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Posts posted by lemel

  1. Tailor on Ten gets my vote, going for another fitting tomorrow, great service and product, not cheap but I believe you get what you pay for.

    A lot of people praise ToT and they must be doing something right to attract their clientele as their mail-order business seems to be booming.

    I have three shirts from ToT as that's the minimum you can order. From those three shirts, I took two back when one had the armpit seem come apart after wearing for 5 hours, and the other for correcting the collar stitching that was loose, and the stripes that didn't match on the pocket and yoke - they repaired both without hesitation and were pleasant the entire time. I believe their shirts are made off-site despite their website saying tailors in-house because I had to wait for my contact to arrive with the shirts in a bag (I assume they mean the suit tailors are on site?).

    But of those three shirts, none fit me as though they were actually tailored for me. Both the cotton shirts have sleeves that are too short (one more so than the other - I've worn both but only casually with the sleeves rolled up as they cannot be worn under a jacket.) and the linen shirt looks like a maternity smock for a pregnant woman carrying her unborn baby in her spine... seriously I have 9 extra inches of material in the back. The buttons are sewn on too closely to the placket so when you button the shirt it pulls against itself making the front look frumpled (the buttons are not shanked properly). A tailored shirt should fit like a second skin and the patterns they're using did not work on me.

    They do have attentive service and give you a great sales pitch with a beer (if you want). Another plus is they have decent quality materials - this is the cornerstone of their marketing I believe. But overall, I only agree with you on one point you made: you're right, they're not cheap.

    Wow, that's interesting to know. Can I ask you why you accepted the shirts with the extra 9 inches, shanked buttons and the sleeves too short? I have had 2 fittings and discuss with the tailor about how it feels, length and fit. I only pay 50% deposit and balance on completion once I am happy with what I have ordered. I agree the shirts should fit like a second skin, so why did you pay the balance before getting the problems sorted? I will ask about the tailor 'being on site' for you when I am back there next week. If I was you I would go back and demand your money be returned, if they have done it wrong or at least rectify the problems for you!

  2. I bought a second hand Imac, 4 year old, which had been cleaned by the previous owner.

    We updated to 'El Capitan' and everything was good. Now we have some updates but it wont allow me to download them, see attached screen shot. Does anyone know how I can sort this out, unfortunately I am a dummy when it comes to sorting things like this out. I live in outside Jomtien and would appreciate any help of anyone, who knows how, or knows someone to help resolve this problem.




  3. Does anyone know of a shop/stall where I can purchase a red dickie bow? I know of a few probable places but has anyone actually seen a shop selling them? any help would be appreciated its for a kids haloween!


  4. Hello ladies, I am looking for a part time PA or secretary to do my admin, client liaison and everyday paperwork, at the monment it is a small role which will develop over time. The hours would be flexible, work them around your own committments, work from home and or on skype. Sales are my forte not adminstration and need a girl friday to help me and allow me more time to concentrate on sales matters. Please pm me to discuss more in detail.

  5. I live east of Sukhumvit on the darkside and I had exactly the same conversations for 2 months as you did dthomass, every excuse in the book and then, surprise, surprise, it came back for a couple of more days, until next time. We went through 3 routers, 4 technicians and dozens of hours of downtime until we kicked them out and got True cable, which we had been told was not available 2 months earlier....but it is now and I get on average 35-42 Mbps, Check with them again!

  6. Topo Quote' I'm not assuming it. It was actually a theory... does aggressive forum behaviour translate into aggressive driving?

    I do know from my own personal experience that if I'm stressed out or in a bad mood, I don't drive as calmly. I also know that if I'm having a heated "discussion" on Thaivisa, my wife knows it.smile.png


    ha ha ha, I think you may be on to something there!

    Lets work on your theory then, your avatar must sum up the type of character you are then, (just a theory) the fact you drive badly when you get stressed out or in a bad mood. (fact you say)The fact other people around you are aware that you are in a bad mood because someone said something on Thai visa you disagree with. (very strange) The fact that what someone says to you on a forum, actually effects the way you drive is unbeileavable (your statement of fact)

    So if I was to work on your theory, I must be like you, well thankfully to say I am not!

