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Posts posted by Babcock

  1. This is all just a continuation from the 2006 coup, move along, nothing to see here, you reap what you sow etc etc etc

    They are the party of

    No change

    The status quo

    The old school tie

    The old elites.

    Amsterdam is right they are the party for the army.

    Their illegal coup failed

    Their refashioned coupist constitution is being challenged and they're throwing their toys out of the pram.

    Nothing has been achieved and back we come to organized street protests outside parliament.

    Let's hope this time the pad fascists don't

    storm parliament

  2. Eva air are currently offering deals on flights from London to BKK not the other way around.

    As mentioned above Air asia have stopped flying to europe.

    I still think EVa are your best bet.

    I've got a flight 1 way to LON travelling Elite class (extra legroom etc) £560. Your'e paying the same with BA for economy. £400 economy EVA single.

    Check with Momondo. Malaysia air will be a little cheaper if you fly from Kuala Lumpar.

  3. What car was your relative driving at 140kmh as a matter of interest?

    Had they had a few sherbets as well or was he completely sober at 5am?

    Well they had been to a wedding party and were traveling back after Chelsea's match.

    I don't know whether the Mitsubishi

    Driver had been drinking. I know they were not breathalysed

  4. Just a thought, but if confronted by a car full of people and you're on your own you might decide discretion is the better part of valor.

    I'm sure the OPs relatives are lovely people, but we can't know how they reacted and they did outnumber the Merc driver and shootings and other acts of violence over traffic accidents aren't exactly unknown.

    Also, the bottom line is that they hit him from behind. There has to be really clear evidence of extraordinary bad driving by the person in front for it not to be the driver behind's fault, and no evidence has been presented, in this thread at least.

    Apparently the CCTV camera that views the road it rotates and actually missed the accident but obviously came back and recorded the aftermath.

    It was very dark and the pictures are not very good.

  5. As soon as I read the title I knew that this thread would be an attempt at slagging off an alleged hiso. And it was.


    Mini Cooper has been found by the police in a garage being repaired.

    Inside the police found the boys student ID card and they also found bullets.

    The car is registered to his 80 year old grandmother.

    They are chinese thai who own a lot of gold shops.

    One of the 4 victims who were run over remembered his car registration number.

  6. Nisa said:

    "I am confused because it says the people helping pulled over and parked to the left of the accident and it says the accident happened in the express lane (furthest right lane) which means they must have been blocking 2 lanes of traffic and leaving 1 open. Even at 5 in the morning there is traffic and I would assume this had to have caused a traffic jam of some sort. So, how does the Mini Cooper run over 4 people who I assume were all standing in the roadway and not in their car? I am just don't get it because I am picturing bumper to bumper traffic squeezing through the 1 open lane as drivers gawk at the accident. Even if there was no traffic, how do 4 people not see this car barreling down on them ... where they all standing in the one open lane with their backs turned to on coming traffic and nobody there directing or watching traffic?"

    It was 5 in the morning on Sunday.

    We don't know where they parked. The best thing would have been to park behind the crashed cars.

    Sorayud the TV anchor on channel 3 reported about it yesterday evening I believe.

  7. I've just found out that the Benz driver reported to the police not on Sunday morning but on Monday morning 28 hours after the accident.

    He argued with the police which was witnessed.

    I suggest that you ask the mods to remove your thread because it is clearly that you are making a fool of yourself the more you post on this topic.

    And if you'd bothered to read all the way through my post you'd see that 4 people were run over by another car which didn't stop.

    So 2 drivers fled the scene. A tragic affair. That's why it's on Channel 3.

    Is it on Channel 3 news now or was it on last week when this happened? I am confused why this is being posted now.

    It's been on recently.

    The TV anchor with glasses was talking about it.

    I'm afraid I don't watch too much thai TV. Need to learn the language still.

    As this tragedy has unfolded with hospital vigils etc I thought I should post as I have a connection with it and there has been much talk about accidents on the expressways at night recently.

  8. I've just found out that the Benz driver reported to the police not on Sunday morning but on Monday morning 28 hours after the accident.

    He argued with the police which was witnessed.

