows, more likely with no Thaksin, they will push for their 'workers paradise' in any and all ways. He has reopened Pandora's box that was closed in the 70's, and we will all pay the price for his choice of temporary bedfellows.

    The Yellows were protesting to get rid of Thaksin's corruption.

    The ' making mayhem ' was caused by repeated violent attacks against them,

    that radicalized their actions in self-defense. Culminating with the Oct 7th

    shooting fish in a barrel incident, which with the night grenade attacks on their camp at Gov, House, lead to their taking the airport.

    Lacking the extreme violence and deaths 'brought to them' by their opponents, it was obvious at the time that they would not have bothered with the airport but would have just continued their loud barking protest at G.H.

    They since gone off the rails philosophically all on their own.

    Ah, but the Reds, they have a core ideological group, based on neo-Maoist

    action theory, and they have been handed a organizational umbrella to use.

    Something denied them for 40 years.

    They are not going to fade away as being nothing more than 'a counter to the yellows'. They have much longer term aims,emanating from the leadership that made a devils deal with Thaksins thugs and ass-kissers.

    So if the Reds are "our best protection for democracy against the Yellows, Blues, Multi color ...." who the hell will protect the great majority of the populace from The reds????

    Where do you get these weird ideas about communism from?

    Everyone in Thailand knows that communism doesn't work. Hell, the thai communist party objected to being told what to do by the Cambodian communists who quarrelled with the vietnamese communists.

    In the end the thai communists imploded.

    No what you and others are really afraid of, even if you don't know it yet, is socialism, the word banned from thai politics.

    What the PAD did is well documented. They use a swastika as an emblem for their political party. That kinda tells you where they're coming from.

    They've lost most of their support. The trade unions have left them once their membership discovered that their membership would be denied a vote should the Pad ever come to power.

    The protests were initially about corruption but only Thaksin's corruption and to date we have 2 phoney convictions for him.

    No prosecution over all the drug deaths. I wonder why? Why couldn't Abhisit take him down over this horrendous episode?

    You can't answer that can you?

  15. Abhisit and all the loyalists fear the redshirts but they're not going away. He gives them every reason to stay.

    For the loyalists it's all about order, even if under an army boot. The redshirts campaigned under the slogan " no double standards."

    The people want Law and Order and they want it equally applied. Many of the middle classes here in Bangkok (yellow shirts) simply want to suck up to the elite in the vain hope that they too can be above the law. They are so brainwashed like many who post here on TV!

  16. Unfortunately I was unable to get back into my house yet on the 15th so I could not provide any documentary evidence of the damage for this round of lawsuits. But I will definitely be joining the next round. I was able to get back in finally last Sunday, and I estimate damages at approximately 350,000, not including rental expenses and lost income due to my family being forced from our home, which is still ongoing.

    In the interests of fairness and a quick resolution, I'll settle for just the 350k to repair my house. But I do hope this case goes to trial and we get to see those responsible try and justify their actions in a court of law. I get sick of hearing politicians tell outrageous lies and expect people to accept it. You can't do that when you are trying to justify criminally negligent actions to an expert in the field during court proceedings.

    So what insurance do you have?

    Maybe it's the case that the insurers say that if you live in a flood plain they cannot insure against flooding. In short it is at your own risk. This would apply to most of Bangkok

    Far more needs to be provided by central government

    And this action even if unsuccessful

    I hope it will result in significant investigations with serious funding

  17. And what will happen if Khun Thaksin is given his Thai passport ... what will happen if he returns to Thailand.... Does anyone think for one second he will be sent to prison to serve his punishment..? That will be civil war..... give him his passport and a return ticket first class on Thai Airways..... put the cat amongst the pidgeons.... lets get it on...!!!!

    All fun fun fun for us Farangs......... anyone running a book..? Personally I back the Military.. they got all the Big guns...

    i would back the vast majority of regular soldiers who happen to come from the North East :whistling:

    Would that be the same soldiers who rolled out the tanks and put yellow ribbons on thier guns last time the reset button was pressed?

    nope that would be the mob who are stationed at lop buri (The 2nd Infantry Battalion) and are drawn mainly from Bangkok and the south of Thailand. And are always the main mob used in suppression of

    the Thai public.

    It's rather similar to nazi germany where the wermacht (standard german army) were sent to the russian front leaving the SS to run amock amongst the occupied peoples.

    Earlier this year the so-called "watermellon" northeastern soldiers were sent to the cambodian border relieving the trusted forces who'd clashed with the cambodian army over the temple.

    They in turn were stationed around the northeast in an attempt seemingly to intimidate the people of Issan just propr to the election.

  18. Who cares? Unless it was a deliberate act by the government to kill him then this really is a moot point. The poor guy died doing his job in what was basically a war zone at the time with thousands of people holding Bangkok hostage, storming offices of the government and the media while setting up armed fortresses and forcing the government to use force since they refused EVERY lawful command to disperse during their month long siege.

