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Everything posted by LivinLOS

  1. Chaiyaphum hardly a tourist ghetto !!
  2. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080103234568 And not one drop of self reflection !!
  3. ???? Yes of course, that has to be the answer.. If they ddnt have Thai FDA they can not have been made in Thailand.. No Thai would ignore paperwork and rules. And what tragic event happened to these kids who consumed the cookies ?? They were given a warm cup of cocoa and a pillow ??
  4. Yeah they only have the same lightweight aluminium ones.
  5. can you please name one ?? I have contacted the usual (siam pool, des joyeux, etc etc) and the swimmingpoolsthailand etc websites.
  6. Thats the right diameter and everything !!
  7. I have contacted many pool companies and mail order websites and as said, no one seems interested in supplying anything other than the cheap junk thin walled aluminium ones I have already tried.
  8. Thanks.. Would happily try a carbon one but these are both not in Thailand, so far each supplier I have asked who were not domestic said they cannot mail them (presume the 2m length is an issue etc).
  9. corrosion resistant ???? !!
  10. To repeat.. As Thaivisa once again has all the suggestion that are not the request. Does anyone know where to purchase a heavy duty SS pool pole. High quality, price not that important (up to maybe 10k).
  11. The hose is older than my time in the house.. 7 plus years.. Considering the price I am happy enough with that lifespan cost.. My time and effort is far more valuable than the unpacking and repacking every day or two, I have my system and I want the tools to accommodate what I want, not to change. Its just a SS metal pole, I had one before, they must exist..
  12. Seeking a quality one of these (Chiang Mai but can order if shipped). One that is solid thick walled quality metal. Long story is I had the same pool pole for 6 or so years, never gave it a second thought, my pool area doesnt have great storage and so I leave the hose and pole in the pool between cleanings if not having a party or guests over. The pole I had was decent heavy duty and lasted years.. It finally aged and corroded and the next one I bought (white thin metal coated) lasted maybe 6 months.. When I replaced that with an 'aluminium' looking one its the same, corrosion started within weeks and now a few months later its paper thin and about to break. I dont want another piece of junk I have to buy twice a year. I just want a decent, SS heavy duty 4m or up pool pole, no shop or store I have spoken to up here has one or seems to be able to (interested in) ordering one. This cant be so hard to obtain ??
  13. Just howling morons.. Theres devs with baseline salaries of 500k a month easy.. theres lead devs with multi million in stock options.. Top talent (is it even a talent ????) has a whole industry of head hunters whose sole job it is is to run around the world scouring to find this talent and recruit it.. Thailand is making a bunch of luxury visas available to them.. 10 year visas.. No tax and low tax offers.. And some old gramps on Thaivisa who likely couldnt tell me what a shell script is tells him its not wanted and to get a 40k a month job teaching english !!! Because thats all his skills are worth.
  14. Depending on the numbers.. Feels like prawit will make a deal.. Tacky allowed back.. PT in government, but maybe give up the figurehead leadership..
  15. What TF are you talking about.. Do you have any concept of what a dev does or earns ?? Or the visas they are making available to them under BOI if they meet the criteria ??
  16. If things were done efficiently and transparently there would be no need for 'negotiations' and 'fixers' to 'assist' in solving the problems
  17. 2 months before 3 months after and 400k all year is kind of locked up !!
  18. I thought retirement, unlike marriage, had no under review period ???
  19. Yeah like that hasnt happened before !! I mean the cult of personality playbook which has shaped this country so definitively is CIA planning through and through..
  20. Yet it is the speed of the change isnt it.. As I already noted.. Its only a few decades back that Thailand had higher per capita GDP than South Korea.. Look at the two now and tell me Thailand is doing well for its countrymen. If S Korea were magically reset to Thailands per capita prosperity it would legitimately be considered a 'doomsday' for them, that is precisely what Thailand has squandered. Over time small rates of growth both won and lost compound dramatically and the end result is felt by the population.
  21. I guess it must sound like that if you cant comprehend it properly.. Never mind I will try it in crayon.
  22. I agree with everything you wrote.. I would say though that tourism numbers will rebound just fine, but how much social and economic damage will that come with.. As you say Thailand always 'wants' something but you dont hear what they wish to offer.. 'quality tourism' AKA rich people have a lot of great options, Thailands real market sector is a kind of high volume cheap excitement and more and more cheap arrivals combined with such corruption and mindsets of grab it all now are just trashing every island, every hotspot etc. You want to get 'quality tourists' you need to control rampant over development, have enforced planning rules and environmental policies, have a society that can stop wealthy and connected just doing what they want.. In short provide the connected, clean, quality infrastructure that multi millionaires want if they are going to consider buying and building mega money villas.
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