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Posts posted by BarnicaleBob

  1. It might be he has something like HIV or worse and has had sex with one or more persons before without informing them. In the end he may have been charged with the crime of endangering their lives. The result being in him being given this order by the judge so that in the future the police could inform the intended sexual partner of the danger.

  2. Recently there was a news story about the first time car buyer incentive program which indicated there may be a change coming. The story stated there was consideration by the government to change the requirement that a person who has purchased a car under the program might be allowed to sell it after three years rather than five years as the program originally required. Here is a link: http://news.thaivisa.com/thailand/thai-politics-changing-rules-for-first-time-car-buyers-makes-sense/111477/

    My question is; Has there been any progress on this proposal, will it become fact?

    My step-daughter did purchase a new Mazda under the program a little over three years ago but has since immigrated to America and now lives there. She is still making the payments with no problem but would really like to sell the car if there is a change in the five year policy. Anyone know the status of the program?

  3. I have a good friend who purchased 4 rai of repossessed land from a bank this past Summer with out any problems. It did take a couple of weeks to close on, not sure why but could be it takes time to clear the chanote (title to the land) on repossessed land. He used an attorney to look over the paperwork to insure there were no other leans on the property. He is now building a house on his land and all is going well.

  4. I thought the FBI were domestic, how can they have jurisdiction in Thailand?

    As often happens, the Thai news had a problem in the translation of the headline on this story. However, if you read the full story you will see he was arrested by Thai police and is being held by the Thai authorities awaiting extradition to the U.S.

  5. Attorney Ripley Rand dismissed the complaint and warrant for Snow after his deportation back to the United States.

    This is really confusing...the US Justice Department tracked this man all over the world...had Thai authorities send him back to the states so they could dismiss the complaint and warrant...someone help me out here...

    Either the man was falsely accused...or they did not have enough evidence...or they discovered the teens were actually giving it away for free since it appears that this new generation of teens would rather have sex and text on their phone at the same time...than spend any time getting to know someone from the opposite sex by using the old fashioned method of verbal communications...

    Oh my how the culture has changed in the US in the past couple of generations...

    The truth of the matter is that the man was a rich man who liked young girls a little too much. He had a lady who at one time worked for him (he had a multi-million dollar business) who had two young daughters age 13 and 15 who he desired. He offered to pay their mother money if she would talk the girls into having sex acts with him. After doing this a few times he invited other older male friends of his to make the same deal with the mother of the girls. I don't think the young girls were all that willing to begin with, they were cohered into this by their mother (who is now in jail for this). This man has also been involved with some large scale mortgage fraud in the past. In short, he is not a nice person.

  6. I have seen this happen before and I know there are a few of them out on the streets. I think they might be a unit within the Thai Highway Patrol which has an office in Chiang Mai. I think it is a good thing that they are starting to stop people for moving violations, it is done all the time in other countries.

  7. First of you have my condolences for the loss of your husband. About your visa; there are many options depending on why you will be living here.

    Should you choose to work in Thailand where the type of work you can do is very limited you could apply for a work visa.

    Should you decide you want to be a student and attend classes here, you could apply for a student visa once you have found a reputable school.

    Should you want to just live here on income you have from overseas but are too young for a retirement visa you must play the visa run game which recently has become more difficult to do.

    Should you decide to work as a volunteer for an NGO, you could find one that will sponsor you for a volunteer visa. But unless you have skills they need it may prove difficult to find an NGO that will go to the expense to do so.

    Should you become married to another foreigner who is on a retirement visa, work visa, or volunteer visa you may be able to piggy back on his visa as a dependent.

    Should you marry a Thai citizen you can apply for a marriage visa at any age.

    I would also recommend seeking the assistance of a visa agency in finding just what visa option best suits you.

    About transportation; check with the condo management for tips on this matter. Once thing some people do is to try several different taxis or other transporters until they find one driver they are comfortable with. Then they make a deal with that driver to use him/her all the time. Once you have established such a relationship, you will only need to phone him/her to come pick you up and on occasions where they can't they can send you a trusted associate. Bicycle riding is dangerous, but it you just use it to go to the local stores is you area, practice all the safety measures, avoid night riding and avoid the high traffic areas you should be OK. Then only use taxis when traveling out of the area or at night. About water; that has already been covered very well in the other posts.

