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  1. The Foreign Sack Tax Act is being proposed by the Finance Ministry.
  2. Let me clarify: Police officers reported they seized 1,310 baht.
  3. When one chooses the career path of the Royal Thai Police, one chooses to work for the Mafia.
  4. How about severing the coupling between financing from Boon Rawd Brewery, Singha, et al and the government. You know, just so you can pretend better...
  5. It appears that Thaksin also wields undue influence over the Attorney General's Office
  6. another piece of advice: avoid private hospital pharmacies if you can, their mark-up is outrageous
  7. Colonel Yoswat, in the first two sentences you stated, you have already found the facts, and therefore a fact-finding committee will rather be a fact-obfuscation committee.
  8. aah, the suspense is making me tingle all over!
  9. I drink a teaspoon of olive oil every few days. Works well.
  10. I'm just astonished that there are people who would believe that Matt Gaetz can actually get it up...
  11. vs the dedication to their wallet remains paramount, with officers keeping vigilant not to miss any backhander opportunity
  12. This is the headline to an article that doesn't even remotely mention any Police involvement in the cause for road deaths. It looks like editors are shying away from criticizing the RTP. Scared much?
  13. An open letter from the Thai government to Foreigners: Dear Foreigners, please rescue us from our household debt, which we have incurred because of our financial acumen. In return we let you buy our land, which will be held in stewardship for 99 years by the Thai government for you, because you may not own it. When you die at a zebra crossing all claims re that land revert to the State. Your generous contribution may or may not be used to reduce the household debt, depending on the findings of relevant committees and what they had for lunch. Keep in mind that any existing laws of ownership and their enforcement are subject to change by the government du jour and the whim of the police force. To sweeten the deal we are offering a coupon for a one time beach chair rental in Pattaya, use at your own risk, sun exposure may cause skin cancer. Yours insincerely, All of the Shins and a bunch of Others

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