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Everything posted by Snig27

  1. Nobody has. This is classic 1930s level Reefer Madness paranoia from clowns who really have no idea what's going on. Festering behind their desks, letting their limited imaginations get the better of them.
  2. Seems like a bit of a self-important nitwit. It's extraordinary how a select group of Thai professionals and doctors have access to data on this plant that has eluded the rest of the planet for decades. Maybe they should put their super-powers to better use, sorting out corruption, saving lives on the roads and so on.
  3. Bar owner in one well known BKK entertainment suburb showed a few of us the rate card for staying open a few years back. The cops had actually felt secure enough to print it.
  4. Nobody loses ships and planes quite like the Thai military. Then we have their Vietnam war experience where they refused to fight and set up a massive blackmarket instead. A military friend who has liaised with the Thai army in recent years, including Cobra Gold, said they were universally regarded as hopeless.
  5. The change of that ever happening is up there with reliable Immigration software, working mine detectors and the police moving away from hotmail addresses. They can't even get the post office online with the banking system for QR payments unlike any street vendor these days.
  6. Thailand has something like that already, or at least Bangkok does. The post code 10XXX then the house code xx/xx where the first number is the block within that post code and the second is the house within that block.
  7. You really think a) these kids are paying the prices charged by the legal outlets?, and b) this plant was not widely and easily available everywhere before the decriminalisation? Kids have been able to get their hands on this without issue since forever. Think about it. It's not rocket science.
  8. It was widely available before, just hidden. Do you really think these kids are paying hefty dispensary prices for this?
  9. Most of comments I've seen on social media have been from Thais saying that the parents are responsible. Still, if it satisfies your small minded self-righteous paranoia to see these kids possibly have their futures destroyed by jailing them in future years for doing something people all over the have done since forever and will do regardless of the law then I guess that's something you need to live with. The current law doesn't permit this but kids will be kids and the parents, at the end of the day, are the ones responsible here. Do you really think this didn't happen six months ago?
  10. Not sure it really changes anything. You can't smoke ganja in the shop. It's been legally that way now for months, but not enforced. Now it is (briefly) enforced to satisfy the frothing ignorant paranoid moral guardians. Most people don't seem to care and can see there really isn't a problem.
  11. Exactly. Where is the concern about paranoid old nitwits making up fictional ganja induced havoc on the roads?
  12. You only need to read that data to understand that you are talking drivel. There are mild effects that result from use but generally far less damaging than countless other things. Coffee has similar side effects. And what right do self important old busy bodies like you have to tell other people what they can do with their own bodies?
  13. How are things in the 1930s? Has Japan invaded China yet? Roosevelt been elected? I’ve know literally thousands of people who have smoked ganja for much of their lives and many are amongst the highest achievers I know. That link you posted refers to a long disputed and discredited NZ study for a start, and lists the mild symptoms of supposed marijuana addiction as: grouchiness sleeplessness decreased appetite anxiety cravings Most people get that from too much coffee or a bad night’s sleep. Enjoy your rewatchings of Reefer Madness.
  14. The ThongLor cops are telling vans that as long as they have a rented space for the van, it’s fine.
  15. Remember all those heavy fines for all these infractions they introduced on 1 September - - and then announced they would not enforce them until 'people were used to them'. It just goes around and around...
  16. A fairly strong pointer to the reality that the so-called Supreme Court is a cabal of bought and paid for lackeys of the salim elite. In most countries they wouldn't get through the door of a court even as janitors. But, I think most Thais know that. How's the Toyota case coming along?
  17. When will these authoritarian clowns grasp that "long jail terms" don't work. I guess when the PM is a self-serving imbecile there is not a lot of room to move.
  18. It would substantially more credible if the junta allowed these people to elect their own governor rather than be appointed by a cabal of old Buddhist men in Bangkok.
  19. Confusing ganja with opium indicates a reality disconnect of biblical proportions.
  20. That's just it. If you read the text, little has changed. You can't advertise online. No problem. Fixed premises - the streets are full of fixed dispensaries, all licensed. You have never been able to smoke it in public. It's at best window dressing to try to satisfy a small number of self serving politicians and grumbling seniors who, indefensibly, would rather see young people locked up to satisfy their own prejudices. I don't smoke the stuff and hate the smell but I dislike the self serving hypocrisy and sheer evil on display even more.
  21. Thankfully you are out of touch with planet earth. Germany legalised this week and the US Federal Govt is in the final stages. Whether this goes through now or not it eventually will. Thailand can't afford to be so far out of touch with the tourist market it is trying to attract. Ok, back in your cave ...
  22. I don't like the smell either but understand that substantially more harm is done to society by criminalising countless people for partaking in what has been shown time and time again to be a relatively harmless plant. Destroying lives for no good reason and reopening the door to police corruption. Worse than that are the number of people and politicians attacking this plant for what are at best purely selfish reasons. Move Forward are the worst offenders here, putting aside their supposedly high principles for political advantage. PT and the Democrats wouldn't know high principles if they bit them on the <deleted>.
  23. Wait! So you have evidence that people were no getting stoned and driving cars before? Now is the time for you to share it with these esteemed medical professionals and self serving political opportunists. I would gave thought that drinking booze or tossing down yaba pills before driving might have been the bigger risk, but you clearly have other evidence about that considering your outrage about ganja. PS, it’s illegal to smoke it and drive. The issue is enforcement as always in Thailand.
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