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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. What a lucky guy this Foreigner is managed to find such a popular lady with two violent husbands in tow.
  2. Agreed. remember the next person you meet could end up being your best friend
  3. You sound like a person who enjoys their own space and company. Nothing wrong with that. However l made friends with people over the years sometimes a friendship that started from a causual polite convesation.
  4. well we do agree he was not parked in the middle of the road as per the report.
  5. For a start the car is parked at the side of the road not the middle. Could have a car fault.
  6. The acer has a full guarentee for two years and parts made by acer three years including the screen and the keyboard. I have had good service from authentic acer service centres and recommend anyone with a acer to use them. Not expensive and guarantee repair in thee hours. Especially recommend Chaing mai service centre.
  7. At least its not all bad. You won't loose your glasses stuck to your head
  8. If the assasin is apprehended in Thailand and the hit was orcestrated by Hun Sen his friend Thaksin will help with the cover up
  9. Previously a Chineese ship dragged its anchor for sixty nautical miles cutting cables. Why is this covert warefare by the sly Chineese allowed to contlnue without strong retaliation by the west. Possibly Trump will be the only politicisn world wide with the guts to take then on.
  10. Can the counrtry afford to wait a year to be rid of Starmer. I think not. Six months we have seen more than enough of that incompetent sleaze bag.
  11. People worldwide should remember and reflect on this murderous attack by Muslims. Curtail the religious freedom that allows the building of mosques and radical preachers as they infiltrate many countries with their doctrine of hate.
  12. Thaksin's words are not blnding until he tells his daughter they are.
  13. Very understanding wife letting him come to Thailand on his own for ten weeks. Might shed the pounds from activities other than fasting. Much better than weightwatchers
  14. I agree Facebook have the most scammers and they are allowed to operate with impunity. Little or no action to prevent scammers from Facebook amin.
  15. did they start the war by breaking the ceasefire and invading and killing hundreds of isralies????
  16. Absolutely. That doesn't mean their actions should not be subject of debate.
  17. absolute rubbish like the majority of your posts
  18. Perhaps to people who do not see the problem of increasing radical muslim donination
  19. it is opions like your that has led to the influence of Muslims and their religion in many areas. Some locations in the Uk Are totally dominated by Muslims and no go areas.
  20. I would suggest anyone who subscibes to your opinion on muslims especially should look at www. truthontrail. co. uk The evidence of inceasing muslim domination and discrimination. sexual offences against UKChildren by Muslim gangs are well documented and the suject is been ignorned by Muslim councellors in the areas concerned.
  21. They say a dog's personality is akin to that of the owner. Says a lot about owners of vicious breeds of dogs.
  22. False Dorn. A temporary resbite caused by the Phue Thai givaway
  23. Hope the underwriters have more expertise than those that recommended insurance companies in Thailand go big on Covid coverage. Bankrupted more than one insurance company.
  24. I welcomed Musk's support of reform and the promise of financial support for the Reform party. and Farage in particular. His support was one reason hundreds of people enrolled to join Reform in recent weeks. Why he should withdraw his support for Farage and demine him in such a way is a mystery to me. It now seems the people who critisised Musk's involvement from the outset Views that i took exception too where in fact correct all along. How Will Musk's opposition to Farage effect Farage's relationship with President elect Trump i wonder.
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