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Posts posted by ChangFai

  1. When Tukcom was built (which must be about 25 years ago or more), it wasn't Tukcom at all. It was a flash department store called Day-Night, part of the nearby Day-Night hotel complex, and in it one found exactly the same sort of things that one now finds in Mike or Central.

    And it had a very good food court on the 5th floor. And cinemas.

    I suppose that as the other, newer, department stores took over they found it more worthwhile to concentrate on "high-tech" stores. Or maybe it was just that "high-tech" became more popular and pushed the usual clothes and shoes out.

    I remember the Day-Night Mall, and the food court, but pretty sure there was never a cinema.

    Didnt it close after two Korean tourists died in one of the lifts, and the all the staff refused to work for fear of ghosts, and it lay empty for years ?

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