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Posts posted by FarangBuddha

  1. It's not looking good for my lifetime membership in Pattaya. We've always been concerned about their liquidity, but this confirms it.

    I'm sorry but in this day and age I don't have faith by any organisation whatsoever who promise they will provide their services for my " lifetime "whistling.gif

    there simply too much financial instability and turbulence in the world

    Please - I'm not naive enough to believe a gym will stay open for my lifetime - unless I have a tragic accident or something - it's a gamble going in. So far California has cost me 3300 per year - can't complain about that.

    That's about what it's worth so nothing to brag about. And as I said, most people (but certainly not you) believe the "lifetime" in question refers to theirs.

  2. Adventure Divers is a reputable dive outfit...have dived with them many times. The "far islands" refers to a group of islands about an hour or so out from Bali Hai pier...much further out than the Ko Larn islands that are just offshore from Pattaya. The snorkling in Pattaya is nothing special if you are an experienced diver but if you or the kids just want to see some fish it will make for a fun day.

  3. Since I have 16.000 on one account and have credit for 20.000 so I would say credit card.

    Whilst the limit on my virtual card is 100,000, it will only let me spend what is in my account, so I suspect it is nearer a debit card.

    That's my understanding...but my limit is always below my balance as well. Maybe sometime test it by lowering my balance below my limit and making a charge above the limit and see if it goes through.

  4. Yes, absolutely, they can use more publicity. I guess this forum isn't as powerful as some people have suggested, either to help or hurt a restaurant's business, as the general reaction, and rightly so, to this restaurant has been absolute RAVES.

    The food is okay...I have now eaten there a few times and it's a nice option but I don't go out of my way to eat there. One problem is that with the two-person operation, things get very slow and service goes down the crapper if more than a few tables are occupied. This will only get worse if the place becomes more popular leading to pissed-off customers who may not return.

    However, I can report that when I have been there they have had decent trade (thus my experience of slow service) and quite a few of our Ruskie visitors seem to like giving the place a try.

  5. As for online payments, Kasikorn (and I assume others) has what they call a K-Web card, which is basically a "virtual" Visa debit card that one uses as a credit card for online purchases.

    Kasikorn now allows online payments with the ordinary ATM / debit card.

    You just go to an ATM to activate it.

    The K-web is actually a virtual credit card where they deduct from your account at the end of month.

    I have 20.000 limit on mine.

    Is it an actual credit card? Mine seems to function as a debit card as the entire transaction amount is deducted from my account about a week after posting (not at the end of a billing period) and there is no interest charged (to my knowledge).

  6. If all you need or want is the ability to make purchases with the convenience of using a credit card to purchase merchandise without always having to have cash on hand or to make hotel/airline reservations online and you don't actually need to borrowing money (using the actual "credit" line of a credit card) there are several alternatives to a Thai credit card.

    The most obvious is an ATM-Visa (or M-C) bank debit card. These cards can be used anyplace that accepts credit cards for payment and of course, the monies are automatically deducted from your bank account. As for online payments, Kasikorn (and I assume others) has what they call a K-Web card, which is basically a "virtual" Visa debit card that one uses as a credit card for online purchases. Again, the charges are debited from a linked bank account. There is no special paperwork required for these cards, other than what's required for opening a standard savings account. Security is also very good as their is SMS verification of charges and a 4-6 day delay from posting to actual debiting (allowing for challenging disputed or fraudulent card use) of the virtual card charges.

    Using these two types of cards, I find no need for an actual Thai credit card.

  7. Not had any burglaries in the last couple of years here since I installed my minefield - perfectly safe.

    thanks for comments, really helped,

    but seriously, i will live in a house community, not really gated inside walls but security nearbye

    so many falangs got beaten there and robbed?

    Do you have experiece

    I will live 5 min from sukhumvit, near animal hospital and there is a temple nearbye too

    Should be perfect, especially if you are a light sleeper. By all means, sign that 10-year lease now!

  8. Save? If you want safety, stay away!

    I moved recently to the "Nong Prue" area, because I am an adventurously guy.

    Street gangs, shootouts, robbery, illegal street racings everywhere.

    You can't go out after sunset, because of beeing assaulted.

    The next 7/11 is near Sukhumvit, about 5 Km.

    No Tesco, BigC, restaurants, markets, just nothing!

