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Posts posted by crazygreg44

  1. I bring mine in from overseas, need size 13 and there's absolutely no way finding them anywhere in Thailand, not even Crocs. Make a large ticker in your memory board to take care of next time you fly out to Thailand. Bring plenty of shoes your size.

  2. Considering the fraud science that is perpetrated by the likes of Hanson and Mann et.al. The IPCC report which keeps being quoted as the bible is a regurgitation of false information.

    All the computer models say we should be another degree warmer, but temperatures have either not changed or have gone down in the last 15 years. The amount of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic has grown. The US Great Lakes broke new records of ice, but one year is not climate.

    How can the US historical temperature go down in the early 20th century and be higher than measured in the late 20th century? First, historical data doesn't change, unless modified by an agency with a flawed computer models and a agenda.

    Statistical studies show fewer storms and less energy than historical norms have happened over the last years. One reason these storms seem so bad, there are more people and development in harms way.

    The lesser countries are looking to cash in on a global tax bonanza, and they are just lining up for the payoff.

    The 97% of scientists agreeing is another bogus lie, but the propaganda masters know if you tell it long enough and often enough it will be believed.

    I want to do the drugs your doing.

    I think you are doing quite well with what you are on now, if you honestly believe all bogus clap trap about global warming and the like.

    while you might be right in the light of the great scheme, you are so obviously wrong in stating that both Arctic and Antarctic ice is growing. There has never in the recent few hundreds of years been so little arctic ice during the arctic summers , with the amount of ice shelves, polar ice and glaciers spiralling downwards. That's a FACT , prooven by satellite imageries, and not quite underlining your arguments

    • Like 2

    ^ Agree with your post, but You forget one thing thai tourist visa are easy to get but the Usa ones (or visa waivers) are not, and if you get a tourist visa in Los its valid for 90 days (60 days plus you can get a 30 day extension)

    Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos

    I was referring to the visa waiver program and visa free entry. Available for 37 nationalities.

    I said nothing about US tourist visas. Those are ten year multiple entry visas, six months per entry. About 4000 baht.


    Thailand Tourist Visa : 3 months !


    USA Visa Waver : 3 months

    USA TouristVisa : 3 months for tourist purposes

    USA Visitor Visa : 1 month - 1 year . . requires proof of either business purpose/family reunion/ medical purpose/ school or university attendance/ au pair purpose  etc.


    what are you talking about ?  By no way the US are issueing Tourist Visa or Visa Waiver that are valid for more than 3 months stay


    Tourist Visa / Visitor Visa must be applied for at a foreigner local US consulate or embassy. There are a truckload of requirements going along.  It cost 160 USD to apply.    10 years multiple entry, 6 months per entry ???  you must be kidding ! Please give a link to a government site that explains this.

  4. Im all for it crackdown on people not having visas, thing is I've had visas, this is the first time, that's the point. Yes crackdown but you don't treat anyone in that manner.

    Main point you should note, he said i cant go back today, another day was fine. also never asked for proof of anything.



    If this is your main point, it's exactly what the crackdown is aimed at.  To exit Thailand and come back 10 minutes later, don't make you the tourist.  That's what he suggested, and he is right.


    You played it correctly when you spent a week in Malaysia ( the then missing re-entry permit when re-entering, well, your cup of tea ).


    And yes these 10 minutes back-to-back visa roundabout at the borders is what they are abandoning.  You weren't a victim of it NOW, (only almost) but next time you will.


    Ever noticed how friendly border officals are when in Cincinatti you are not fast enough in opening your baggage ?  Oh no you can't be treated in such a manner . . . . stop whining and feel lucky you were granted entry

    • Like 1
  5. I didn't shoot the photo, a fellow companion did when the altercation unfolded. I've heard this officer gives people a hard time, I'll move on, learnt a lot today for sure. Mostly bad about how the situation was handled and his terrible attitude was unjust. Never see this before.


    yes, you learned that even Thai Immigration officers, after being thrown at with "capitla letter words", a heated argument and being photographed, still issue you a permit of entry to their Country.


    You try that on a Homeland Security Officer . . . you will get the hilarious learning of how tight iron handcuffs feel on your writst.


    This is the finest lesson a Thai person can give you on their tolerance, buddhism conduct and patience with you.


    I wouldn't count on that it lasts forever  (this kinda good luck , you know?) , because it largely depends on your behaviour.