    I suggest that you ask the mods to remove your thread because it is clearly that you are making a fool of yourself the more you post on this topic.

    And if you'd bothered to read all the way through my post you'd see that 4 people were run over by another car which didn't stop.

    So 2 drivers fled the scene. A tragic affair. That's why it's on Channel 3.

    And who was the primary cause of all this?

    By the way the reason of my post was that you seem to not know the real story and are just posting and changing the facts at a fast pace.

    I was told 140km and I wrote I thought that was about 100 mph.

    Anyways your point that he maybe only had a few drinks and maybe wasn't the cause of the accident does not excuse him to flee the scene.

    Maybe it does in Thailand if you're a hiso.

    He left in a petulant frenzy. Swearing at the injured people in the car he wanted a new mercedes from them.

    I'm told in UK there are people who deliberately cause accidents to claim for a new car.

    I stated 100 mph I thought that was 140 km. 140 km was the speed quoted.

  9. I've just found out that the Benz driver reported to the police not on Sunday morning but on Monday morning 28 hours after the accident.

    He argued with the police which was witnessed.

    I suggest that you ask the mods to remove your thread because it is clearly that you are making a fool of yourself the more you post on this topic.

    And if you'd bothered to read all the way through my post you'd see that 4 people were run over by another car which didn't stop.

    So 2 drivers fled the scene. A tragic affair. That's why it's on Channel 3.

  10. By the way, those pics don't don't show the right/left side impact described in the OP. They appear to be fairly solid impacts possibly a little off center but this is not untypical in a read end crash as people not only tend to turn and break before impact but also because cars are not perfectly aligned in lanes.

    They're off center. The mercedes rear left light is undamaged.

    I'm told the driver insisted he was driving straight down the express lane and the other car just suddenly appeared to veer in front.

    There's clearly serious damage. They apparently only had 3 km to travel.

    We read about these accidents all the time, speeding late at night like the porsche driver hitting the toyota and actually throwing the toyota in the air.

    We've all seen crazy antics. The other day driving on Sukhumvit in the left hand lane a woman in the right hand lane turned in front of us sharp left and drove across in front of us into a service station.

  11. I've tried to impress upon them that they have to pursue an action with vigour against the mercedes driver who just scoffs at them.

    Actually I believe they need to deal with your wife's nephew's friend's insurance company regardless of whose fault. Somebody correct me if I am wrong but I think it is kind of a no fault policy in Thailand and the insurance company will deal with the issues behind the scenes but it is your insurance (the car you are in) that you deal with.

    That's correct. I believe they had 3rd party but there was insurance for the passengers.

  12. Vehicle that hits another from behind is always in the wrong therefore your nephews friend is in the wrong and should cover damages to the Mercedes (was the Merc driver charged with drink drinking), lets hope he/she is adequately insured. the injured passengers should also be covered by insurance.

    You're not in the wrong If the car in front suddenly brakes or swerves and you hit it from behind.

    They were doing about 140 kph so judging from the photos I'd suggest there was a big speed difference.

    no the merc driver was not breathalysed. No-one was.

    It should be for a court to decide blame.

    They may now know who the mini driver was but they are afraid he'll disappear (or advised to) if too much is revealed.

  13. My wife's nephew was in the accident on Rama 9 bridge after the Chelsea victory in the champions league at 5am.

    It's the talk of the town online now as it has been discussed on channel 3 news.

    He was asleep in the back of the car that ploughed into the back of a mercedes.

    They were returning from a wedding reception. The driver claims the mercedes overtook them (they were doing about 100 mph in the express lane).

    The mercedes admitted later to the police that his mobile phone slid to the right on the dashboard.

    The right rear and the left front of the 2 vehicles are crushed. Our driver claims the mercedes braked and either that or he was travelling slowly and crossed lanes.

    5 in the car, 4 seriously injured.

    The mercedes driver, unhurt, came up to the car, drunk, swearing, saying they'll have to buy him a new car and fled the scene in a taxi.

