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About NRGF

  • Birthday 06/25/1949

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    The Hague

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  1. That depends a lot on your age, I'm 75 so with another another 10 years if I'm lucky, it would change my life completely.
  2. The only connection between these two events is Swiss.
  3. There's no getting away from it, life kills. No one gets out alive.
  4. Travelling with your Thai wife enables you to use Thai immigration, usually a good shortcut.
  5. It's a pity this wasn't in force for Brxit. There are about 4 million British expats worldwide, if we had all been able to vote the outcome may well have been very different.
  6. My answer is never, I always get someone else to do it for me.
  7. Apparently dying in an awful hospital and one of his biggest problems is no toilet paper? Its a joke surely?
  8. When we left in March of this year, Bangkok Amsterdam there was no alternative to automated check in.
  9. Well done "Local residents'' and thankfully a happy ending.
  10. Me too, a few years ago he would have been long gone.
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