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Everything posted by Snig27

  1. Of course they are scapegoats. The whole RTP is rotten to the core, as is the justice system, the military and the the corrupt, rotten government that oversees the lot. And nothing will change.
  2. ^^^ still waving a flag for corruption I see. 24 hours ago you were blaming the victim here. You are clearly unaware of the countless studies that have documented how much corruption adds to the daily cost of doing everything. It's a vast cost to the country and to everyone living in it, not only financially but in lives lost or destroyed (the road toll for example and the pilfering from hospitals or bribes in many rural areas for healthcare). I can't believe you actually wrote that.
  3. Or do what other countries have done, bring in someone external - from another police force - and give them the authority to do what is needed. The courts similarly. And then do what Indonesia did, and create a powerful and clean anti-corruption body (to replace the NACC, which is, incredibly, headed by a policeman) to ruthlessly prosecute. Once you have the police and courts cleansed (it will take a while, you go after the rest). It will take decades but it could be done if the ruling elite had the will. They don't sadly.
  4. The thing is, that as awful and wrong as this is, the cops must look at the corruption all the way up and think that if it's okay for a senior member of the government to have 22 Rolex watches obviously gained from corrupt practices (and get away with it), then what is wrong with us doing much the same. This is just a symptom of a far bigger malaise that infects the country to the core and has done forever. In the end, unless there is some sort of revolution, nothing will change and this will fade. I bet somewhere the cops extorted money from someone else last night. Of course they did...
  5. Being in newspapers in Thailand and on Thai social media is not exactly a hit career move. It's a non-story in Taiwanese media. Or are you that naive?
  6. What happens in Thailand is hardly likely to turn her into a star. Yes. It had nothing to do with her fame. I bet they had no idea, she was just an easy target in the normal shakedown game. And yet the paper we are not supposed to name used to be full of these. So much so, that the ThongLor police chief had to issue an apology AND issued tourist cards telling foreigners what their rights were when cops tried to shake them down. His cops. Anyone out at night in the TL police area knows what a shakedown feels like. I've had it and said a firm no. My wife has had it several times. Why was she held for an hour late at night? Body searched? Passport examined? This is not normal policing, it happens for a reason.
  7. Anyone who lives in the ThongLor police area as I do, and who goes out late at night, knows what these police shakedowns look like. They happen all the time and are money grabs. What is surprising is that this is in another part of the city. I guess the criminal enterprise that is the Thai police is nationwide.
  8. Thankfully most of the world disagrees with you here. Please try to keep up.
  9. If the RTP are involved, then the other party is automatically the one with the more credible story. How many times a month are they caught blatantly lying about (insert incident)? A similar case was documented in Phuket this week also involving e-cigarettes (the banning of which in itself is a high end scam by the biggest criminal organization in the country, the Prayut government). Thank god Herr General cleaned up the RTP as he promised 8 years back.
  10. Indeed, that is exactly what came to mind. It took the front page of BP to get those stopped. There is quite some naïveté with those saying ‘but she had done nothing wrong’.
  11. I'd suggest that this claim is nonsense. It's sold in local markets now and certainly around our way most users are happy Thais
  12. Then the senators should be marched out to a parade ground in the middle of the gulf of Thailand and left there.
  13. Wasn't that the whole point of the coup? To ensure that the people of Thailand are never allowed to get in the way of the bloodsucking of the nation's money and control by a tiny elite ever again. Hence why the courts were rebuilt with lackeys and the senate was created as it is now. And no discussion of the constitution was allowed before the so-called 'referendum.
  14. Is a media tart who has made countless predictions and claims that have been wrong pretty much every time. He was also the man who loudly and continually supported the largely useless Chinese vaccines. His bank account might be worth investigating.
  15. The incompetent, corrupt cup of congealed custard who has called himself PM of Thailand and little porky pig who has been his (dis)loyal equally corrupt lieutenant have both made this a priority several times in the past eight years. Why has this changed?
  16. They are certainly not enforcing it on the Spanish routes. I’ve been in and out twice this year and they are mask free.
  17. No sure many people particularly care about what Prayut thinks or advises, nor do they seem to care much about the things he wants them to care about.
  18. The same police force that were given more powers to deal with road offences on 1 September, announced on the 4th they would delay implementation until 1 December to allow people to "get used to the new rules", then promptly forgot about them and hoped everyone else had. Clowns, the whole lot of them. But I guess when you have a broken, crooked and corrupt "civilian" government, having a force of equally corrupt clowns to underwrite your rule is important.
  19. I have no issues at all with True and haven't for 13 years. Their service is blisteringly fast here (close to 1gbps) and if I call them they respond immediately.
  20. Somebody should give this nitwit a big spliff and tell him to chill. He'll do himself some damage getting so worked up about the horrors of a plant he clearly doesn't understand at all.
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