    I am sorry anybody had to die or be injured but this reporter either knew or should have known what he was getting into and urban combat is usually has high casualty rates among non-combatants.

    It is great to know the facts but when all is said and done, does it really matter what side the bullet came from? If it was the government forces then they should be immune to prosecution unless it was a deliberate kill. If it was the Reds then it still doesn't matter unless you can specifically identify the person who pulled the trigger.

    Any finally who can believe anything at this point after so much time has passed. Too much time to fabricate evidence and tamper with witnesses. Not to mention, I though this government was big on putting this all in the past.

    It wasn't a declared "urban combat zone", nor did it meet the definition of urban combat zone. It was a random kill shot fired by a supposedly placed sniper shooter at a foreign individual wearing press credentials. Either the sniper fired too early, too late and missed his intended target or was just not qualified to be a sniper and didn't identify the target as a member of the media. In any event, sniper fire into a crowd of civil demonstrators is a troublesome situation. Military command ordering such a kill shot in these circumstances would be subject to a court martial for murder. The sniper would also be subject to court martial as an accomplice to murder.

    The Japanese journalist wasn't shot by a sniper, from any side. He was caught in the cross-fire between two sides using normal assault rifles.

    And yes, it is easy to miss the intended target in the chaos that was then - this was NOT during the later more static positioning of troops and reds on two front-lines wide apart.

    There were eyewitnesses who stated he was shot at close range by a soldier.

  19. 3 questions need to be answered.

    In the land deal Thaksin's wife Potjaman was forced to sell back the land. She received 5% interest for each year she had owned the land. Property prices in Bangkok had risen by many more multiples as elsewhere in the world.

    Who now owns that land?

    In the assets sezure

    £1 billion was seized of Thaksin's assets.

    Who received this money?

    The 2 year prison sentence was designed to get Thaksin to flee. He was not allowed a right of appeal by the coup apponted court.

    The assets were then seized in his absence. The intended purpose to cripple the grassroots opposition.

    As regards the passport.

    No international warrant was ever issued for Thaksin's arrest. Despite the claims of the democrats they never sought an arrest warrant with interpol.

    So they cancelled his passport.

    We know from Wikileak that leader of the Privy Council Prem told John, the american ambassador, that should Thaksin return there is a $10000 contract out on his life.

    Who has paid for this contract?

    I think all the actors in this will eventually be unmasked.

    Example: Remember Army commander Colonel Wanchai Paungkhumsa, the colonel who besieged the Krue Sae mosque and then killed all the insurgents.

    Krue Sae Mosque Incident (from Wikipedia)

    Main article: South Thailand insurgency On 28 April 2004, during a period of insurgency by Islamic nationalists in the southernmost provinces, 32 suspected guerrillas took shelter in the mosque. After a 7 hour stand-off with Thai military personnel, they were attacked and killed, along with about 80 others.[2] The attack was made in contradiction of orders from the Minister of Defence to end the confrontation peacefully, and has been the subject of an international inquiry, which concluded the military had used excessive force.

    who was then implicated through his driver, arrested with the car full of explosives awaiting Thaksin's cavalcade.

    Under the democrats the thai police revised their testimony to claim there were no detonators in the car so the explosives could not nor never be detonated.

    The same colonel accused of complicity in the 2006 bombings in Bangkok. One eye witness in Bangkok saw grenade thrown from walkway bridge.

    Thaksin supporters initially blamed. Then it was moslems from the south.

    Next day in Chaing Mai caretaker in mosque saw man lob grenade into mosque injuring said caretaker. Police accused caretaker of blowing himself up with home-made bomb.

    Moslem community were up in arms that a moslem would build bomb in a mosque.

    To date no charges have been pressed . Unsolved bombings as are the bombings last year during the redshirt protesta at the democracy monument which were used as a pretext for the resulting state of emergency and lethal use of force.

  20. Well, considering the fact, that True invented mobile phone technology they are absolutely right in claiming all those nasty alien foreign influences in this beautiful country. Why does anyone take such manure serious? If Thailand would only use Thai products and Thai inventions they would still run around like Agamemnon in Neanderthal.

    Is The Dreambox a Thai invention? If so, kudos to them.

    I won't touch CP products.

    They use practices outlawed in the west like injecting chicken, bacon etc with water/fat.

    True TV overpriced and the HD now isn't true HD anymore.

    As above I agree it's just pure greed.

  21. And you watch the video above claim it was the redshirts what had snipers shooting other redshirts. Well spotted Watson. There were snipers in the school.

    Really the soldiers were "unarmed" and then they were "armed". 1000 people were injured that night as well as 19 deaths.

    Crowd control late at night hardly.

    The orders were given to drive the redshirts out but they failed.

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