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Posts posted by rodentwarrior

  1. 1 hour ago, watcharacters said:

    Yeah,  this has evolved into a real food fight.

    Hahaha  okay, I hear you.  It's just that as a resident of Cebu, it's strange to read the fantasy, when I experience the reality.  The rather hysterical reporting of pollution here is extraordinary, and usually emanates from people who don't live here.  If it was so bad here, people would not settle here, and this is a rapidly expanding metropolitan area.  If the pollution was so awful, why would SM build the biggest Mall I've ever been in? 


    My adopted children have lived here their entire lives, they are all as strong as horses.  I never said there wasn't pollution here - it's everywhere, I just don't want people to go away with the impression that Cebu is like some post apocalyptic landscape where everyone wears face masks.  It's is certainly cleaner than Bangkok, where I also lived for 7 years. 


    Surely the best information comes from someone with boots on the ground?  I actually lived in IT Park some years ago, I left after 8 months because of the pollution and noise from the many jeepneys running through the Park 24/7.  Make of that what you will.

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  2. Can you see any new houses near the Mall?  No, because there aren't any.  All I hear is talk talk, but no evidence.  I live here.  Who would you believe readers?  This Mall has only been open for just over 3 years, so this is how the area looks.  I regularly visit this Mall because my dentist is located on the third floor.  There is a lot of chat about residential block development, but no building has been started as of today, those green areas are still green empty lots.


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  3. 37 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Its you that is the ignorant one.

    they are 1000 of units there already most from Phillinvest developer.

    They building non stop residential but it is max 5 stories high.Your photo is old and inaccurate. Did you really think they are going to build the biggest mall of the Phillipines in a non residential area? Do you really think those green vacant landplots surrounding that mall 10 years ago would have been left empty??

    They did build a Mall in an area that had no homes, it's called the South Road Properties, a reclamation area.  The Mall has further development potential, in the form of 12 residential towers, but they have not yet decided to go ahead with this project.



  4. 11 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Sm city mall better air because less traffic

    There is a very busy intersection right next to SM, it's choked up with traffic all the time.  To say the air is clean here is just a totally ignorant observation.


    Stick to stuff you actually know about.  Like an empty vessel, you make a lot of noise - uninformed noise.  I've lived in Cebu City for 7 years, and your descriptions are so far off the mark as to be deliberately disingenuous and misleading.  No jeepneys in IT Park is typical of the simple untruths of your statements, IT Park is heaving with Jeepneys.

  5. 11 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Sm seaside mall have very clean air but kinda boring area to live unless you have a car..

    Near Ayala is nice but not the best air.near Sm city mall better air because less traffic

    Again utter tripe.  SM Seaside is built on the South Road Properties area.  It is reclaimed land, and the Mall is built in an area of green field.  There is no accommodation nearby, unless you live in a tent.



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  6. 9 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Inside IT park the air is somewhat okey because no Jeepnies are allowed inside there.

    What a lot of utter tosh!  No jeepneys in IT Park?  Shall I go and take photographs for you?  Do you even live in Cebu? You make a lot of noise but not a lot of accuracy.


    I currently live in the Business Park, a few minutes walk to Ayala Mall.  The air quality is absolutely fine.

  7. 12 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    better air then the innercity

    Where is this 'innercity' you allude to?  Are you talking about the area around Colon?  I've lived in Cebu for 7 years, and never particularly noticed a lot of pollution, or poor air quality.  Of course if you are right next to a busy road, then it's going to be noticeable just about anywhere (in the World) you live.


    I've said it before, and it's always worth repeating.  Cerox. Go to the places yourself.  Make your own mind up based on your own experiences, because other people's opinions are not necessarily in line with your own, or even particularly true!  It's ridiculous to compare Cebu with Chiang Mai levels of pollution.  Chiang Mai's annual malaise is mostly caused by burning off rice fields, in preparation for new planting.  No such thing happens in or near Cebu City.  You really must visit places.  Makes a World of difference. 

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  8. 7 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Any country that experiences a significant uptake in foreign lodgers will review and revise their procedures, just like Thailand.

    Interestingly, the Philippines actually extended the period a tourist can stay in Country, without exiting the Country, from 16 months to 3 years.  I think that shows a more progressive and friendly attitude to long term 'tourists' like myself, who choose to live here with relative ease.


