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Everything posted by Snig27

  1. How much are Indonesia and Malaysia paying these clowns to sabotage Thai tourism?
  2. The whole convoluted COE entry process is braindead and seems to have been designed by someone being paid to sabotage Thai tourism, coupled with inane rules keeping alcohol free restaurants needlessly shut coupled with a holiday destroying curfew. I'm in Spain at the moment and the entry process is one form. The resorts are busy and the hotel we are at in Barcelona today is booked solid for a month.
  3. I'm travelling in Europe at the moment and it works. Boris' Brexit Britain is a land mentally largely stuck in the mid-19th century, a place where the Empire still sends imperial gunboats to sort out uppity Chinese.
  4. We haven't all known that at all. It has a reduced efficiary in many studies but is still effective. Making things like that up is very dangerous, at a criminal level. Two studies released in the past couple of weeks have shown extremely good results - 90% in one Malaysian one. As much as anything, the disquiet over Sinovac is because of media flurries aggravated by poorly informed nonsense such as yours.
  5. You clearly have a decent amount of solid evidence at hand to substantiate this - and not just your barroom theories - documents etc. It's quite a conspiracy that would involve a large number of people. Maybe forward it to one of the independent news sources out there. They'd be keen to see it.
  6. He could resign. I suspect a great many SME owners would think that would substantially aid any recovery.
  7. And the coverup has already started. He apparently has a stellar record in confiscating illegal cars. He also keeps them by the looks.
  8. Oh, this will get the massed medical faculty of Thai Visa all excited. If only John Hopkins Uni knew what they have all known all these months, having researched it in a Chang bottle or ten and peer reviewed it in these very forums.
  9. If you want to know the correct course of action, ask the COVID Czar Prayut and his sidekick Anutin. Whatever they suggest, do the exact opposite.
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