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Posts posted by anon8

  1. also..

    Nisa, you have no clue what you are talking about. Sorry! no, Im not even sorry.

    dude, don't let your unhappiness get on on a way to other peoples happiness, just ignore it, I understand, when you feel miserable, you want everybody to feel miserbale, it is basic stuff, it makes u feel better if everybody suffers, not just u. As much as it annoys you if other people are happy.. let them be happy, it doesn't affect your day to day life one bit. Im a bitter dude myself, still, it brings a smile to my face to see a happy couple, no matter what sex, opposite .. same sex, whertevr sex. Just let go

  2. Ate here tonight..

    are you sure you ate there? Maybe you ate at the stall next to it? But if it was good that's all that matters.

    Im gonna start at thread about best kebab in town, and I'm even gonna give some vague directions in near future... a hint - it is on 2nd road right after a Soi, and just before that other soi. It really isn't far from Royal Garden, come to think of it, it is fairly close to Avenue, but on the left side

  3. not to mention how my favorite place puts 2 eggs in an omelette when the guy is cooking, but when the lady is cooking, she only puts one egg. And sometimes she forgets that slice of lime with my fried rice. Sureley a sign of coming Apocalypse?

  4. Shame on Hollywood for not showing farmers walking into bullets, riots, politicians getting gunned down, tourists getting beaten and robbed, etc. That would have been a more accurate version to focus on, right?

    sure! it would make a good, accurate documentary

    as for the movie, it isn't that the stereotypes make it bad, or some peoples take how they make Thailand look bad.. it is just a bad movie. What is it about Bangkok that attracts talentless directors and bad script? Bangkok Dangerous with Nicolas Cage, shot in BKK also sucked. Bangkok would make a wonderful background for a movie, Hangover 2 just isn't it

  5. jombom, it is totally cool if you don't understand why people go to Starbucks.

    I realize there are other places for coffee in Pattaya, no need to ask anybody where to get a cup of coffee. You see, I like going there. It would take way long to give all my reasons.

    Philipines and Boracay.. friend of mine has been kite surfing there for last 2 winters, 5 months each time. He has been to Thailand. The only reason he spends his winters in Boracay is because the wind is good. If not for the wind he would spend winters in Thailand.

    jombom, maybe OP has engaged too much with people who live here and that is why he wants to leave?

  6. yes, tropo, almost every day.

    No, don't go out too much, but I leave apt every day for a walk to Avenue or Central or 2nd floor balcony at Starbucks on Beach Road, stuff like that. Beach Rd is not a good place to walk, you must agree with that. So with best and only boulevard in town ruined, I feel 'I've had it' the moment I get off the bike to enter Starbucks on Beach Rd. So I don't go as often as I would like or when not feeling strong enough to deal with the aggravation. In Europe I walk to coffee shop and do not get hassled but it is -25C often in winter where Im from. So it is a compromise, warm weather, hassled at sidewalk. But those are not reasons to leave. They are just minor annoyances. Of course, after 7 years while locals get angrier and angrier every year, the moments of 'I've had it' get more serious. To the point that I can't live here 12 months a year.

    So, no. I dont go out too much, but I do go out every evening. And more often than not theres an angry look, rude comment, nasty giggle. And i feel 'I've had it' But I go out next night again.

    I don't get my curtains cleaned for 50 000 baht. But if that was to happen I would feel 'I've had enough' I would let them keep the curtains and buy new ones. I wouldn't move to Philipines because of that.

  7. isn't moving away a bit drastic?

    why not avoid the stuff that annoys you? cos in Philipines it probably wont get any better. We're never be fully at home around here, there will be 'I've had it' moments every day, unless you dont go out at all.

    every time you have the bad experience, repeat to yourself : 'I am here only becaus the climate is nicer than in Europe' Then you'd be OK.

    edit: climate is nicer some of the time

  8. Patrick,

    the only reason I post and have an opinion is because Pattaya IS a place for me. I LOVE Pattaya!

    You happen to love Beach Rd the way it is. And I say, good for you! I happen to avoid it. But I miss the days when I was able to sit down at the board walk and have a smoke, that's all.

