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Posts posted by crazygreg44

  1. I go on SSCC just over the railway tracks on the right hand side past the first 7-11 and the new motorcycle shop. 100b for a good haircut and shave including nose hairs, eyebrows and the quick arm and finger pulling. Usually in and out fairly fast. Without the shave I think it is 80b

    Do they use scissors or the ubiquitous electric trimmer? I maintain that it is impossible to cut hair properly using only a trimmer, unless you want to look like a refugee from the SAS.

    oblivious to ask, as Thai hairderssers usually do not keep their trimmers and clipper ship shape. After so many of attempts to find a hairdresser with a perfectly maintained, oiled and sharp clipper, I bought myself a WAHL U.S.A. ( in the US, original, watch out for the copies sold everywhere!!) and my old lady or a friend of hers will do me a classic Navy cut.

    *** for those who don't like this kind of cut, forget my post. Try to arrange your hair in the tropics in a nice manner. Anything that is longer than 9mm will make you look like Scarecrows. You ever wondered why thet call us bird shit when your whig looks like ?

  2. I have a good ole WAHL clipper, works like a dream, I will give you a Navy Cut , three choices of lenght 3mm/5mm/9mm for the leftover scalp. I will even go over yer neck and ears with the razors, clean up all. Done on my balcony in Jomtien while the breeze is blowing, like my old lady does give me every 2 months, in exchange for a small bottle of Jacks!

  3. I am 57 and I shave my head ultrashort, Navy Cut style.

    Now then I look like a 40 year old hool !

    I look like Yul Brenner. giggle.gif .................facepalm.gif

    You'd be surprised on how many ladies love THAT Yul Brynner look ( Thai lasses however have never heard of him!) combine it with clean shaven cheeks & chin, you are their hero !

  4. "I have been living in Bangkok for a year now with tourist visa (30days)"

    So you are in fact on overstay and in the country illegally . . and you are dreaming up that they let you do a Thai driver's license, buy a bike on your name (for which you need a proof of residency from Immigration) . You are badly mis- and underinformed. Where have you been living while being in Thailand, in the dark under the barstool ?

  5. Are you sure this is the result from music or subwoofers ?

    Let me tell you something. Once in Hua Hin, I wanted to rent a townhouse. A landlady showed us a nice house at the end of the Moo Ban. It has two big disadvantages. The first one was seen right away when approaching : An array of trashcans, which the whole moo ban would use to collect their rubbish. The next , I was in the bedroom in the second floor, which cornered by the streetside. Only because I wear an hearing aid, I suddenly became aware of a steady , deep frequency humming. Or maybe what you would call deep bass subwoofing. You want to know where it came from ? Right across the the bedroom wall, there was a large transisitor/ transformator mounted on a concrete pole. A real big transformer, and my head when sleeping would be just 2,5 meters away, only separated by a wall of tiny red bricks.

    I suggest you make sure there is no large electric current line / transformer anywhere near your house. If there is, move out. There is nothing you can do, this is Thailand and this is standard.

    • Like 1
  6. just keep in mind . .she lost another 3 months to a Farang to whom she put hope of a lasting relationship to . . . whilst getting much older. Sooner or later, with things like this happening, she will be too old to find a nice partner.

    Keep that in mind while you are ready to break her heart. And make sure next time you do short time and tell them ahead of it, before they hope they can get married to you.

    I don't want to accuse you of faking a relationship for three months until you were ready to skip her. I assume you were partially committed, by heart and soul. If you weren't during all this time, well, break another heart and be prepared for what comes up next. I was out in the "testing" lane , too, when I realized not to start relationships for nothing. For her, it is not nothing. It means getting older while listening to empty bland promises

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  7. you might even get good results when directing a slow running fan at the open oven. Will circulate the heat around the room a bit . . . !!

    . . and with table top ovens . . the heat is adjustable . . .

    and don't forget the advantage of making apple pies, against a simple fan heater !

  8. NOW here we go !!! The FIRST question in TVF about HEATING IN THAILAND !!!!!!!!!

    This must all be because global warming !!

    I admit here in deep Eesarn we huddle among the bonfires !!!!

    ...and there was said minus 10 degrees Celsius in Phu Hin Rong Khla last month !

    but as you see, Thailand is slow in responding to real needs . . . like the government not paying up to the farmers . . .

    NOBODY has ever thought about stocking electric coil heaters. I bet rich Thais heat up their expensive kitchen ovens

    leaving the door open . . .I have no idea what to suggest to you , avoiding getting choked by burning plastic just because

    you must keep yourself warm . . if you don't have the money, buy an electric oven cheap as 1400 BHT from Makro or laz...a

    and do the same.

    what about fur clothes from MBK Center, 6th floor ??

    I fully understand you, hope the above hint is appreciated. Oncethe hot season begins, you can bake apple pies in your winter

    heater !!!

