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Posts posted by curtklay

  1. Thailand's murder rate is among the highest in the world?? Where did you get that from?


    Actually, where do you get any of these statements you're making?

    30,000 murders in the states, but we don't hear about them? Where did you hear about them?

    And as far as follow up reporting in the states, I think we get an unending barrage of follow ups to any major murder, right up through sentencing.

  2. I have never had any issue that I would put down to the water, but as already said OK for brushing teeth and washing, most bars and restaurants buy in their ice in bags or have it delivered from reputable souses.

    Bottled water ids cheap and If you are staying in a hotel you will probably find you get a couple of bottles of drinking water free every day.

    I wouldn't buy ice from souses, reputable or not.

    (sorry, I couldn't resist.)

  3. Tony125:

    Where in Thailand do you get Glucosomine/Chondrioton? I have used Osteo Bi-Flex for years, and you are correct; very helpful for knee and joint pain. Unfortunately, does nothing for my back pain caused by damaged vertebrae. But I have had a very hard time finding an equivalent in Thailand. The drug stores carry glucosomine powder, but not the combination. I have been ordering it on Ebay at very high costs. If you can direct me to a local source, I would be very grateful.

  4. I've tried them all. For me, the best one is called "Painelief cool gel".

    It contains diclofenic anti-inflammatory, but the information sheet says it does not interact with other meds.

    Available everywhere.


  5. Have had 3 different models. The hottest by far was "Lucky Flame AT-625" bought at Home Pro for THB 2590.

    Direct flame with heavy duty burners (appear to be cast iron).

    At maximum setting, it looks like it's going to blast off.

  6. Yes, it makes sense in Thailand. My insurance company (Viriyah) told me that unless they can collect from the other party's insurance company, I lose the "no claims discount" at renewal time. I have had my car damaged twice in parking lots while I was inside the store. One case was even captured on the stores security camera. No matter how much I argued that I was not at fault in any way, I was told unless the perpetrator left a note or waited for me to come out of the store, it goes down as a claim against me. Of course, the offending party took off as fast as they could.

  7. Hello! I am new here and I really don't know where to ask. I need help on what to do. My friend from USA is sending three laptops for my friends and I and he's charged with $120 from USPS. I would like to know if the customs will still charge me for the laptops? Thank you so much

    If the declared value is over 1000 baht, you will definitely get charged VAT/customs tax, 7% would be the minimum. They use the declared value plus the shipping cost. Declaring them as "gifts" will most likely not help any more. If they think the declared value is too low for the item, they will open the package and adjust the value as they see fit.


  8. This has been a very emotional topic for the forum.

    Indeed it has, and I can't help wondering why. The OP has set off 8 pages of heated replies based on doubt, competition, and certainly, jealousy. I keep waiting for someone to say, "Well, my penis is bigger than yours". I don't blame the OP for bailing out. When I first read his post, I thought 2 things; maybe he's just trolling, or maybe he's proud of his accomplishments and rightfully so. If his story is for real, he has found a near perfect life for himself and his family, and deserves some bragging rights. The "amateur psychologist" who suggested that his wife is only part of his personal decorating scheme really made me laugh. The OP set up a warm and welcoming environment so his wife and child would feel "at home" after being separated, and coming into a new world. Maybe he is familiar with her taste, and did what he thought would appeal to her. If she didn't like the pictures on the wall, she could easily change them. The OP's decorating is surely better than escorting her to a vacant lot, and saying "Welcome to your new home".

    I'm still laughing about the poster who prefers "an Isaan shack" to the Florida coast.

    As usual, TVF posters have taken the topic off in a thousand directions, mostly misguided. If the OP is honest, and his story is true, then I say "Good for you. You have found the joy that we all seek, whether it's in Thailand or the USA." If he is a troll, he's a damn good one!

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