    I personally found Saigon very interesting, and attractive.  Not yet been to Da Nang. Pattaya I found to be devoid of any real Thai Buddhist culture, just the prevailing cultures of drinking and whoring.  Which works fine for some people.  I prefer a little more depth.

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  9. On 4/23/2019 at 6:48 AM, SteveK said:

    Because of Brexit, things are painfully slow

    Brexit has nothing to do with the mechanics of selling or buying property in the UK. 


    The post referendum period has caused the market to pause, and prices have stabilised, but it still takes the same amount of time to sell or buy.  Try blaming inept solicitors/borrowers/lenders.  Years ago I bought a house in London, exchanged and completed within a month.  The biggest delays are usually because of chains.


    Giving your solicitor POA would make sense if you don't want to be in the UK when you eventually have a serious buyer.  Solicitors are regulated by the Law Society.

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 5/10/2019 at 12:45 PM, ExpatPH said:


    Bm Cerox don't have a local driving license or a IDL. He asked about use foreign license, and then one are required to have IDL and passport while driving.


    I asume you misunderstood and talk about driving with PH license?


    Doesn't matter, YMMV in all asian countries.


    Tsk: Mandaue area ie are famous for semi weekly comprehensive

    Vehicle Check Point, hardly occasional, but very frequent. 

    Yeah I've had a Philippines DL for many years, easy enough to get from the LTO, my original DL is from the UK.  As far as I remember, a foreigner can drive here on their original DL for a maximum of 90 days.  I've never heard of having to carry a passport here, and I never have.  I ride through Mandaue almost everyday, and I've been through Vehicle Check Points on maybe 10 occasions in the last 7 years.  Very often the Police just wave me through.  But I always make sure my vehicles are road legal, and I have the correct paperwork.  Keeps life simpler! 

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  11. 12 hours ago, mstevens said:

    Is it unthinkable that exactly what happened to the property market crashing in parts of the West could also ocur in Bangkok? In fact many are predicting that is exactly what will happen.

    This prediction was being bandied about when I arrived in Bangkok in 2000.  I remember the ghost towers standing empty, like concrete skeletons, as a result of the Asian Crisis of 1997.  I never bought a condo in Bangkok, prefering to rent.  But the prediction has been rolled out, and perhaps it might actually come true one day.  I did buy a condo in Cebu in 2011.  I don't honestly know if it's increased in value, I don't care.  No more rent to pay, great location, City Centre convenience.

  12. Lots of noise about diet, sugar, soda drinks, blah blah blah.


    Bad parenting is simply that.  Bad parents make all sorts of excuses to point the finger away from themselves.


    Thai parents are mostly terrible examples to their offspring, but it's not a Thai thing.  It's exactly the same here in the Philippines, bloody awful parents producing bloody awful children.  No punishments, no consequences.  Spare the rod, spoil the child.


    When I was a kid at school in the 1960's UK, there was no attention deficiency bullshit, you either behaved, or you got a beating.  It's really that simple - kids live in the moment, and require constant direction.  Would you drive a car without a steering wheel? 

  13. That list of dangerous Countries.....I can't seem to find the Philippines.  Low level crime rates have dropped significantly in the Philippines since President Duterte took office and began the war on drugs. 


    I'm not talking about statistics, which are generally lazily gathered, but from engaging with the local people. 


    That said, I think that you should make the most of what is available in your Country of choice.  The idea of making somewhere I happen to live, the centre of my Universe is a strange concept.  As I get older my requirements change.  When I lived in Bangkok I was a barfly playboy.  I haven't been in a bar for years (unless I am at a resort) and I have found other things to occupy myself.

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  14. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    The topic is about a Thai visa not visas for Philippines so I assumed you were writing about a visa exempt entry for Thailand.

    The topic is about Visa runs to the Phillpines (sic), not specifically about Thai Visas.  I was simply explaining the availability of Visas on arrival in the Philippines.  Sorry if you were confused.


    As far as I know, the visa exempt entry for Thailand is still 30 days?  I haven't been to LOS for more than 3 years.

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  15. On 4/7/2019 at 11:31 AM, Destiny1990 said:

    Try buy a condo in Phillipines i dare u.

    I bought my condo in 2011.  No problems with purchase (Ayala Land), got the title before the building was ready for handover, no hassle at all.  The title for my car parking space had a spelling error in my name, they rectified this.

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