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Posts posted by crazygreg44


    from too mutt thinking many of us become desoriented critics, only out there to blimey everone and his grandmother for being so stupid, backwatered and pessimistic.

    SE-TOP THINKING TOO MUTT . . look around, see the opportunities, the happiness (not the one orderd by the doctor but the true one) and don't mess up the game, instead, play along.


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  2. employ fans the smart way . . blowing into your house from out of the shaded sides.

    drink a lot of water . . . one gallon a day

    wear LIGHT cotton clothes, say F..YOU ZEE KEY to polyester clothing and polyester BEDSHEET

    have a fan going when you sleep, but use a light duvet to cover against cold kidney

    don't go into the sun , , stay shaded as any Thai would do

    use FANS wisely . . .

    i am living in Thailand for 12 years and it's never too hot or too cold

  3. i don't understand some posters . . . if you had to suffer from the Elephantitis Leg Disease, and all your government grants you for the rest of your life is peanuts , how would your life be like ? so instead of staying in his home country, he decided to put "adventure" an his flag and pull out of the "safe" harbour.

    I am a disabled person myself, and I just don't need your mercy . .. I can do things people of your kind will envy me for.

    My respect for Elephantitis Man . . begging is one way to do, but mind you folks. This guy will not sit there all day long, there will be an end to the day and he will be somebody socialising with somebody else.

    Act smart is what our century calls for. Warren Buffet is one more example, on the scale of big.

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  4. rubber land doesn't need a tractor at all. So this should go out of your calculation.

    Only when the rubber trees are saturated (between 17 and 20 years of age) you could consider of using an excavator to remove the leftover strunks after you have cut the rubber trees and sold the wood. But some Thais have told me they leave the strunks & roots in the ground, pour some magic liquid over them so they will rot in the ground faster. Don't know how this works and have never seen it happen. Then they will plant new rubber trees between the leftover strunks.

    Me think farming land ( rice, corn, maniok) from 100 rai upward could amortize a tractor, but it stronlgy depends how well arable the lots are and how well one can access them.

  5. why do you bother or wonder ? Accidents, mai ben rai! A real thai buddhist will be reborn into an afterlive, so it's okay to die. You will be reborn and being taken care of.

    Big Buddhist amulets help when passing a car inside a curve which one cannot overlook, didn't you know ?

    Why wonder about all the racing, speeding, way-cutting daredevils on the roads here . . they all know they will be reborn, so why care if you bite the dust ?

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  6. I always buy Jack D on airports and to me it always tastes the same. It's the only whisky i really like but i rarely drink lately.

    Oh ! naughty, naughty. Jack is definitely NOT whiskey, it's bourbon.... like chalk & cheese.

    Is Jack Daniel's a bourbon?

    Jack Daniel's is not a bourbon - it's a Tennessee Whiskey. Jack Daniel's is dripped slowly - drop-by-drop - through ten feet of firmly packed charcoal (made from hard sugar maple) before going into new charred oak barrels for aging. This special process gives Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey its rare smoothness. It's this extra step - charcoal mellowing – that makes Jack Daniel's a Tennessee Whiskey.

    i have been to the Lynchburg destillery, and please listen : Jack Daniels USED to be made this way. But what you seein Lynchburg, is just for the kind of us old tourists. Who believe in everything they are being told.

    Don't try to explain to me how they would charcoal mellow drop by drop when they are selling 35+ millions of gallons of Jacks every year.

    I have seen the dripping of drops during the guided tour, and wondered how the can process the sheer amounts of hectoliters/gallons literally "drop by drop" !!!!

    (Their stocks of kegs is but very spectacular!!!)

    It would take them until Christmas 2514 in the drop by drop way . . . . . just try to imagine.

    That's why our guide calmly mentioned that what we see is not the "end processing and bottling" part of the whole darn thing , this part is located outside of Lynchburg . . . he gave me something to think . . .