    I think most of us would be safer on the road, if you were at home, infront of your keyboard getting all worked up, than driving around Pattaya in an angry mood! either that or go get some anger management courses before you have an accident and hurt some poor bugger who is just trying to travel to work!

    but thats just my theory!

  7. Yeah, yeah, that why I came here, to commit speeding and get away with other dangerous driving offences.

    With regards my driving temprement, you dont know anything about me or the way I drive, its all based on your small minded assumptions that anyone who speeds is a dangerous driver, your the one who has a problem, you can not grasp driving in Thailand at all can you? like a lot of others of your ilk, you think you are living in the west and you want your little copy of where your from, to be recreated here. I for one are happy living in my adopted country and take the rough with the smooth but some people want to change it, makes me wonder why you want to stay in this dangerous place with all those nasty men driving too fast....ha ha let me know the next time you want a lift to Bangkok, I am more than happy to take you there!

    You missed my point. I was referring to your aggressive and derisive posting style and suggesting that this may carry over into your driving temperament i.e. forum rage = road rage.

    Please bear in mind this is only a theory and you may be the calmest of drivers, but I doubt it.

    Your suggestion that you love Thailand because you don't have to worry about rules suggests that you are very likely a dangerous driver. If you do off yourself in a car, let's hope you don't take anyone else with you.

    You like your assumptions Tropo! as they say, everyone has an opinion!

  8. I go to Bangkok every week and I have had 2 in the past 3 months, also 2 at km 139 on the way to Hua Hin and 1 going to Kanchanburi. all mailed and different fines from 800 to 2000 based on how fast i was going

    You're lucky they haven't introduced a points system yet. One day they may, to stop habitual offenders who aren't inconvenienced too much by small fines.

    You do realise that speed limits are there for a reason?... and that reason is not revenue collection.

    You never know. Perhaps the insurance companies check for speeding and other tickets when claims are made. They're always searching for reasons not to pay. Maybe there's some small print on insurance contracts stating that you need to disclose this information when applying for insurance.

    I have just got back from speeding back from the airport so sorry for the delay in my response.

    Well thank you Mr Tropo for pointing out how lucky I am!!! do you yourself actually have a car, a car license at all??? and yes I know speed limits are there for a reason! I also thank you once again, for spelling out the bloody obvious! However we are not in perfect land where everybody is a robot, driving at a fixed pace and abiding to the rules and regulations, this is Thailand just in case you missed it.

    I think 5 speeding tickets from 2 cars over 3 .5 years is not too bad(with the amount of driving I do), 1 of them I was speeding over 35km more than I should have(hands up I'm guilty but it was on an empty road), 2 of them I was doing between 105 & 122 on the motorway, between here and Sukhumvit in Bangkok, which I found out later was a 90km in that area not 120km as most people thought. another one was 8km over which is around 5mph over the limit (so shoot me) the last one to Kanchanburi was the wife's!

    With your regards to insurance companies you may want to know is that its the car that is insured not the car driver, and its the car owner on the registration that receives the fine, not the car driver!

    So all in all yes, I class myself lucky that I got away with a small fine, would giving me points or increasing my insurance change these decidedly terrible automobile infringements or make me a better driver, I don't think so. But I do class myself lucky that I am not in a country that is so full of laws, camera's and daft speed limits, like the UK that I am paranoid to drive or have to listen to prats harp on about being a habitual offender for god sake! I don't drive like an idiot, I don't drink and drive, I don't speed in built up areas but occasionally I drive a few km over the limit!!!!!!! get some prospective for Gods sake!

    Are you in Thailand primarily because you can get away with speeding and other dangerous driving offences? Seriously?

    If your emotional rant here is any indication of your driving temperament, you may well be advised to take the bus.

    Yeah, yeah, that why I came here, to commit speeding and get away with other dangerous driving offences.

    With regards my driving temprement, you dont know anything about me or the way I drive, its all based on your small minded assumptions that anyone who speeds is a dangerous driver, your the one who has a problem, you can not grasp driving in Thailand at all can you? like a lot of others of your ilk, you think you are living in the west and you want your little copy of where your from, to be recreated here. I for one are happy living in my adopted country and take the rough with the smooth but some people want to change it, makes me wonder why you want to stay in this dangerous place with all those nasty men driving too fast....ha ha let me know the next time you want a lift to Bangkok, I am more than happy to take you there!