    This is a step-by-step society, you , the foreigner, are at the base of the steps, while government officials are at the very top of it.  Just accept the fact, smile and live with it. That's what is called true learning in Thailand , for a foreigner.

    • Like 2


    Where I say i done this? I actually spent a weekend in Malaysia on my second entry and lost two months coming back, not knowing you can get a re entry permit. There was nothing suspicious on my passport and i held the correct visa, doing no visa runs.

    There's many members on here with doing only that without a visa for years

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    There's many members on here with doing only that without a visa for years
    if you had followed the previous post and paid attention, you should actually put your above remark into past tense ! 
    It HAS BEEN a practise, and HAS BEEN ABANDONED by Thai Immigration. There is information on the forthcoming change on August 12 about a change in back-to-back visa rules. And about what had been happening to you is clearly within the law, the officer CAN reject you if he thinks your previous 3 entries suggest that you are not a "normal" tourist.  Means everybody who stays longer than 6 months within one year falls into this category. This explains the change they did with tourist visas a while ago - two back-to-backs are ok, three in a row are being ruled out.  It has been a standing rule for many years and just had never been enforced. All of this is has been ruminated on ThaiVisa and in various other fores.
    You are riding a high horse argueing that members of this forum have not been understanding your point.  Oh yes, they did.  Let me appeal to your common sense, please.

    reason i mentioned people on here been doing it for years, it's those very people posting nonsense regarding my plans in thailand

    very funny

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Didn't you mention you forgot to get a re-entry permit on one of your Tourist visas ?


    I highly doubt it gets recommended by the "same Thai Visa members"  to forget a re-entry permit before travelling out of Thailand on a stil valid tourist visa.


    Some details that speak against you unfortunately mix . . . in the eye of the officer, even if you are "technically" right you are arising suspicion, and maybe your behaviour got him slightly agitated.  Shooting a photo at the border crossing of place or a person,  is a definite No-Go , on a U.S. border will get you arrested !!

  7. I give every member of our condo staff an envelope with 500 Baht on New Year. Seems that "buying a beer for the security guy" puts him in a death trap, as others also posted that he is not allowed to drink beer while on duty.

    How about handing each of them 1000 THB inside an envelope and wishing them "Chok dee pee mai" ( Happy New Year) ? They will probably be all smiles to you every next time you enter.

  8. in Germany, they are showing a movie about a muslim girl who attends school, in the sports and swimming lessons, she wears a "burkini", a specially designed Swimsuit that covers all womanly parts of her body.

    The movie tries not to arise the question of religion and tolerance, but that of outcasting - the girl stands apart from the rest of the class.

    Same here . .said Thai girl who has been raised and educated to Australian standards, in Thailand she still stands outside of the mainstream.

    It's a fact and is being observed as such. You can post and flagelate about the topic - it still remains a fact. Outcast is outcast, according to principles and standards of the places you choose to live.

    • Like 1
  9. another problem might arise, if you and the wife live nearby, and you are regular customers to sais market, I would not raise any issues because of 20 Baht more or less . . . I'd seek to give in to the deal, and next time you buy, try to haggle the price down, never loose temper and do this so nobody looses face. If you live nearby, you want to buy on said market in the future, so don't make yourself a fool and learn to give and take.

    So in other words, if you catch a thief, don't make him lose face by asking your money back ?

    you are not a thief when you as a vendor in the market, ask for a specific price. You, the customer, are free to take it or leave it or bargain it. But if you want to come back to said market, to shop for your daily goods, you better start being in good standing with all those vendors

    I would think twice if 20 Baht for a kilo of squid , more or less, is worth the risk of being entirely cut off by vendors from shopping on said market. 50 cents? You are always free to bargain. Pay 50 cents more today, haggle down 50 cents tomorrow. But pleeze don't loose faceyourelf ( the OP knew, he spoke of vendor gossip)

  10. Thais that have been abroad as tourists, know better. Look, if the Thais like to live in a trashed, dirty country, let them live in it, they have not deserved any better until someone wakes up and teaches them - from birth thru school thru their adulthood - that throwing your trash into the environment is one of the lowest form of social behaviour. It is something we attribute to monkeys, not to human beings. Give them time to think abut it. If they don't like unspoiled environments, let them have it their way. I am not here to teach them anything else . .i look above all the trash and pretend not to see it, like they do.