    Jack Daniels of today, is a highly industrialized, designer Whisky, tastes like a Bourbon but calls itself a Tennessee Whisky. Ever tried to drink it pure as is, on ice ? I'd dare say that 98% of all Jack's lovers & friends drink it with a Coke . . . .the flavour . . . well, do you really think that they can't imitate a "charcoal drop by drop" ??? 21st century and beyond ? When they (food chemists) can make a burrito taste like stawberry?

  7. height of ceiling, house's location on the compass, materials the walls are built with and the make of the roof. A many things can affect the natural conditioning of a house. Windows location, is the a draft when you open windows, is there wind going, any shade outside by trees ?

    Did you know that alone by being near a few well grown trees can adjust your houses temperature by 2 -4 degrees?

    A 52 sqm bungalow actually I would not think of airconditioning, but maybe 3 or more fans, some inside, some located outside of the windows on the shaded side, blowing through the mosquito nets into the the house. Leaving another window open on the opposite helps for a draft to built.

    We sleep in the Eesarn house for 7 years, never needed aircons, have fans going and an aisle between two houses serves as a coolant from where i distract the cool air into the house by means of simple fans.

    Also, I find fans more healthy to breathe while we sleep, than aircons, which give me a sore throat.

    Ever tried to make a fan blow through a wet towel on a wide berth hanger . . . works wonders !

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  8. c'mon, start enjoying yerself with a good Bourbon . . you seem to be JD-tired. Bet you drunk that all your life and don't know any better, that's why it grabs you by the balls now for all it means. Overdue.

    Check out some quality Bourbons , a Woodford Reserve for a change, or Knob's Creek . . while you're in the duty free

  9. I don't need to be an Irishman to start a fight aboard a flight.

    I am (xxxcensoredxxx), and on my most recent flight, I stubbed the guy and his wife next to me for being blatantly rude.

    The flight attendants expressed their understanding for my actions.

    some A....holes just deserve no better.

    And you're proud of that, are you?

    Never know...maybe the couple behaved on the way back! Well done. Enough spectators in the world!

    A fine & good observation, Wat Dee. The couple needed a lesson in "how to behave aboard a flight". Guees they learned their lesson.

    No, i am not proud of being the one who had to bugger them off. I wish I weren't ever forced to act. I booked & got seated at the aisle, for the one and only reason that I can shift my body mass aisleways, so the guy next to me has all the space he could ask for. I even told him in the beginning that he can have the elbow rest all to himself because I didn't need it. If he then thinks he can misuse my generosity and the extra large space to put his elbows into my ribs for the zillionth - umpteeth time, while shaking moving like a wiggling kid on a sugar overdose from the start to when I complained (my everlasting patience carried me for 50 minutes!) , you are asking for trouble.

    The flight attendants correctly moved the X$%^@&* couple to a backward seat, allowing me the freedom of mind and soul.

    I don't mind to speak up aboard a flight if i think somebody gives me a reason. On another flight, some &*#$%R%& wiggler seated behind me knocked his knees at my backrest every 15 seconds. I asked him politely to stop that. He halted for about 1 minute, and then continued to wiggle and knock.

    Wanna know what happened next ?

    I am not proud of it . . . . . .

  10. from Phrom Pong or anywhere nearby, you can catch a public taxi to Subvarnabhumi Airport for around 250 - 350 THB including the highway tolls.

    What do you expect any Uber driver to earn if he/she tried to compete with this price ?? 20% for Uber and driving an illegal taxi ??

  11. ..and yes, Diplomatico, if you arrive from Sweden or Norway at Chiang Mai, which is technically not possible as there are no direct flights from these countries into Chiang Mai.

    ah well, yes if you are from Sweden or Norway, and fly into Thailand directly, you CAN try to get into the duty free zone of Subvarnabhumi airport upon arrival . But I must warn you, most of the booze there is cheaper when bought INSIDE Thailand. The duty free zone of Subvarnabhumi is a joke.

    The OP didn't say if he's flying in our out, so I was assuming he was flying out, as Duty Free is for departing flyers at most airports.

    and yes, I will buy a 24 K gold watch on my next stay on Dubai airport, it must be a bargain.

    Do you like to be called you stupid ?

  12. never understand why people would want to buy overprized booze or watches in Asian and Arabian airport "duty frees".

