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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. The Thai prison system is corrupt as most government institutions. Look at the favourable treatment of Thaksin while incarcerated.
  2. why don't you offer to accomodate a nice immigrant family
  3. Every year the polloution gets worse. Starting earlier in the year and lasting longer. Every year the buitiful city of Chaing Mai is reduced to a no go area for at least two months every year with fires visible in the same locations. Strange how the burning is controlled until after the Flower Festval and Chineese New Year.
  4. Multiple wives receiving state benifts and housing provided must be controlled. Recent reports indicate one in twelve London residents are illegal immigrants. Meanwhile Knife crime, phone thefts and shoplifting are rampant. Starmer is not the leader to prevent this abuse.
  5. Making raids with the press photographer in tow are fine. However arrests and convictions are scarce. Sadly perhaps the wiley Chineese who can afford top lawyers may be more than a match for the RTP.
  6. Why not. Many do use a relative or friends address. Good luck.
  7. i had the same problem i wrote to them registered and they sent a tax form for completion. I submitted that and they corrected the amount i received and refunded the overpaid tax.
  8. AMLO is a joke. how come telcoms and other watchdogs allowed, 680,000 mule accounts in the firstplace. Probably the tip of the iceberg.
  9. He is not a bigot. Another protector of Muslims with his head up his.............
  10. Another Labour U turn under Starmer. He has expressed every confidence in his chancellor. Probable the only person in the country who has
  11. Glad to hear she was just visiting Pattaya.Wouldn't want to tarnish the image.
  12. You just outlined the advantage of renting property over buying. Personally i would never buy another condo as my permanent residence. Too many noisy renters and poor juristic control.
  13. He is correct. Immigrants get the soft approach and Brits are jailed for protesting the crimes of illegal immigrants.
  14. The customers where not scammed. However objectionable they got what they paid for.
  15. Rounabouts are much too complicated for the average Thai pickup driver to comprehend.
  16. how does two guys marring make the world a better place. many gay people sre allowed to adopt children some with terrible consequences for the child.
  17. Chances are the transgender will not be a first offender. If apprehended the cash will be long gone and a small fine for the thief.
  18. I wish Starmer or any UK Politician had the guts to act swiftly on their pre electlon manifest. Trump acted within hours. in comparison Starmer's election promises are after Six months just talk. Any UK politician with Trump,'s resolve on illegal immigration will win a similar election by a landslide and win the popular vote.
  19. i agree, homosexuality on your cv is regarded as a plus in the UK civil service
  20. Why shouldTrump endorse Starmer's choice when Mandleson is s toxic politician very critical of Trump pre election. Another Starmer error of judgement.
  21. You will not be a great loss to Thailand
  22. Funny how the Shinawatras benifit financially when corruption is foremost in land accusisions. This is not the first shady land deal involving this family.
  23. This land was donated to her local temple when the landowner died. How the Shinawatras managed to accuire it and turn it into the Alpine golf course is another Taksin money grabbing mystery.
  24. These mega mergers benifit the wealthy Thai families with major shareholding rather than the consumer.
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