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Posts posted by anon8

  1. yup, Central, 3000-4000 baht, exactly same stuff you'd get in US or EU, that dude in that school would never know where you bought it

    and, if you are really, really bored in Pattaya, you can always take a walk to Central, grab a coffee, walk around the mall like a lost tourist, get security guards all agitated and enjoy FREE cologne.

    Just walk by the bottles and spray the stuff all over. Sure, it stinks, but it's free and that means a lot to me, because nothing is free in Pattaya.

    What makes that walk at Central even more enjoyable and adventures is watching the sales girls getting all upset over the fact that you get a free sample and don't buy every time.. and my Thai friend who is convinced that we are doing something terribly wrong, probably stealing, and the police is busting in at any moment.. looking at him in Central is always a highlight of my otherwise very boring days

    edit: added a story :)

  2. Is Titanic Property Ltd. taken yet?? For the continental European clientel The Bismarck Building Company might sound attractive! :)

    nice ones!

    also, Zeppelin Prtmnk Ltd, for the cross Atlantic appeal

  3. In the spirit of co operation and working towards common a dream of a 10 page thread, here's my contribution:

    I wish there were more pictures. And discussions about floor plans and about Pratamnak area in general. Is the neighborhood kid friendly? How are the schools? Will there be guaranteed rental income and if yes, how much and for how long. I could go on.

    Also, financing options, alltough I understand that 25 mil in cash would be appriciated.

    it is not really THAT expensive, I recently looked at a web site with listings in Monaco and compared to prices over there Pratamnak is a bargain, really.

    And then this:

    as i feel your all entitled to your own opinon.

    I only wish everyone here was as generous as you! Thank you!

  4. ..a born pessimist and possibly anarcist.


    oh, and why compare prices to UK only? I compare prices to Luxembourg. And if my strange math and economy don't work out, Tokyo as well.

  5. no visit to hospital needed, no script needed, walk in any pharmacy and they are happy to sell.

    I have not smoked over 3 months, not a single cigarette. First 2 months are difficult. Champix made it easier at the very beginning..

    after a month or so I got terrible urges to smoke, especially at moments when angry.. and while driving. and when simply sitting in a coffee shop.. everything associates with smoking. I think this is highly individual, but after 3-4 months it gets easier. Still, it is f''king difficult, Champix or not.

  6. I have a small sticker which if you stick it on your phone it will protect you from the deadly calls.Of course it is not cheap but better that then risking to die on your next phone call isn't it.It has proved to work 100% as nobody who used the sticker has died yet.

    Can someone forward my PM to the northern people please.Commission available for whole sellers.

    How can I trust your special sticker works? The early reports suggested that death calls usually make heads explode, however, later news state that these calls generate some sort of mental disorder which may take years to progress.

    Your special sticker may offer SOME protection from dangerous phone calls, preventing instant tumors and that sort of things.. but how can we be sure that the special sticker is of long term help?

  7. Where is your sense of mercy justice or charity?

    /quote 'NanLaew'

    Left it on the third baggage carousel from the right (the broken one) at Don Muang, late October 1984. I was clean outta Thai-style compassion after 5 years, sorry.

    END quote/

    Compassion, a human emotion prompted by the pain of others.

    I am convinced that once we loose this ability, there is no longer much difference between a MAN and a soi dog.

    Valium.. 9 tablets. Not 200 tablets, not dealing. Bought from pharmacy, the same way I buy Tramadol, a script med in EU, over the counter here. it is truly over the counter, not controlled substance, no script required in Thailand.. but I know this only because I happen to live here. The 17 yr guy, a tourist, a GUEST IN THIS COUNTRY. he had 9 tablets of valium, less harmful than whiskey, many could argue.. and so many people on this and the other thread are calling for his head, almost..

    Why is it? Were we like that when we came to Thai? Does living for a long peroid of time in basically a foreign country make a man bitter, vengeful, cold hearted?

    I have not been that long, but I hope this never happens to me.

    Arguments how 'technically' he is on the wrong side of the law are simply bs. I am on the wrong side of the law every day when I'm running on foot across the street on red light. Cars that never, never stop on designated pedestrian crossings, they are all breaking the law as well, every one of them. So, please, people!

  8. johnswift1956,

    the Holiday Inn in Pattaya.. true, walk in rate is 3000 baht per night. However, it is filled with tourist groups flown in from India, and very much lower room rate is applyed. At night these groups can be spotted walking up and down Beach Rd, trying to make up their mind about 500 baht investments for the night.

    Royal Cliff is full of Russian package groups, by no means poor, most are not spenders. If there's hi end tourism hiding in Thailand, it is not in Pattaya

  9. Daewoo, i think the officer got upset over the lack of co operation from kid. "Wha!? No money!? Not even 2000, ok, 1000??"

    And then it goes like.. "alright, we'll see about that!" and the kid, thinking whats the worst that can happen probably told the cop to go perform some activity on himself. Kid simply did not know about the power of the dark side.

    Poor kid, I feel for him.. rotting in some jail over 10 tablets of THE most harmless trangualizer.. bad luck, needs to make merit, I guess.

    I have been stopped at Ekamai 2 times within 1 year, when I was stupid enough not to take taxi. Officers only went through pockets, especially jeans little coin pockets.. and wallet.

    Even knowing there's nothing to be found on me, it is an unpleasant experience.. cos even if there's nothing there, something can be found. I take taxi now to bkk.