    All that stuff, if you'd start to look more closelier, can be had for cheaper in your home country , be it Europe or the USA.

    with SOME exceptions, maybe.

    I don't see why one would bother buying IMPORTED BOOZE in Chiang Mai when one is returning to the country where exactly that kind of Booze came from

    .... except, of course, Sir, if you intend to drink it aboard your flight !!thumbsup.gif

    I didn't read the part where OP stated he's returning to the country in which "that kind of booze came from"? It's entirely possible (in a Thai forum, huh?) that some of us posting here live in Thailand and want to visit Singapore or Dubai or Bahrain or Norway or Sweden...countries where a drink will cost one upwards of 12 euros or $15 US. Buying alcohol duty free - either upon departure from Thailand or upon arrival in those countries - is a significant cost savings. Same with tobacco products.

    OP didn't say if he flies in our out of Chiang Mai.

    I assumed he is flying out, as most duty frees are only for DEPARTING customers !

    yes you can turn in your heels at airports and enter the duty free zone before going to immigration . .. my remark was rahter rhetorical, because regardless if you leave or arrive at Chiang Mai airport, any "Jack Daniels" is definitely not made in Thailand

  13. never understand why people would want to buy overprized booze or watches in Asian and Arabian airport "duty frees".

    All that stuff, if you'd start to look more closelier, can be had for cheaper in your home country , be it Europe or the USA.

    with SOME exceptions, maybe.

    I don't see why one would bother buying IMPORTED BOOZE in Chiang Mai when one is returning to the country where exactly that kind of Booze came from

    .... except, of course, Sir, if you intend to drink it aboard your flight !!thumbsup.gif

    He said he wants to buy it on the way in.

    I don't think Johnnie Walker or Jack Daniels comes from Thailand.


    where does he say that ????

    his post reads: Is there any sort of duty free shop in the domestic part of Chiang Mai Airport. Would like to pick up some booze

    yes of course, coming IN into Thailand, any booze brought in your check-in luggage , bought in your home country, beats Thailand exorbitant taxes . . said that, again, must make sure price of booze in your supermarket is cheaper than the departure airport duty free price. In most cases it is.

  14. never understand why people would want to buy overprized booze or watches in Asian and Arabian airport "duty frees".

    All that stuff, if you'd start to look more closelier, can be had for cheaper in your home country , be it Europe or the USA.

    with SOME exceptions, maybe.

    I don't see why one would bother buying IMPORTED BOOZE in Chiang Mai when one is returning to the country where exactly that kind of Booze came from

    .... except, of course, Sir, if you intend to drink it aboard your flight !!thumbsup.gif

  15. a bit unrealistic a figure. I would say a rise from now 2.3 million towards a 25% raise for every following year is more close to the truth.

    For the Thai hotelery industry, focussing on chinese tourists is kind of a an old tradition. For the chinese middle class - which itself is growing in numbers, and they HAVE money to travel - Thailand is literally China's "southernmost" province ! The fact that they are being greeted in their mother tongue by all the Thais involved in their tour packages, makes Thailand a pro-bono vacation country for the average chinese traveller. A kind of a starter, before an Europe trip, let's say.

    The steadily rising number of chinese tour packages are solid proof for TAT's expectations. I do not understand why some ThaiVisa members think of it being laughable.

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  16. two weeks ago I cleared an issue with my Thai bank - account registered on old passport number, asked to register the new passport number - and they made me sign a similar form. In this form it clearly stated that it only refers to U.S. citizens. When I said that I am not a U.S. citizen, they smiled and asked me, then just sign it nevertheless, all is fine. I left the bank somewhat spooked and bewildered. Money laundering laws ? Yes of course some governments are stretching their tentacles. The new horror, the dream of every bureaucrat, the Cancellation of material money ( a paper money bill or coins) is luring ahead. Smartphone (NFC technology, Apple Pay) and credit cards companies will lead the force ! The lesser of us use credit cards or pay online and pay all and sundry with a bank card, the longer material money will be condoned in use. 1984 is a sweet breeze . . . . .

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