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Everything posted by LivinLOS

  1. Agree.. But as you can also home grow totally without restrictions I dont see how they will be able to police the need for anyone over 20 to have a prescription. Did this weed come from a licensed practioner or your back garden ??
  2. This sums it up well https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/blunt-truth-media-keep-getting-it-wrong-on-thai-cannabis-legalization/
  3. The confusion is that no law was made.. 120 days before 9th June they took cannabis off the narcotics list entirely.. Extracts made from cannabis (any processing, food, oils, wax, etc) was ether OK under 0.2% and controlled by FDA as a CBD product or over 0.2% as a narcotic and still only possible with a prescription. They fully expected to create and pass laws in the time between publication and it being law. Conservative voices fully expected all THC parts to be controlled. Somehow Thailand failed to make any law (accidentally on purpose ??) so it effectively decriminalized the plant entirely, not what most officials voted for. A law may come, but right now there isnt one T_0001.pdf
  4. Until hey make a law that this is illegal, draft it, publish it in the royal gazette and time passes for it to become law.. They are doing nothing wrong.. You cannot raid a legal business.. IF they change the law sure.. If they have extracts sure.. But the law is open now.
  5. Attention deficit disorder.. Meaning she wasnt getting enough attention..
  6. Comes down to the bank.. You will do better with a more 'expat friendly' bank like HSBC. Barclays closed my accounts after 20 years banking there with short notice, they refuse to say why but that account was Thai address based.
  7. The point that is completely wrong is that the 0.2% limit applies to plants in any way. The 0.2% THC limit is only for 'extracts' made from the plant.. Not the plant itself. Please check online before you comment ????
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