    Some good samaritan young thais (2 boys and a girl) stopped, parked on the left, to help and together with the drivers girlfriend who was OK attempted to free the trapped passengers. The driver has a broken leg and all those in the back had been asleep. My wife's nephew temple was crushed in his pallete broken and mouth split missing many teeth,bridge of nose broken. A girl in the back has a broken collar bone, broken lower back etc.

    As these young thais were helping a red mini cooper smashed through all 4 of them and drove straight off.

    One girl almost died.

    This is a toll road so there should be CCTV of this driver but nothing has been heard from the police.

    Just in. We gather the driver of the Mini Cooper was 16 or 17 years old.

    They've just blamed my wife's nephews friend for the accident as he came from behind.

    The mercedes driver returned to the scene at 9 am to shout and argue with the police.

    Meanwhile the families are having to pay for the operations and treatment at a private hospital out of meager savings.

    I've tried to impress upon them that they have to pursue an action with vigour against the mercedes driver who just scoffs at them.

    No-one was breathalysed.

    I'd like to quote from a poster Brian Fish from another web board concerning (some not all) Puy Yai hi sos attitudes in this country and what informs it.

    "Wiki also has an interesting write-up of narcissism, which in part reads, "Aggressive narcissism

    This is Factor 1 in the Hare Psychopathy Checklist, which includes the following traits:

    Glibness/superficial charm

    Grandiose sense of self-worth

    Pathological lying


    Lack of remorse or guilt

    Callous/lack of empathy

    Failure to accept responsibility for own actions."




  14. Perhaps if you can recall what some of your alleged criticisms specifically were, it might help pinpoint finding even one, let alone your use of plural to indicate more than one.

    Even an efficient search engine won't produce a result of something that doesn't exist and as it stands now, the searches are coming up empty.

    critical red shirts

    critical PTP

    critical Thaksin


    If you use one rigid term such as "critical" I'm not suprised you're coming up empty. Believe me or don't believe me, as with Rubl it really doesn't matter to me.

    Shame you can't recall any of the words you used for any of your multiple posts critical of the Red Shirts, PTP, and Thaksin.

    That would assist in searching for those posts.


    Well seeing this thread is about the dropping of Lese Majeste charges against Jatuporn I hardly think my posts critical of the red shirts etc will further the debate. In addition maybe even you can see the irony of making attacks on the messenger rather than the post.

    Perhaps you could direct some of that pent up energy to answering a question I've asked several times now, a question which is On Topic,

    Any chance of providing a link or links to back up the statement that several people were arrested for passing around anti monarchy pamphlets at that same rally, the statement that you have agreed to as being the truth of the situation?

    I've asked three times now and still haven't had a reply so shall I just put it down to the usual scattergun approach of seeding untruths throughout the forum?

    Don't worry.

    He's looking!

  15. The headline of this thread is incorrect. The charges have not been lifted, the morally malleable head of DSI Tharit has forwarded them to the AG with the advice not to proceed.

    It is now up to the AG to decide whether the courts should be the arbiter of guilt or innocence or will he make a decision that could well be perceived as biased and/or corrupt. In most places, that perception would be important enough in a high profile case to be forwarded. In other places, the perception is much closer to reality.

    I'd already mentioned that fact in reply to your post #57

    The DSI has agreed that there is no case to answer but has fowarded the case recommending the cases be dropped to the Prosecution. They get the final say.

    The title is correct inasmuch as the Lese Majeste cases have been recommended to be dropped by the DSI in its report to the the prosecutors.

    You can still live in hope if that is your wont.

    Expecting a PTP politician to do the right thing is rather silly isn't it. Still, I hope that a mercenary propaganda agitator who helped the death of 91 people and huge property and business losses might eventually get some form of justice.

    Unlikely though under the current government, as he's PTP's mercenary. OTOH some charges have no SOL.

    i'm glad you put "death of 91 people" before "huge property and business."

    Let's have some balance and not moral equivalence.

  16. Remember this one you posted. 2 foot high "blackshirt"

    Something cooked up in Adobe After Effects by some "hi-so."

    What provokes you to post such BS.


    You are embarasing yourself.

