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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. Human rights have alwsys been a low priority during Thaksin's reign and his current influence.
  2. Thailand's politicians put a low priority on human rights with another example of Chinese coercion forcing persecuted people to life imprisonment and in many cases a death penalty.
  3. exisists on this forum also. Just mention opposition to Muslim immigration and the same nerds scream racism.
  4. exellent service recommended.. make appointement check documents collect passport when notified. Simple process no hassle
  5. more preferential treatment of Muslim radicals by the UK Authorities despite public and official governmental concerns
  6. These are the same IT whixkids who are going to organise and implement a new taxation system for foreigners.
  7. Beligirent Israllies causing problems at a local hospitial started scrutiny of the large Israeli jewish population in Pai. Tha Thai authorities acting to eleviate local concerns have every right to check the credentials of one large population of foreigners dominating a small tourist location such as Pai.
  8. Now the money from corruption is now being spent on the mistress instead of the wife she wants revenge via the media.
  9. This boils down to a domestic dispute. The husband may be a cad but nothing illegal in this story
  10. The Russian was in the room at the time the Thai man robbed the suitcase. Fiqures he must know the thief.
  11. Thaksin took his eye off the ball during the senate elections and voting didn't go all his way when his relative and former prime minister was not elected. Thaksin now seeks to redress the damage as recent voting has not gone to Phu Thais way. Thaksin's dominance in Thai politics is full steam ahead.
  12. Never mind the Tories. Reform are more popular and trustworthy than Labour. Illegal immigration and fiscal policies are driving support for right wing opposition more than ever before the the UK.
  13. For years UK UK authorities have ignored the threat of muslim immigration. With over 1700 mosques 60%of birth registerrd to non Britsh woman and the most popular babies name registered for new births was Muhammad. Without doubt preferential treatment is given to Muslim offenders and radical Imans supporting Jihad's docterine of hate against the west. The rise of right wing public opinion against open door Muslim illegal immigration is now a threat to woke UK Politicians and rightly so.
  14. Good for him. We have an real sucker in the UK called Starmer.
  15. You deposit has triggered a money laundering alert. In the first instance you need to contact the bank and ask why the money was frozen and what do they require to release your funds. You certainly don't need a Thai lawyer confusing the issue.
  16. I was rejected at various banks. My stockbroker rang the BB bank i had just been refused at. I went back thirty minutes later and was asked what size box do you require.?
  17. These Muslim thugs should receive prison time. They broke a policewomans nose in the attack. The police fearing racial riots have delayed prosecution. The threat of a private prosecution by Nigel Farage promted the overdue charges being brought at this time. I fear the leniency shown to muslim offenders in the UK will prevail once again.
  18. Perhaps they realise they havn't got the IT infustructure the manpower or the intelligence to operate major tax changes so quickly.
  19. Why the King should cowtow to a bunch of murderers and terrorists is beyond common sense.
  20. imagine the cost for legal aid to ajudicate this womans claims eight times and now approved by a terrorist loophole. Woke UK judges influenced by the ECHR and backed by Starmer are making a mockery of few immigration safeguards we have in the UK.
  21. when you see the preferential treatment given to politicians like Thaksin and other VIP's it is obvious the law is corrupt. Freedom for the guilty is for sale in Thailand.
  22. Currrently there are 1700 Mosques in the UK. The most mosques in any country oher than Turkey. The building of affordable housing is stagnent in the UK however the buliding of muslim places of worship is rampant. Tells a story.
  23. lot of poor people do not scam other people of their savings.
  24. Then 99% should be charged and jailed like the criminals they are. Not given aid and refugee status.
  25. This is a misuse of the immigration statute and opens the door to more immigrants of muslim faith to the UK. The welcome to all immigrants is not accepted by the majority of British voters hence the popular rise of right wing opinion in the UK.
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