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  1. Do another poll with this question: "Do you think politicians deserve to be honored?"
  2. Ah yes, I can see it now: Alec Baldwin and his wife are the real victims here!
  3. Well, you are in the system now.
  4. I have 3 security staff at my condo, they each get 300 baht on New Year, since before Covid.
  5. made murky by the authorities in charge, however, this article does not investigate those facts...
  6. The 12-year-old was the pimp arranging the meet, the 10-year-old was the back-up witness for future blackmail, the 15-year-old was the hooker.
  7. a promise with a loophole...
  8. Cash handouts may, in fact, also align with the government's traditional corruption values.
  9. Paraphrasing Shakespeare: To coup, or not to coup, that's the question
  10. Yup, that's the one, must have been one of those dragons...
  11. Did they recycle the dinosaurs from that bankrupt venture on Suk next to Benjasiri Park some years back?

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