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Everything posted by curtklay

  1. Every local pharmacy, including Fascino should have Nasonex 140 for about the same price as online.
  2. I like those snazzy green and black scarves. Very fashionable.
  3. Anybody know a good ad blocker that will work on ASEAN NOW? I am sick of not being able to read an article without being bombarded with flashing advertisements. My Ad Block works well on most sites, except this one. It seems to have gotten much worse in recent months. After 15 years, I am ready to give up on AN.
  4. They are beautuful and fun to watch. They belong in the wild. Not pets.
  5. How can these stories happen so frequently? When's the last time you left 200,000 baht in a taxi? 🤔
  6. If you're only going for vegetative growth, you can use plain old fluorescent tube fixtures with a combination of cool white and warm white bulbs. Did it for years back home before moving them outside. Hang them from chains and you can adjust the height .
  7. After 40 years of marriage in the US, my wife wanted to return to Thailand to retire. We did so. After 5 years, she wanted to return to the US. Thailand and Thais were not the same as when she was a child.
  8. He was told he could use photos on his phone, but since he had none of himself posing in front of his house, he had to go home, take the pics. and come back again. ????
  9. I have been retired in Phrae for 13 years at the same address, and have done my annual non-o extension renewals with no problems. A friend recently did his renewal and encountered some changes that are puzzling me. In addition to the usual, he was asked for photos of himself and wife outside and inside their house. They also required a home visit from an officer from Bangkok in the presence of a neighbor and the village chief. I was astounded and thought there must be a mistake. I know all this is required for an extension based on marriage, but have never heard of it for an extension based on retirement. I am wondering if this is something new, or perhaps the officer mistakenly applied the marriage rules instead of retirement. Anybody have a similar experience? I hate surprises, especially at the immigration office.
  10. That's how I read it too. So let 'em in, but don't let 'em out? ????
  11. This gets complicated and difficult for westerners to understand. It's best to see a lawyer. A will or usufruct is your only route and even then is not a guarantee, particularly pertaining to the land. Don't rely on forum advice.
  12. Why is it that monks and money go together ? That pretty much describes ALL religions. Like George Carlin used to say, "God always seems to need money. He just can't manage to stay on a budget."
  13. "LOL so really if we think about it buying pot is a lot like buying cigarettes or beer in 711 you can buy it there but have to go somewhere else to consume it." That's not a problem for me.
  14. A clear example of why permits and inspections are required in the civilized world.
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