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klauskunkel last won the day on December 5 2015

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  1. Why you gotta bring this up, Crossy? Now I've got to get back in the saddle again...
  2. Should the notes prove genuine, they will be lost in transit.
  3. In general, that's a progressive thing, yes. However, that girl was raised in the old elitist mindset, and that's a regressive thing. So you have got the old, just packaged new...
  4. Girl, your hands are not centered. Do it again.
  5. Just describe the person exactly the way that person presents itself. In this case: Receding, lanky shoulder length dark hair, fake long eye lashes, two eyes with washed out color. The persons believes it is female while having been assigned XY chromosomes at birth.
  6. Nope, BKK is not striving in the least, never has and never will. I've been here nearly 20 years and student brawls have been going on several times per year - some fatal, some not, with innocent bystanders and without. During Democratic and Military governments. Student brawls, PM 2.5, Road Fatalities... Nothing changes because the same mindset is always in power.
  7. I could see the sleazy parlors adopting a similar system..., just not with stars.
  8. Whether the EC finds for or against the government, one thing's for sure: the Commissioners will be richer than before...
  9. when it is opportune. When it isn't then we don't give a hoot."
  10. That's the ear medicine talking, once that hits the gloves are off. (I missed him..., he was a great contributor to my daily dose of comedy)
  11. I disagree: Earth is not profoundly ill. Earth is just becoming less and less habitable for human civilization, that's all. Life will evolve to adapt to higher temps as it has done numerous times before in Earth's history. Humans will either achieve a workable technical solution, or mutate and adapt, or die out. Earth and Nature are doing just fine, they just won't be humancentric anymore...
  12. New company offered skydiving in Hawaii and they invited me on a familiarization jump, so I would recommend them to tourists. Small airfield on Oahu's Northshore, an even smaller Cessna we had to push onto the field for take off. Inside sitting on the bare floor 2 jumpers (me and GF) strapped to 2 instructors and the cabin was full. Took forever to get to altitude. Went out the door and freefall for a few seconds, then instructor deployed chute. On the way down he started handing me things: a piece of strap, broken plastic ring and some other stuff, yelling "keep that for me in your pocket". After landing (face first), he explained that when he pulled the strap to deploy the chute, it broke and went thru and he was able to grab a hold of it in the nick of time before it would go thru some rings, which would've been the end... The stuff he handed me he wanted to use as evidence when suing the chute manufacturer... I had a weeklong Adrenaline high. I never got around to referring any customers to them...
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