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Posts posted by anon8

  1. other than the twisted egg lady from 'Pink Flamingos', I really don't get the egg hysteria. Eggs are tasty, sure. But this strange egg fixation.. lack of eggs, rationing of eggs, price increase of eggs, PM's price cap proposal for eggs.. it seem little bit odd

    I mean, I would love to scream EGGS! EGGS! as much as the next caged semi retarded lady, but still..

    Oh, Darrel, Malaysian eggs!!? Cant be trusted yo, if the eggs are not Thai, they are up to no good, they will be sent here just to use us, Thai people!

    edit: to caution Darrel and other naive egg affictionados

  2. ..I find myself doubtful about the east and west, in regards to what will happen here in the west ,especially over the next twenty days... But too much information available is either erroneous or sanctimonious from governmental sources, and I am left guessing..

    My friend,

    Nobody knows nothing here! Take your best guess looking at the worst possible scenario, and take care of your family! Forget the infrastructure, such as State, Province, Municipality. Those terms do not apply around here. We live in a jungle, jungle with a Skytrain, Cartier stores etc, but still a jungle

    Thawi Watthana is flooded.

  3. I'm purely speculating here, but , say, on Australian web board OP could be referred as AP (as in Aboriginal poster)

    here we could use DBCP ( Dreadfully Boring Clueless Poster) sometimes, perhaps?

    i was mean, Poanoi. And I am sorry. OP is used to reply to the Original Poster, meaning to a poster who started the thread

  4. My friend tried yesterday to book a flight from Germany to Bangkok. She wanted to come around the 10th of November. They told her no flight tickets will be issued to Bangkok! Just precaution, missing trust in reassuring Thai-authorities or do they know more then we here in LOS?

    Really? Your friend told you that airlines are no longer booking flights from Germany to BKK for Nov the 10th?

    you know, with huge amount of speculations about the flood here, huge amounts of misleading and inaccurate statements by authorities, there REALLY should be no room here for deliberate bullshit. Searched 3 carriers for your friendd 10 minutes ago, check the results below

    Lufthansa to bkk departing on Nov 10


    Air Berlin to bkk departing Nov 10


    KLM to bkk departing Nov 10





  5. John Waters is the best when it comes to eggs fetish. But even John Waters's strange caged female eggs affectionado would find it difficult to score some eggs in Pattaya south, from what I understand.

    On unrelated note, I'm returning to Pattaya on Nov 9th after 2 months holiday in Europe, but the way things look in Pattaya, perhaps it would be wiser to get on Air Asia and jet to KL for a month or so, until things get back to normal. I understand Pattaya is becoming a refugee camp site. I always rent in Pattaya, even when stay for 1.5 years straight. But this time it is going to to be different, I fear. God, if only KL wasn't so dreadfully boring.

    Lets hope the 1 meter tide will not happen and life returns to normal. I'd wish good luck to all my Pattaya comerades, but 'good luck' in Thailand can mean so many different things. Take care, fellow farangs!

  6. li-plane-flood-cp-rtr2t60h.jpg

    The engines of Thai Airways airplanes are protected as floods advanced at the Don Muang airport in Bangkok. (Reuters)

    Geez, I love this flood protection...:annoyed:

    If they drop few sand bags on runways, planes will be even safer. This pic with jet engines covered with plastic bags illustrates Thai mentality so well

  7. I used Bangkok not Bangkok people. Everyone knows the vote is up to the people in command. However the sentiment of most of the people was Bangkok was too important to risk it. Now its too late.

    I am saying here i hope you get as much as me but not more..

    Why would you hope something terrible to happen to your fellow men? Would it somehow ease your pain?

    Do you have any idea what it would be like if a city of over 10 Mil will be without food and drinking water, perhaps for weeks?

  8. .. please be a little more considered about referring to 'you Bangkok people' in reference to having any control over any flood decisions. We don't,

    Your problems are not our (persons who happen to live in Bangkok) faults, and if some of us have trouble, it seems quite strange and immature for anyone to imply we 'deserve' it somehow simply for living here where we have no more control over what decisions are made than 'you people' (not in Bangkok) do.