    Good luck on your move and I hope you will enjoy your life in Chiang Mai.

  8. There are two forms that must be filled out. One by you a TM-28 and the other by the house owner a TM-30 which must be sent in within 24 hours of your arrival at the house.

    This is what is on Thai Immigration's website:

    1. Should you move from your current address, which Thai Immigration has, you have to report your change of address within 24 hours or face a penalty of 200 Baht a day for every day until it is corrected.
    2. You must provide the correct address to Thai Immigration when you are in Thailand. The address at which you reside must be the same as the one you gave to immigration. Failing to do this will result in a penalty to a maximum of 5,000 Baht or 200 Baht a day for everyday until your notification has been corrected.
    3. The situation monitoring centre of the National Council for Peace and Order in September 2015 announced that owners must report to authorities within 24 hours of having a room or house rented by a foreigner.
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  9. Its looks like Pajero got more tech.

    Like Blind spot mirrors. 360 4 cameras where fortuner 1 without reversing sensor.

    Pajero entertainment screen.

    Fortuner no navi ?



    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

    Fortuner and Pajero Sport both have GPS navigation - it's the Everest that doesn't (yet)

    About the GPS navigation, I have a 2014 Everest and it came with both the GPS and back-up camera. I have also driven a Pajero and I find the Everest has a smoother ride where the Pajero rides more like a pick-up truck.

  10. Looking at the bigger picture, China still wants to take control of Taiwan and some in the Taiwanese government feels that in or around 2020 China will stage an invasion. The long term prospects are that China is postponing their move on Taiwan until China has a sufficiently strong navy and better control of the South China Sea to counter U.S. intervention when they make their move on Taiwan. Yes, there is a treaty between Taiwan and the U.S. stating that if China attacks the U.S. will join the fight to defend Taiwan.

    By gaining control of the South China Sea first, China will have a strategic military advantage when they make their move on Taiwan. So, obtaining control of the South China Sea is only step one in long term plan to take over Taiwan. As said above, Taiwan's defense department feels the Chinese will be ready to stage the invasion of Taiwan sometime around 2020.

    Maintaining the free right of passage in the South China sea with a strong U.S. navy presence and denying China total control of the sea, may prevent a war between China and Taiwan which the U.S. would have no choice because of treaty agreements to get involved in.

    This all boils down to having a small altercation in the South China Sea or a major war in the future.

  11. Why in the world would he come to Thailand with a history like that?

    The police will catch before it starts snowing this winter.

    He came to Thailand because his wife is Thai. With a Thai wife it will not be too difficult for him to move around and stay out of the BIBs way. He is worth several million dollars which is distributed through a complicated system of corporations, so I'm sure the wife will continue to cover for him for a long time. Keep you eyes open for new falangs moving into your neighborhoods, his photo is posted here so he should not be hard to spot.

  12. Both of my big toes were ingrown and I went to see Dr. Dirk Weeber at the Podology Center. I called him and he gave me an appointment for the very next day. His work was very professional and he cured my problem without having to remove my toenails. He numbed my toes and cut a lot of the nails away removing the impacted parts from my toe tissue. Gave me antibiotics and pain pills to take for a few days and I was very happy with his service. The follow up visit to check how my toes were healing a week later was free. Dr. Dirk does have a gift of gab which may make him seem a bit strange but he took his time with me and made sure everything was done correctly. https://www.facebook.com/The-Podology-Center-Bangkok-Chiang-Mai-126689804028941/

  13. At the time the United States was formed, our forefathers who had lived through oppression wanted to insure that the new government they were forming would never be able to oppress its citizens as the British had done. Therefore, the Second Amendment was written into the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was primarily written to protect the people of the United States from their own government.