  11. go give it a try, swim in your pants and t-shirts, in the salty sea, then when getting back to the beach, sit down in a chair and try to relax in your wet clothes. You will soon see why the Thais only go swimming short of driving back home, so they can sit on the pickup in their wet clothes trying to look and appear happy. They must feel like crabs in a rubber suit . .it is so reekingly uncomfortable, and so far off from a relaxed way to handle your day at the beach. Yes you are right, pity them for their inability to catch the "right" feeling. Som Nam Na I would say

  12. another problem might arise, if you and the wife live nearby, and you are regular customers to sais market, I would not raise any issues because of 20 Baht more or less . . . I'd seek to give in to the deal, and next time you buy, try to haggle the price down, never loose temper and do this so nobody looses face. If you live nearby, you want to buy on said market in the future, so don't make yourself a fool and learn to give and take.

  13. The biggest lie in travel books is that sitting in a coffee shop "people watching" is an interesting thing to do.


    Yes it can be, not a lie, but it's not "watching people" that is interesting when you sit in a cafe. You have to watch their FOOTWEAR and make yourself secret notes on how many shoes do not fit, too small, to big, too old or just the weird ones with plain feet hanging out of them sideways. It's a nice game one can do while sitting in a cafe, and a funny one, though !

    • Like 2
  14. There don't seem to be many posting on this topic who really know much about how things work in the rice farming business.

    I live in the on the central plains and get around most days and see how things do work in this area.

    Most of the farmers don't own machinery but contract those who do.

    For instance possibly one or two people in the area will own a reasonable size tractor with a set of disks, they will contract to disk the dry paddy which will then be flooded by a pump either owned by the farmer or collectively between 2 or more farmers :

    attachicon.gifpump small.JPG

    Small pump motor.

    attachicon.gifpump mid.JPG

    Mid size pump motor usually floods a bigger area, possibly for more than one farmer

    attachicon.gifpump big.JPG

    Community owned pump that floods several farmers paddy.

    These pumps are driven by a variety of motors from small petrol motors to old tractors :


    The paddy is then harrowed and leveled by other contractors using these :

    attachicon.gifIMG_4148 paddy.JPG

    The paddy is then sprayed by other contractors who own the backpack sprayers :


    Then, depending on the method used, transplanting seedlings or broadcasting seed farm labor is used.

    From there on it is a series of flooding and spraying.

    Through to harvest by another contractor :


    A builder employs labor to do a job same with a manufacture, same with a farmer.

    Unless of course it is only on a very small scale where he and his family do the work themselves but even then they will not own a lot of machinery.


    What do they do themselves if almost everything is done by others. Do the contractors ask to much or what ? Maybe the Vietnamese do more by hand or more themselves ?

    One machine is still missing from the grand picture show : the tresher. Not cheap.

    So if they have to borrow out all these jobs from others, and have to PAY FOR THESE SERVICES a lump sum, my question is same as robbloks plus : How much, or even better, is there ANYTHING left for their profit ?????

  15. And can I just ask what this nonsense about drinking milk is all about?

    Milk only provides the resources for strength in bones and other parts requiring calcium. It does not raise IQ, make one taller, slimmer ... where on earth do you people get these folk-remedy ideas?

    seems a lot of readers tend to believe the milk mentioned is cowmilk.

    No . .if THAIS write about "milk" and in terms of school-distributed milk, they mean SOYMILK.

    Ever seen the tens-of-thousands of Lactosoy containers in the supermarkets ?? The small 80ml boxes with a plastic straw ?

    Soymilk has indeed very different nutritional values than cowmilk . . . . plus the minerals added, soymilk makes a little good for the many mistakes most parents commit in feeding their kids.

    I have no container at hand at the moment to certify, but I think they add minerals like iodium and calcium to the soymilk. Both minerals are said to have a positive effect on brain growth.

    But since the elementary thai school system is so profoundedly in disfavour for children, nobody really learns anything useful, which keeps distorting the overall picture of the average IQ in Thailand. If you stick together with people that had a foreign school education or been abroad for studying, you would see them en par with other nations.

  16. both my wife and her brother are not bothering to grow rice this year ,both say its just not worth the bother for the amount of money they make out of it.

    what about telling them to grow it for eating it themselves - they and their families - instead of having to borrow money in order to buy rice ?

    Here where I live in the Isaan, most families grow rice for their own cosumption. As rice became more pricey to buy on the local markets, and given the current inflation, it has actually become REALLY worth while to grow your own staple food !

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