    Thank you for pointing this out! I've been feeling guilty for last few weeks, only because I live in Bangkok. And I swear, I have NO control of dams, levys, canals etc, I really dont!

  9. But you have no issue with condemning an entire nation of 60 million for an unverified attack, that probably wasn't an attack, without even knowing if the imagined culprit was from that nation.


    How did I condemn an entire nation of 60 million?

    I live here, I LOVE Bangkok! I want to be proud of Thailand. Reading a news report about acid being thrown on the face of visitor to my country makes me sad. And it makes my country look bad!

    on topic: 'They were treated at Bumrungrad hospital. The hospital said this is the third case they have seen lately'

  10. Even if there was some sort of acid attack, why would it make Thailand look bad? .. But what if a Thai did such an act, why would it make Thailand look bad? Do you feel the need to condemn a whole race when one of its members does something terrible?

    when a foreigner, a tourist, gets acid thrown on her face in Bangkok, it does not reflect well on a country, I would think. So yes, in my opinion it would make Thailand look bad.

    When did I condemn a whole race? Where did I suggest the culprit is of Thai national? But since you allowed for the possibility he/she may have been Thai (and we dont know if he/she was) , how does it NOT make Thailand look bad!?

    Your argument may be that this kind of horrific violence could take place anywhere in the world. Sure! But it happened in Bangkok.

  11. The only criteria for "newsworthy events" is that they generate more foaming at the mouth by the Thai Bashers, Police Bashers and Little-Old-Ladies-of-Fair-Complexions-Contingent.

    If after reading an article you can grunt:" ummm Thai bad, farang good," then it's passed the editorial scrutiny hurdle.

    Being sprayed with acid in the middle of Bangkok is newsworthy event, i fail to see the need for your use of quotation marks, Suradit. You seem to imply that spraying acid on a persons face is perfectly OK in BKK, and maybe even a traditional Thai greeting

    You realize acid is not water, right? You realize being sprayed with acid can kill a person, or at the very least disfigure a person for life? You DO know what acid is, I assume.. yet you seem to suggest it was a minor incident, not even worth reporting.

    You consider news report about splashing acid on a persons face Thai bashing, Suradit?

  12. Dear Original Poster!

    Pattaya is safe, more so than most Western cities.

    Try to forget all the "Pattaya is Devils nest bullshit. It isn't. It is an international sea side resort. So move here! Or don't.. It is not a bad place to chill. Maybe we have more hookers than most other places in TH, it's only because we also have more tourists than most other places in TH.

    Get ure ass here, get an apt, or hotel room. Walk around.. its good here!

  13. That's exactly the way I read it as well, no one wants to get beat up for taking a picture.

    My post was vague and I should clarify.

    That man on the street is not lesser beings than you, me or the next guy. Life can be tricky, remember the man who was rotting away and very close to death in Pattaya jail not long ago? He got help because someone helped him. Stuff happens in life, more often than not homeless people have mental problems, they usually do not choose to live on streets. Or just bad luck, who are we to know. But lets not go take pictures of a poor people on the street, like we take pictures of zoo animals.

  14. I walk past there, and will keep a lookout for him. Dont think I would care to photograph him though: he was a big guy!

    You are talking about a human, am I right, Darrel? For a moment it seemed like you are describing a wild animal, and you are afraid to even approach it

    Maybe we can be little bit more tolerant about others around us? There are many reasons why people are really down on their luck, Darrel. No need to give them one more kick.

  15. agreed tropo! just that Boracai was mentioned earlier in the thread.

    When someone seriously considers moving to another counrty because 'I've Had It With Pattaya' I wonder if that person is completely giving up on civilization, life even. If searching for solitude and isolation, Boracay might just be it.

    But before moving to another country, maybe OP should just move across the street from where he resides now. Or two streets further up? Pattaya can't be that bad that it makes a person move to Philpines or Cambodia or Vietnam, it must be something else, some unresolved conflict, depression, who knows. Myabe just take a trip to Hanoi and realize Pattaya is almost a paradise.

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