    The Bill of Rights enumerates freedoms not explicitly indicated in the main body of the Constitution, such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, a free press, and free assembly; the right to keep and bear arms; freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, security in personal effects, and freedom from warrants issued without probable cause; indictment by a grand jury for any capital or "infamous crime"; guarantee of a speedy, public trial with an impartial jury; and prohibition of double jeopardy. In addition, the Bill of Rights reserves for the people any rights not specifically mentioned in the Constitution and reserves all powers not specifically granted to the federal government to the people or the States.

  14. They started with burgers what came next? Cars, trucks, airplanes and a whole lot of other western things that corrupt the Northern Thai culture. All that will just be the start and before you know it professions such as beauty operators, big box stores will be shout down and city dwellers will be sent packing to work on the farms. Does this remind you of recent history in a neighboring country. What the heck has gotten into the people in charge?

  15. Sorry for the loss of your friend. Protocol would be for his next of kin to organize what if any services are to be held. If there is no next of kin but he had a will naming an executor, then it would be up to that person to make the arrangements. If there is no next of kin and no executor, then it would be up to the embassy of the country he is from to dispose of the body. If that were to be the case, his body would be cremated with out ceremony.

    In order to help you more, I would need more information, was he married, does he have any family here or overseas, is there a will things like that?

  16. If you become legally married here in Thailand (at the government office) it will be recognized in the U.S.A.. Once married you should obtain a notarized English translation to use with your wife's visa application. To get her a ten year visa, you will find there are a few hoops to jump through in filling out the U.S. marriage visa application, if you are not adept at paper work you may want to consider using a visa service company to do all the paperwork for you. They will walk you through it step by step. There are some variables as to if or not the visa will be approved, such as how long you have been married, does your wife have a compelling reason to return to Thailand such as does she own property in Thailand or other things that tie her to Thailand. It is also very important that she be 100% truthful in her application and when she has her interview. If they find any signs of deception the visa will be refused. This is another reason to use a visa agency to assist her. At her interview she will be told if she will get the visa or not and a week or so later she will be able to pick it up. Most of the time a spouse visa is good for ten years. This means she can visit the U.S. for up to six months at a time. She will not be allowed to be employed in the U.S. You may want to consider obtaining a green card now while in Thailand if you plan on moving to America with your wife to live most of the year every year. It takes a little longer to get and there are a lot more hoops to jump through but if you plan on her working in the U.S. and or staying there more than six months at a time, it is what you will need to do. Again, a visa agency can do it all for you for a price.

    Once married, your wife will still not be eligible for a U.S. social security number or at least not until she moves to America and obtains a green card. However, upon being married here, she can apply for a U.S. tax ID number. She can us this tax ID number as if it were a social security number for such things as applying for bank accounts in America. You can also use her tax ID number to claim her as a dependent on your income tax return every year, which would increase your income tax return by about $1,000.00 or more every year depending on what your income is.

    About children you should have with your wife; Yes, they can become U.S. citizens if born in Thailand, all you need to do is to take the birth certificate to the Embassy or U,S. Consulate and register the birth. At that time you may also apply for a social security number for the child. The only drawback to a child being born in Thailand is that if they do not at sometime before they reach the age 18 live in the U.S. for a certain number of years, they will not be able to pass their U.S. citizenship on to their children.

    It was a slow day for me so I got carried away with a long answer.

  17. I am confused. The police just made a news statement that the bombing wasnot an act of terrorism. So why the tightened security? Is someone lieing?

    There has to be a misunderstanding on our part as readers of what the government is telling us.

    1. There really are no terrorist in Thailand, but there are as was stated by the government, some people who set off bombs as an act of revenge. When you think about the number of Thais that go off the deep end seeking revenge when there is a loss of face, then there is going to be a lot of revenge going around so the extra measures by the police are for that.

    2. Maybe someone in government who writes these speeches is a little confused in the understanding of the difference between the words terrorist and tourist.

    So I'm sure it is all just a misunderstanding on our part.

  18. A good constitution is written for the people to insure their liberty and freedoms and not for a government to use as a tool to use for tyranny over it's people. With that being said, a good an acceptable constitution should always start with these words: We the people of The Kingdom of Thailand, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Kingdom of Thailand.

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