    Clearly your eyes decieve you. We've had a good laugh at this one

    Here a black silhouette no higher than the crash barrier behind (video shot at eye level of standing cameraman, no surprise.)

    Check the perspective. The person who put this together may know how to use the software but doesn't understand perspective. I do.

    You don't deny it then

  17. ...

    So, some people standing around in the hospital's lobby and some more people walking up the levels of the indoor car park is "pandemonium", is it? Hmmm.....Anyway here's how you described it: "Footage i recall showed hospital staff barrackading up doors and reds storming through them forcefully wielding a variety of weapons. People then shrieking and fleeing in varying directions. In short, pandemonium" Of course, nothing in the video evidence provided shows anything that you so vividly described.

    And I think it's safe to state that you'd believe anything if if helped to discredit the Red Shirts.


    I do remember seeing the news back when the event happened, a mob of Red Shirts, some with sticks and helmets, bursting in through the lobby (lobby I think) of the hospital.

    But don't let that stand on the way of the SS Revisionism steaming full ahead.

    Remember this one you posted. 2 foot high "blackshirt"

    Something cooked up in Adobe After Effects by some "hi-so."

    What provokes you to post such BS.

  18. So, Rix, what specifically so you think brought on the decision to evacuate?

    The safety of staff and patients.

    Easy for you, someone who wasn't there, who now sits safely behind his computer completely removed from any of this (like us all of course) to make the judgement that lives weren't in danger and that this was simply political showboating, but you don't know this for a fact, it is just something you choose to believe. I choose to believe that 99% of doctors and nurses ultimately, and when it comes to the crunch, will act in the best interests of their patients - it is how they are programmed - and i believe that is what was happening here - as well as of course acting in the interests of their own safety.

    And you can insult me with your "hospital invasion apologist" jibe as much as you like, I'm thick-skinned tongue.png . I continue to moderate my criticism of Chula hospital's behaviour and the hyperbole of fellow TVF posters with my genuine condemnation of the intrusion by Red Shirts.

    Sorry but I find the "genuine condemnation" rings fairly hollow all the time you are making silly comparisons like "much akin to official visitors passing through".

    In the TV Red Shirt supporters/admirers mind it´s totally OK to use kids as shields and storm hospitals, in the Geneva Convention it´s not. That´s about says it all.bah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

    Oh dear oh dear.

    Some redshirt nut holds up his child taunting the soldiers and the story transmutes into "redshirts use kids as human shields."

    If I beleived you meant that seriously and not just as the usual windup I'd say


  19. The “germs”: the reds’ infection of the Thai political body

    May 3rd, 2010 by Thongchai Winichakul, Guest Contributor

    The media reports, especially on TV, are full of horrible eyewitness accounts. Doctors, nurses, patients, and their relatives are panicked. They frantically moved patients, many of whom are in a serious condition and should not be moved, to another building. What is shown on TV is not an orderly operation as precaution but a chaotic, disorganized action by medical personnel who were in fright! The Reds are coming! They heard the Reds are coming! People said the Reds are coming!

    There is no need for a single picture or photo if the Reds were armed, or a report of a single shot, but the public assume that the Reds stormed into the hospital fully armed, threatening doctors and patients with weapons, causing horrific chaos as people tried to escape the armed invasion. A nurse was reported saying that she has to work with fear of bullets from the Reds everyday, as if there were a shot at the hospital even once. (Finally there was, in the parking area of the hospital when the UDD group actually encountered a few army officers. The soldiers shot at them. The UDD people escaped uninjured.)..................

    Read on here http://asiapacific.a...-the-red-germs/

    The professor wishes to ridicule the assumption that the red shirts entered the hospital armed. As their claim was that the entered in order to evict soldiers who had been firing on them, the assumption that therefore they were unarmed is completely farcical.

    One fact should be repeated. If the red protesters had not used arms to resist their lawful removal, there would be no necessity for the RTA to use weapons against them.

    This is my understanding of what happened at the hospital at the time.

    The hospital cleared the building overlooking the redshirts perhaps understandably. Distressing for sick patients.