    But PLEASE, do not suggest Pattaya isn't for me! This sounds so much like "If you don't like it here, why won't you go home then!" and that is the lowest form of argument. We discuss stuff here cos we live here, we live here cos this is our home.


  9. Patrick in pattaya,

    take a walk there and do not pick up a girl.. just listen to insults coming from the girls standing on Beach Rd about what a waste of space you are. Walk there every night, it is a beautiful stroll, and you'll learn many Thai language compliments there, I can assure you!

    I give you a hint, if you walk alone the main compliment would be 'fagkot', in perfect Issan dialect, of course

    edit: major grammar issues

  10. there are very few streets as beautiful as Beach Road in Pattaya.. about a mile walking along the beach.. can't think of many places that have a boulevard like that.

    Of course we can't walk there. If you're visiting Pattaya fort the firsy time time and end up at Beach Rd , the hookers will make it very clear how unwanted you are.

    last time I took a walk there was 4 years ago. it was bad enough then. I've had a smoke around Central every now and then, just to confirm what a waster of time the Beach Road has become.

  11. 10 000 a week max, rent not incl..

    but now that I think about it, it isnt 10k a week.. its more likely 5000 a week. Im single, Ive lived here for a while so I very rarely pick up company, I dont drink. I eat out every day 3 times, i ride a bike. Im out most nights.

    how can people spend 20k a week, as so many say they do. What do you spend it on? I mean, for guys who live here, NOT tourists. As a tourist its easy to spend tons, of course.

    I'd like to know where the 20k goes. thats 80k a month. In Pattaya!

  12. Nikkoid66,

    you are new here, that is very clear. And thats a good thing! You are helping the world and Thai girls in particular. A noble effort. I used to help guys in very similar way, sort of raising awareness and all.

    The things is, your numbers are wrong. And your vision about people here helping each other. Only close relatives are helped with cash.

    Of course you didnt make up numbers, you got your facts from someone. And he/she lied.

    your chart w my corrections:

    3000 baths = rent (1500 more likely)

    1000 baths = utilities (300 more likely)

    1000 baths = clothes

    5000 baths = food (100 baht per day max, often 0 as employer buys 3 meals a day)

    2000 baths = transportation (few hundred if she has a bike, few hundred a month if baht bus)

    500 baths = cellular phone (most of all remaining cash)

    2000 baths for the parents correct

    Total: 14500 is nowhere near as you seem to think.

    everybody makes 4000 to 6000 baht a month here. its that simple.

    best of luck, dude!

  13. what is up with BBC World News coverage? 3 times now, every hour, there's this ignorant and RETARDED report and 'analysis' ending with a British guy running with reds shirts, face mask and all.

    Granted, CNN and BBC have no clue whats going on, and they really do not care since Thailand has never been part of Empire and a 'news report' has to filed since this thing in Bankok is getting big,

    still if the current BBC guy in bkk does not know what time it is, may be he should catch up with current events.. perhaps he should not put together a news report at all? please BBC, DO NOT have a white European male running with Reds on BBC every hour!

  14. schizophrenia is not well understood, I believe. Could be caused by anything, social interactions play a big role. it is well established! Even if it is not, I just established it here. Just like you put pot and mental illness together. we could therefore suspect that your friendship, closeness to your friend made him loose his mind? Could be a trigger, don't you think?

    in Pattaya the Beach Rd dealers and officers get along very nicely, Beach Rd is no place to buy drugs. I am all for drug free Thailand. I have no friends.

    Well as a person that smoked and no longer does, I have seen a pot smoking friend with schizophrenia. It is a proven trigger for mental illness, maybe something else might have triggered it but the evidence heavily said pot, if he abstained and took his meds he was fine but if he so much as looked at a bong he would go down hill again. Even when I was a daily smoker I always new that there health side effects that I accepted, it never ceases to amaze me that people are willing to fool themselves that there are no side effects. I can't touch the stuff now as I get paranoia, which is a shame because I still feel it has benefits... but they do come with certain risks.
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