  10. I say, introduce the NEW Elite Card!

    Declare the previous Elite Card campaign a tremendous success, but due to unprecedented demand TAT ran out of cards, so sorry.

    Make the new card properly expensive if you wish to attract real hi end tourists. Why should they be lounging about in Cannes and St Tropez, lure them here with some card program that promises shorter cues at immigration desk.

    /quote alyx: "using all benefits provided by the kingdom" //


  11. while I do appreciate the tragedy here.. lets not overlook the outstanding writing

    "Mr P made a wild dash for the window, but not before Mrs P landed two blows on his back and head.." this is something out of 'Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels' screen play. Again NOT to undermine the tragedy here, but:

    ".. he found not the young girl he had hoped for but her 52-year-old mother.." and

    "It was good luck that Mr P.. felt the sharp end of Mrs Phimphimon’s cleaver, he (The Police Man) said.."

    the last one tops it. I have been told 'Good Luck!' many times in Thailand, only now do I fully realize the full meaning of those wishes

  12. lack of desire to see The Glitterman is not a condition. Native population has a firm belief that The Glitterman only reveals itself to the chosen ones.

    You may lack the desire, but The Glitterman will find you, perhaps if only to hunt you in your dreams.

    Local native population firmly believes that if you touch one of The Glitterman golden feathers you will never contract Pig Flue, if on the other hand you will try to snatch one of those golden feathers, your Non O will never be extended.

    My Thai boyfriends is convinced that The Glitterman is not one of the 'good ghosts' and he was all shaken up when The Glitterman gently floated by on 2nd road, "him no good, I no like"

  13. 'Jingthing' :

    Better yet be a grumpy old man holding a beer in one hand and a Thai bar lady in the other. Then and only then greet the GM and see just how "cool" he really is ...

    you set impossible standard. Nobody (unless seriously high) is that cool :D

    I too have seen Glitterman, and for a moment it felt very, very confusing, in a good way :)

    Definitely not Kansas..

  14. yes, D-Link is probably the biggest brand..

    WI-FI routers are more or less same, as hard drives, just pick up one, perhaps not THE cheapest.. but they are dirt cheap now.

    More important, after you power it up at home, do NOT forget to set access key and set the Admin password. So many routers are open, every time I'm in a bigger building I can log on to several open WIFI networks,

    if you don't restrict the access to your WIFI box, your laptop can be accessed easyly, and your speed is seriously affected since other people will log on to your network. If not sure how this is done, ask sales people to set key and admin access at the shop, takes 2 min.

  15. My apologies. I was not aware that one could not mention money and police in the same sentence on Thai Visa. AS deadly serious as the advice is i will retract that comment and apologise to any reader i may have offended.

    user was probably not really complaining, more likely showing his vigilance (nothing passes by me alltough I am not admin but would make a fine one), self righteousness and extra high standards when talking about hard drugs and Iranian mules on web forums.

    I found your post about quantities and Thai criminal code most interesting, dare I say, useful. So no apologies, please!

  16. gunnyd, I get your point, but..

    say, all illigal substances are legal beginning of next week, they can be bought at 7-11 were shops have installed new counters, next to cigarettes, covered with aluminum curtains and everything. My Thai neighbour's kids go to night club, 5 guys, all around 15-16. As usual, before going to club they get drunk, only this night they decide to buy some Yaba at 7-11. These boys go out and get waisted on most nights. Now fast forward 6 months. How many of these boys are alive? Maybe all, maybe none. How many are fuc'ed for life? All of them. This kind of damage is impossible with any legal drug, this damage is GUARNTEED with 6 month of regular ice, yaba use.

    Making meth and heroin legal has no upside, NONE.

    Quote from you: 'Alcohol and alcoholism causes much more misery, health problems and death than illegal drugs ever have or ever will..'

    You can't be serious!

  17. yes, witsawakorn, this is not the 'real' meth. it is slightly less potent local answer to meth.

    meth in US and western Europe looks like salt.. or sugar, like white chrystal. Ice and other junk in Thailand often looks brownish, yellowish, even pink.

    The process to make 'clean' meth is a bit longer and requires some components that are harder to get, hence the short cuts.

    One thing, this 'ice' and other amphetamine substances are increadably cheap and easy to produce, makes one wonder why even transport this sh*t across boarders.. it is usually 'manufactured' in any given basement, farm..

    oh, about legalizing this.. maybe.. but then isolate all users to an island, meth is probably the most destructive drug there is, more so than heroin

  18. The Thai Police allowed their main international airport to be overrun and occupied by a gang of protesters

    Their Prime Ministers motorcade to be attacked.

    And also an international ASEAN Summit to be invaded.

    A gang of rip off Tuk Tuk drivers should not even raise an eyelid.



    we need to vent, we live here

    the reason this thread had 1400 ACTIVE viewers few hours ago is because we know we can be beaten or worse at any given moment..

    by 'we' I mean farangs living in a major tourist area.

    Simple fact is that nothing will ever change here. We learn to live here, we know never to argue with a local, we learn not to make eye contact, we get used to keep our eyes focused on a ground.

    Because we have made our homes here we are slowly turning into something less than humans.. maybe that is the price we need to pay.. a permission to live in a foreign land.. never to be equal to locals. This makes me sad. It used to make me angry, it now just makes me sad. Slowly I get used to being a dog.

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