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Everything posted by LivinLOS

  1. Budget for purchase (including kickback) is provided.. Budgets for ongoing costs always forgotten.
  2. How early before the end of the 60 day window can an extension be requested ?? I believe for a non imm its 45 here (some offices 30) but not sure if they expect less time pre expiry window on only 60 days. I need to assist someone who is old at the process but also trying to fit it in windows of time I am not here. Agents seem to want 10k to handle this simple process.
  3. I have never met a western parent who told that to any of thier family, let alone a 13 / 14 year old girl... Here I have seen that, seen parents sell children into sex slavery for debts, seen parents packing thier daughters off to Pattaya and Phuket with demands for ongoing stipends and car payments to be met for the parents off of thier childrens backs.. One woman in Patong I knew had 2 idiot fat dip<deleted> sons who sat on the sofa playing video games and one whip smart multi lingual hardworking daughter who she ragged on.. One of the sons was expelled from school and she was having to pay under the table to enroll him in another, but the daughter wasn't sent to either school, when I asked her why she replied, with the daughter in earshot or listening "why I bother, in a couple of years she will be in the shop (her parents ran a shirt making seamstress shop for those garish tourist T shirts) or in the bar, why does she need school".. Quality parenting, setting the expectations early and life goals. Yes, that is cultural. No other term for it.
  4. Interesting cultural twist in quiet quitting.. I hadnt heard these before and will keep an eye for it..
  5. You missed my point that it was a great free and wild childhood, that lead to a great free and wild teenage years, and a great free and wild adulthood. Maybe just maybe the pattern of life you deem safe and responsible isnt for everyone.. Its not your job to stop people making what you perceive as bad choices.
  6. Because I try not to judge other cultures mores and morals, especially ones I have moved into.. When I came here I realized that east is east and west is west and if I tried to make them obey my belief systems as Kipling put it "For the Christian riles, and the Aryan smiles and he weareth the Christian down; And the end of the fight is a tombstone white with the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear: “A Fool lies here who tried to hustle the East.” Asia does what asia does.. I dont have to join in, but I sure as hell am not going to get in thier way or even more insanely start pretending that they dont routinely do things that I find highly unusual, unethical and even immoral.. But they dont seem to see it the same way. As long as they leave me the hell alone, I dont judge them.. Getting blood money for dead kids ?? Shocking but.. hey they do it.. Selling thier children to prostitution for debts (a woman I knew !!) shocking but hey they do it.. Stealing children for begging rings.. I mean the list goes on and on.. Welcome to Asia !! <deleted> gets real pretty fast here !
  7. Who says it was terrible.. I had a great childhood, with loving supportive parents who felt I was entirely capable of making my own life choices at an early age. By my mid 20s I was the ceo of a pan european corporation with 600 employees in 5 countries.. I 'retired' (first time) at 28 already a millionaire.. Maybe in part because of that encouragement, belief, and early development of 'adult' choices and risk understanding. We dont all go the same speed.
  8. Total misdirection and strawman. My point is this is not unusual in Thailand, especially among Thais, and I do not agree that it is impossible that is making a free choice to willing engage in this. Many do. I have zero interest in anyone that young, they have little clue what they are doing even when far older.
  9. In a Thai one ?? You think it would even go to court ??
  10. 80s dude.. Late ones.. I was just fine.. I made choices.. I lived with the outcomes.. Good things happened, bad things happened, I was in control of my own destiny.. It was only months later at 16 I left home for good and 19 I completely left the country of my passport.. Teenagers can make life choices without being a victim of coercion.
  11. I am not suggesting that it is not 'wrong'.. I am also not encouraging anyone to do it.. What I am saying is that 1) culturally Thai teenagers selling themselves to other Thais is not very unusual, it happens quite openly day in day out and 2) it is not always forced or coerced.. They seem to often make that choice for the material gains it brings without apparent regret. If you dont know this, your living in that bubble of isolation which doesnt speak or see Thailand for what it really is.. For good or ill, warts and all.
  12. OK so you keep living in your absolutist dream world.. With your white knight card on display.. Out there in the world of Thais.. This is a daily occurrence, and no ones surprised or especially outraged. I struggle to see how people can live here and yet be so ignorant of the culture they have moved into.
  13. and when ones 14 and the others 15.. Still 'predatory scum' I take it ??
  14. And when a pregnancy happens its pay off time.. Higher payoffs for under 15s or larger age gaps than the mandated 3 years.. Parents often rubbing thier hands together at the good fortune of that extra few months..
  15. Is she making the choice with free will ?? I was 14 the first time my parents left for months leaving me to look after myself solo.. My old man ran away to sea on the cape boats at 14.. We were both immature but we both made choices with our own free will.. No one coerced us to make those choices and we were responsible for our actions (I was briefly put into a care home because I was arrested and didnt have a guardian and refused to give them any family contact details but I was able to escape the care facility in 12 hours so no harm done ;)). Absolutely shes under the legal age to have sex.. Thats not in dispute. Is she being forced to do so or choosing to do so? Entirely different question.
  16. Maybe she is.. and maybe she isnt.. You would need to talk to the girl herself to determine her motives, desires, and if she is making a free will choice. It is entrely possible shes being coerced.. Its also entirely possible shes one of the many many teenagers very willingly selling herself. The only thing I find surprising is why this is news ?? Likely only due to the UK based parent.. Go on twitter and search riab ngaan <province> what I suggested and you will find 10s or 100s of teens openly selling sex, sex video calls, home made porn, etc etc.. Some posting in school uniforms etc. Once you search with Thai script it is suddenly all in the open, and Thai script tells you who its for..
  17. The reality is Thais have been engaged in the practice of selling themselves for 100s of years.. And will continue selling themselves for a lot longer.. Its the land of negotiable affection. Through all levels of society from the commoners (historical records of buffalo women dating back 100s of years) to the high society trading daughters and concubines.
  18. Ohh but it is cultural.. There is a very different attitude to sex and morality in asia than the west.. Pretending that isnt so doesnt change the reality. I notice you continue to ignore the adult senior family member telling the child she should have sold herself rather than give herself to her boyfriend ?!? Theres a million road 'laws' routinely ignored.. Are you saying that because its law then it isnt happening ?? I guess Pattaya is just the worlds largest open air brothel city in the world by chance is it ?? Closely followed by other asian capitals.
  19. I am unsure that 'victim' blaming is an appropriate term when the victim is the one willingly advertising and going out there to seek and request the customers.. Theres LOADS of teenage girls out on the batter here, students hooking for handbags and iPhones, seeking sugar daddies, FWB arrangements etc etc.. They are hardly trafficked into the trade, they are the ones making a direct choice of what they want, they value the material goods over any moral hangup or chaste attitudes. Its cultural no point imposing western morals on them or holding them to some divine standard. Hell when a teenage niece ran away with her older boyfriend and after a couple of days afraid to go home turned up at our door the gran (40s, maybe 50 !!) turned up screaming mad "why you give your virgin away you stupid girl.. You never give your pussy away.. You need to make him pay you for it" lovely woman she was !!
  20. Firstly I fully agree its not on my menu.. But I dont see anyone twisting thier arms either, they want to sell themselves for the spending money, they want the phones, handbags and flash cash that comes from that lifestyle. This is (for the extreme vast majority) a choice they are making.
  21. Prescription sedative used to be for sale in Burmese and Cambodian pharmacies over the counter. Class 2.. hardly worth the media hype.
  22. But its different when its done by 'good people'..
  23. Where do these multi millionaire dullards come from ?? I mean just...
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