    The building was left unlit and soldiers were apparently observed moving around within the building by redshirt guards./

    A group of redshirts went to the hospiatl where they were shot at by soldiers as referred to above and searched within the empty building finding no soldiers BUT the celebrated forensic scientist Porntip or Porntiva analysed the room on the 5th floor where she found fragmentary evidence that suggested that the grenade attacks on the PAD demonstrators at Sala Dang may have originated from inside the hospital.

    Had the redshirts been armed it would have been all over the western press understandably.

    However I doubt the "frothers" bother to check out the international press for their stories.

  20. I find it ironic that Thaksin chose Let It Be as the melody for his song. The English language lyrics to this song are about inner peace being found through religion, at least that's what I interpret the song to mean. Quite the opposite of the controversial lyrics which Thaksin sang in Thai.

    Imagine there's no Thaksin

    It isn't hard to do

    Nothing to kill or die for

    And no corruption too

    Imagine all the thais living life in peace

    You, you may say

    I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one

    I hope some day you'll join us

    And Thailand will be as one

    FWIW, Paul McCartney wrote thie song in 1969. Religion may have now't to do with it. Mother Mary may be his Mum, who died when he was young.


    Well after Thaksin there will be....

    That's right. More of the same.

    Get used to it.

    It's called Democracy and as imperfect as Thaksin is he is just the latest in not a very long line (begun by Pridi Banomyong, one of my heroes) of thais who wish for REAL change.

    Such examination has been made over Thaksin as to threaten anyone in the future defying the powers that be (in a police state).

    Look at the false imprisonment of Thaksin's lawyers over the land deal as a warning to those out there who might try to challenge the system.

  21. Worthy of a repost.

    Don't cry for me Rachisima by St. Madonawatra

    It won't be easy, you'll think I'm stranger

    When I try to explain how I feel

    That I still need your love after all that I've done

    You won't believe me

    All you will see is a PM you once knew

    Although I'm dressed up to the nines,

    All '60's and 70's to you

    I had to let it happen, I had to derange.

    Couldn't stay so belly up to the trough

    Looking out of penthouse, staying out of limelight

    So I chose freedom

    Taking a runner, escaping anew

    But some thing depressed me ; my fall

    I never expected it, true.

    Don't cry for me Rachisima

    The truth I never told you

    All through my blunders

    My mad resistance

    I kept my profits

    Don't take your taxes.

    And as for fortune, and as for face

    They have been stolen

    Though it's known to the world, they were all I desired

    They were just illusions

    I've not solutions, I'd promised to thee

    The answer I've hidden is crime

    I love you and hope you love me

    Don't cry for me Ratchisima

    The truth would only bore you

    I took grand percentages

    Stiffled most resistance

    I want my money

    So drop your sentence

    Have I said too much?

    There's no truths more I can think of to say to you.

    But all you have to do is look at me to know

    That every word is true

    Don't cry for me Rachisima

    The truth I never told you

    All through my blunders

    My mad resistance

    I kept my profits

    Don't take your taxes.

    You're the joker.

    I read your other post the other day about the Bomb attempt against Thaksin being fake.


    Please keep up.

    PS go view Wikipedia and heh what about Wikileaks and the $10000 hit alluded to by none other than Prem.

  22. You're a bunch of old cynics aren't you?

    Clearly he needs the voice coach to come back but I think he may well have been a chorister in a past life.

    He's just starting out. Bar mitzvas etc Chinese = jewish n'est pas?

    He's a card, maybe a national treasure. Somebodies like him.

    We await Mark and the Dem's reposte however he is a fan of heavy metal.

    What could he sing? Something from ACDC?

    Perhaps something with some porn in it?

    I know.

    Michael Jackson's "Killer."

    Then we'll be on the same page.

  23. My question is having recently set up a Premier account here with HSBC to take future funds (and just received the letter about the closureand changeover to BAY) how do I go about settting up another Premier account say in Singapore or even over in the UK?

    It was relatively easy to set up the account here. I'm very disappointed. I do not have a work permit either.

    The account needs to be in euros. I already bank with Kasikhorn and use HIFX for transfers which works fine and is a lot easier than using Santander in UK!

    Languageses>en YahooCE


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