  9. i would like to give you the technical details, but I am unable to climb the tiny 40 feet long steel pole we erected, with a WIFI booster mounted at it's top !! Which I hope you believe me when seeing my avatar !

    It is boosting the weak WIFI signal from the school in the neighbouring village, which is actually a mile and a half away ! It is connected to my Wifi router and I get a perfect 5 bar strenght signal from it. We had however to go to the Amphurs TOT office to get it up and a permission to link into the public schools WiFi. A TOT appointed technican mounted and configured it.

    I don't know which brand the booster is but I think if you ask around in shops and maybe one of the TOT technicans when you spot one at work, they can help

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  10. You state "Another reason is that rent wise, I will see myself spending the same amount in monthly rent in 5 years as I would if I was to purchase a property now" . . .what makes you believe so ? You can rent a 32 sqm Condo for 14,000 BHT monthly for example in View Talay at Dongtan Beach , while buying the same condo will cost you around 1,800,000 BAHT. This means if you buy, the condo will pay off within nearly 11 years plus the costs for management fees. If condo prices were amortized within 5 years, a lot many more people would start buying property in Pattaya and Jomtien.

    By any ways if you'd really plan to buy a condo, I would visit the many condominium complexes and look at their blackboards myself. It will save you agent costs and by doing so you have a chance of comparing the rental prices to the sales prices of the said location.

    Good luck !

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  11. OP, this is another proof that Thais are the MASTERS of MULTITASKING !! For an example, as it is seen when they ride a motorbike, they phone, hold a sunshade above their heads or eat icecream with the free hand, talk to the kid in their lap, and accelerate, all at the same time. So I think they are still istening to you even when they check their facebook and talk to each of two other persons simultaneously. They can, you & me can't . . . . .

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  12. if you use a motobike that has a trunk under the seat, you can park off and stash an expensive helmet inside it no fear of having it stolen . . .

    In my experience, good quality helmets are bigger than underseat storage spaces. Yamaha Nouveau and Honda AirBlade, to name two, don't hold a Bilmola.

    you should try again, put it in upside down, but only after you removed the trash that thai pre-owners has left in there . . .

    I was surprised to see how much one can stash into a Yamaha Nouvo underseat storage . . two bottles of Jacks, glasses, ice cubes and some club sandwiches will always do, and it's not even half full yet . . .

    but you might be right, really BIG helmets probably won't fit . . worth a notice . .

  13. bring along some spare tire tubes 29" as the proper widths are hard to find here. Keep in mind thai roads are littered with small sharp objects and never get cleaned well, so you can expect lots of punctures in the long run. I do not see any problem but recommend to pack it well with bubble wraps and make sure nothing protrudes ( dismount handles and pedals and put them back on later ) keep the package as small as possible, use strong cardboard and lotsa duct tape !

    Good luck in bringing the bicycle over and lotsa riding fun !

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  14. Not sure about thailand but USA delivery charge does not go directly to the driver. Pizza hut: $2.50 delivery charged per customer. Driver gets .89 cents if they take one. Driver gets 1.39 if they take 2 deliveries. Driver gets 1.39 if they take 3 or more. Or manager would make us take 4 at a time charging the customer 10 dollars and only giving us 1.39. It is a scam and a driver destroys there vehicle and delivery charge never paid for gas completely. This pizza hut was owned by NPC and I believe drivers have tried suing them. I think they won in 2011. Always tip the driver. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    but that is how it works in the USA . . .

    don't ever expect that Thai work force is paid extra.

    This society is built on "low cost" and maintains so . . .

    I am earnestly in doubt that the delivery motosai man gets any share of the "delivery charge"

    he is more easily ripped off his modest earnings after two people complain by phone that he was

    30 seconds late the promised delivery time.

    Am I too pessimistic ?

  15. if he used a laptop when booking, the url of the webpage might be still in the browser's history. All he has to do is scrolling back in the history list to the day when he booked and re-open the link.

  16. House built in rural area = 500,000

    Down payment for a pickup = 100,000

    Total = 600,000, not 3 million.

    You can't make a valid point if you grossly exaggerate figures.

    That's exactly what I paid here in the rural area, we built a bungalow into a lush garden with a view to the mountains,sunrise and sunset, and it'd cost no more than 600,000. I now added a sports-venue with asnooker table and a selfmade concrete PingPong table, plus a two room guesthouse, we have spent a bit over a million and not 3 million, which of course would apply if the OP bought a townhouse in the next bigger village near his GF's farm.

    You can't just have the same life on a farm with the family and friends, as opposed to life on your own, on a stretch of Thailand good enough to host a foreigner to hang loose and "rent" into everything he needs, including sex.

    I am by far not a social drinker nor a bum staring into a glas but I am also not the saint as of whom the poster pinkie describes himself. I came here to get more relaxed as I have had to deal with people half of my lifetime, and I enjoy being enriched by a culture which got a different knick. and I haven't had to put 3 Million Baht into the parking meter for that . . . .

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