  9. I go to Bangkok every week and I have had 2 in the past 3 months, also 2 at km 139 on the way to Hua Hin and 1 going to Kanchanburi. all mailed and different fines from 800 to 2000 based on how fast i was going

    You're lucky they haven't introduced a points system yet. One day they may, to stop habitual offenders who aren't inconvenienced too much by small fines.

    You do realise that speed limits are there for a reason?... and that reason is not revenue collection.

    You never know. Perhaps the insurance companies check for speeding and other tickets when claims are made. They're always searching for reasons not to pay. Maybe there's some small print on insurance contracts stating that you need to disclose this information when applying for insurance.

    I have just got back from speeding back from the airport so sorry for the delay in my response.

    Well thank you Mr Tropo for pointing out how lucky I am!!! do you yourself actually have a car, a car license at all??? and yes I know speed limits are there for a reason! I also thank you once again, for spelling out the bloody obvious! However we are not in perfect land where everybody is a robot, driving at a fixed pace and abiding to the rules and regulations, this is Thailand just in case you missed it.

    I think 5 speeding tickets from 2 cars over 3 .5 years is not too bad(with the amount of driving I do), 1 of them I was speeding over 35km more than I should have(hands up I'm guilty but it was on an empty road), 2 of them I was doing between 105 & 122 on the motorway, between here and Sukhumvit in Bangkok, which I found out later was a 90km in that area not 120km as most people thought. another one was 8km over which is around 5mph over the limit (so shoot me) the last one to Kanchanburi was the wife's!

    With your regards to insurance companies you may want to know is that its the car that is insured not the car driver, and its the car owner on the registration that receives the fine, not the car driver!

    So all in all yes, I class myself lucky that I got away with a small fine, would giving me points or increasing my insurance change these decidedly terrible automobile infringements or make me a better driver, I don't think so. But I do class myself lucky that I am not in a country that is so full of laws, camera's and daft speed limits, like the UK that I am paranoid to drive or have to listen to prats harp on about being a habitual offender for god sake! I don't drive like an idiot, I don't drink and drive, I don't speed in built up areas but occasionally I drive a few km over the limit!!!!!!! get some prospective for Gods sake!

  10. For those who do not wish to read "gossip" and "opinions", I suggest you just google the news for related, factual stories.

    There are very few qualified reporters, investigators connected with this forum.

    ThaiVisa is pretty good for finding out where the nightlife is hopping, and where the food is good. Also, latest immigration policies, and such. However...you will see nothing more than "opinions" on this bombing. Plenty news about this on the major news sites.

    In other words...this thread would be bare, if it were not for opinions, gossip and squabbling.

    You are correct. And it is really discouraging to see 23 pages of this tripe, following this event.

    For those of us who love the Kingdom, and call Bangkok home, this is a hard day.

    I was at a meeting at the shrine on Friday, at a meeting a few hundred meters up the road yesterday, and was going to go to Central World (across the street) but decided to get my stuff at Pantip Plaza instead.

    Over time, I have ridden the Thia Visa roller coaster .. from ignoring it, to posting (too much) on it .. to now .. sort of sitting back and coming to realize .. wow . many foreigners here are a pretty screwed up group and have within their ranks, a few odd people who think every form of human misery, from car crashes, fires, floods, death, maiming ... and explosions in crowded areas .. are .. "amusing"

    To those who complain that the Foreigners who live in Bangkok "do not talk to other Foreigners" .. you are sadly mistaken. We talk to other Foreigners all the time, we just elect to avoid people like you. As is our right, yes?

    So, yes .. I am not a bit surprised that in 23 pages, there is not on posting that added information of value, so I agree, time to get back to the news networks and see what has happened.

    It is 07:10 .. and I need to get to a meeting .. right down the street from the bombing...because for people who actually live in the Kingdom, and Bangkok .. life goes on.

    FYI - This is actually a reply to SlippryLobster to say "Yes, spot on ... Thanks"

    To the Thai Visa crowd always looking for an argument, please, not today children .. the adults have serious work to do.

    Well said to you both, I agree, I really do wonder what type of people actually post on here!

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