    It's an undeveloped, "wild west area", so beware.

    But I would suggest, swing your ass on a motorbike and have a closer look.

    But be careful, you have been warned!!


    Save? If you want safety, stay away!

    I moved recently to the "Nong Prue" area, because I am an adventurously guy.

    Street gangs, shootouts, robbery, illegal street racings everywhere.

    You can't go out after sunset, because of beeing assaulted.

    The next 7/11 is near Sukhumvit, about 5 Km.

    No Tesco, BigC, restaurants, markets, just nothing!

    It's an undeveloped, "wild west area", so beware.

    But I would suggest, swing your ass on a motorbike and have a closer look.

    But be careful, you have been warned!!


    A friend lives there and when we visit ,we take an armed guard!!

    Agreed; and in addition, the most popular sport of the local Thai lads in the area is taking swings at ting-tong ferengs cruising around the area on their motobikes so it's most definitely an area you would want to avoid.

  9. The music festival has been advertised for weeks so most have known to stay close to home, lay in supplies of food, or order in. Pattaya is a tourist resort so these types are to be expected and are a benefit to the economy. If you want peace and quiet, don't live in the beach/tourist areas or move to Paak Issaan.

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  10. It's not looking good for my lifetime membership in Pattaya. We've always been concerned about their liquidity, but this confirms it.

    True, it always looked like they would not last but I had a membership already for 4 years today, so still a great deal, I paid 12 K only once!

    That's still very very cheap for a great gym with clean bathrooms and locker rooms and great equipment and sometimes beautiful women around. I hope they make it out of this but I fear for the worst....

    Yeah...the shower facilities in the toilet stalls (not in the bathrooms but actually INSIDE the toilet stalls) was way classy!

  11. As I often reminded people with these "life time memberships," the WOW sales reps always forget to mention that this referred to the life time of the Cal. WOW business model and not the lifetime of the prospective member. Seems like that business model has now gone tits-up as many have long predicted.

    Maybe Bangkok Bank can foreclose on someone's Phuket mansion...might bring in a nice bit of baht.

  12. Pattaya Bowl, on 2nd Road just north of Big C, has both pool and snooker tables...well maintained, parking, and much cheaper than Mega-Break. Food and drinks available. However, more a place where you bring your playing partner...don't believe they really have a "public table" or sign-up board for single players.

  13. 10 years coming here never even seen a fight. Of course if you are going to walk along beach road pissed out of your head at 3 in the morning you might get mugged but you would in Bangkok, London, New york or anywhere else. Its all about common sense. I always feel very safe here safer than in the UK

    Completely agree...the op is basically a troll coffee1.gif

    Lived in both places for over a decade and never even a hint of trouble...and I've done my share of late-nite partying (but never get drunk). However, if one is the type who goes looking for trouble or likes to stick their nose where it doesn't belong, there is trouble around every corner.

    yes sure, me being a troll, dream on

    read the internet dude, only last week, husband killed wife, man beheaded found on island, two guys beatne by jet ski mafia, another murder, do you want me to go on

    i wonder if you are not some farang selling preorders for condos aka sua sawarn ha ha, and is afraid for bad press

    There are around 1 million people living in pattaya, half of my country, and we hardly have any crime in my country

    here, every day you can find out that somebody whacked somebody, got beaten, scammed,

    Where do you come from dude, Rio brasil? Dont let me brag about old pervs coming here for their prey

    I am going to puke

    I could find just as much, and likely more, serious crime stories by reading any large metropolitan daily paper in my birthplace of the USA. I base my perception of crime on my personal experience, and that of my expat friends and visitors over the years. None have been a victim of a serious crime. Doesn't mean they don't happen but not enough that I give in any thought.

    As to the crimes you cite...they were almost all Thai on Thai (still bad) but don't affect the life of the average farang Pattaya resident/tourist.

  14. 10 years coming here never even seen a fight. Of course if you are going to walk along beach road pissed out of your head at 3 in the morning you might get mugged but you would in Bangkok, London, New york or anywhere else. Its all about common sense. I always feel very safe here safer than in the UK

    Completely agree...the op is basically a troll coffee1.gif

    Lived in both places for over a decade and never even a hint of trouble...and I've done my share of late-nite partying (but never get drunk). However, if one is the type who goes looking for trouble or likes to stick their nose where it doesn't belong, there is trouble around every corner.

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