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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. A Few dog walkers with pit bulls would reclain this area toot sweet.
  2. That fact our elite forces may be prosecuted for following orders is a travesty. Our servicemen should be honoured for protecting us not hounded by woke lawyers with an anti British agenda.
  3. Really. Is a ankle bracelet likly to prevent a known terrorist from planting bombs and killing people. Politicians need to wake up to the terrorist threat from mass Muslin illegal immigration of potentially radical young men.
  4. these cunning Chineese are a proving to be the prominent lawbreakers in Thailand.
  5. His family members who visit regularly do not beleive he was depressed. Touch of the Epstein mystery here.
  6. Did she write the glowing report herself or pay someone to tell porkies to disquise she is her Father's mouthpiece
  7. Russia has shown open hostility to the UK for years including planned assasinations of Putin's critics in UK Cities. Putin's actions make Trumps favourable stance towards him a negative for the UK and our European allies.
  8. This is a bad sign. Infighting and a public slanging match is a big setback for Reform party. If you can't show unity with only five MP's it's a negative for prospectlve voters.
  9. Absolutely correct.. The ECHR and its influence on British courts is the main reason many convicted illegal immigrants are allowed to stay in the UK even after serving lenghty prison sentences for repeated offences. Aided by woke lawyers abusing the legal aid system and receiving massive paydays for doing so. This nonsence has to stop.
  10. Absolute rubbish. I see Russian kids running amok iin our condo that could do with a parential slap.
  11. Big Joke tried exposing a bigger crook than himself. He paid journalists 10'000 baht to write favourable stories about his exploits. Perhaps his ego contributed to his downfall. One down hundreds ln brown still raking it in.
  12. The arrogance of Isralies in Pai have brought shame on the Jewish community living peacefully in Thailand.
  13. Excitment in wondering what hurdles the government and immigration will think of to make retirees jump through more hoops.
  14. Mainstream media including CNN have been exposed as liars pre and post election. Time for woke anchors like Anderson Cooper be made redundant.
  15. This was the best idea ever. Using Putins siezed assets to help fund Ugrain's fight against Russian aggresion.
  16. Is this a new low. Worse than the previous nicker nickers
  17. Chineese are in the forefront of crime in Thailand. It took Cambodia years to correct the mistake of welcoming the Chineese with their casinos.
  18. Thailand can not defend the deportation of these persecuted people to the horrors awaiting then in China. A violation of human rights. How Thailand was allowed on the human rights committee remains a travisty.
  19. First the husband allowed, then the wife next the kids and the parents later the in laws. Free housing and benefits. Welcome all to the UK Starmer's land of plenty.
  20. The old anti semite is up to his old tricks.
  21. David Milliband's return from the shadows to front line politics will cost UK residents dearly if allowed to continue his misguided zero policies encouraged by Starmer.
  22. this is a big win for the condo owners who invested in a place they chose as a permanent home. Their lifestyle blighted for years by money grabbing agents, unscrupulous owners and inafective corrupt juristic management. Kudos to overdue law enforcement.
  23. When you allow one self serving devisive family dominate Thai politics and the economy for decades there will be no upgrade from third world country statuc
  24. Keep up the protests. You are creating more support for right wing opinion in the UK
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