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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. Post us a picture of that BBQ when its finished Kd.

    Having seen some of the things you've made I'm sure It'll be one hel_l of a BBQ. I could probably use one myself if you can find the time to make a spare one ;) . I've only ever seen them made from old tin cans or Oil drums here. :bah:

    I can only make them for myself and as gifts for family. But the wife has a few workers that will gladly turn one out for you. What I do for myself, she seems to steal the ideas and turn them into an industry for herself and her workers. Up to her. I have more than enough to keep me busy taking care of my own projects. But she does well enough with her end of it.

    I will post a pic and a review when it is done.

  2. I've noticed it in Thailand but I've never seen it cooked.

    I can't say I fancy it personally, it looks a bit like squash. which I don't like.

    I checked a few recipes for cornbread, it looks very similar to the traditional English scone recipe.

    It can't be too hard to cook, find a recipe on the 'net with straight forward ingredients, avoid ones with stuff like buttermilk which is hard to find and away you go.

    If you don't have a proper oven it's easy to knock one up out side with a few bricks and a bit of steel plate.

    Home-made oven is a good idea but have too much going on right now. Building BBQ grills that I think will double as an okay oven when they are finished. We will see. Building picnic tables too. And doors. And doghouses. And chairs. And painting our bedroom. And...............................

  3. Speaking of southern food, for those in the know, the markets are loaded with okra right now. I fried some up yesterday. Just as good as I remember it being. I will fry some more in the next day or so. The family here has never had it that way but they like it, so they will be eating it often while we can buy it.

  4. A man and woman had been married for a few years when the woman mentioned to the man that she wished her boobs were bigger. The man said, "That is an easy fix. Just dab them with toilet paper several times a day and in a few short years, they will double in size".

    The woman asked, "Are you sure that works? I have never heard that."

    The man replied, "I'm confident you will have success. It worked well for your ass, didn't it?"

  5. I suppose that if you're on a type of visa, that requires you to leave the country every three months you may as well take advantage of the bargains.

    I used to find spirits quite a bit cheaper and the DVDs were a third of the price in Chiang Rai.

    No SD I have a retirement visa, never tried to cross the bordert... I am too chicken, really don't know what is the best way and how.

    Easy stuff, cmj. Next time you're going, give me a heads up and maybe I can meet you there and walk you through it. It truly is as easy as the guys who have posted here before says it is. Just don't ask ANY questions about it at immigration. They will make it happen for you but it costs 1,000 baht and up if you use them and that does not include the Burma fee.

    And if you shop around for expensive alcohol, one purchase alone can make up for the 500 baht Burma fee. DVD's seem to run three for two hundred baht. Good savings there, too, as Scea said.

  6. I'm a can man.

    I find the canned Coke here to be undrinkable. I don't know what it is, but it isn't the "Coke" recipe. Pepsi is just barely better, although we had a nice one yesterday. Cans in other countries are fine.

    If you really want to get swindled, try the little bottles they sell in the shops at Mae Sai. Don't know what it is but it isn't Coke or Pepsi, regardless of what the logos say it is.

  7. Had an especially nice afternoon/evening. Ordered some fabricated parts from my favorite fabricating shop this week and the pieces were delivered late this afternoon. Everything was cut and bent exactly as I requested, which is the norm there. Having worked with the guys from that shop quite a few times on other projects, I was happy to buy some beer and make an invitation of the delivery thing.

    Both guys are from Burma, long-term residents and workers in CR. They filled me in on life in Burma and their gratefulness at finding good work here in CR. Spent a long evening chatting with them, with the help of the wife as interpretor. I even got into the beers with them, which is unusual for me. Nice visit, nice learning experience and nice people. Those two workers have a standing invite to return to our house. They will be back. Have had them over before, at the old place. Now they know where this place is. More good days coming, I'm sure.

  8. Actually, this thread has nothing to do with the "Fishing" thread. That thread is about fishing, literally. This thread is based on the children's card game where one person asks another if he/she has this card or that. If the person has the card, then the person has to give it up to the "asker" and the receiver of the card tries to make pairs in his/her hand of cards.. If the "giver" does not have the card, they get to tell the "asker" to "go fish". The person who has to go fish, draws two more cards that they have to try to make pairs of or pawn off on someone else.. If I remember correctly, the winner is the first person to make pairs of his/her cards and lay them out on the table. Score is kept by counting the opponents cards that have not been paired up yet..

    So, this thread is loosely based in that children's game. It is meant as a kind of "swap meet" for those that don't want to mess with the TV advertisements. At the same time, since the TV advertisements are offered to us for free, I like to make sure I bring some of the more interesting things offered there to the attention of the forum members and maybe create more interest of the normal readers in checking the CR advertisements more often. I assume that the more hits the advertisement pages get, the more revenue for the owner of the forum. So, while maybe we are taking away a little from the TV advertisement page with our "go fish" "swap meet" thread, hopefully we are steering even more traffic to the revenue generating thread and our little thread won't be viewed as "stepping on toes" or "not paying our dues".

  9. From your posts, I would guess you are in Chiang Mai. This Don's is in Chiang Rai and his post is in the CR forum. Check the pinned topics list in the CR forum and find the Google map thread there. Go to the Google map link on that first post of that thread and check the legend at the left side and you will find Don's listed. Click on it and you will see the location. If you are coming to town and want a guided tour to his place, PM me. I'll lead you out there. A little hard to find for most people, the first time they go.

    So, no, if you're a CM dude, you aren't expected to know where his shop is. But here in CR, we are and we do.

  10. The lady near the bus station will give you the price of 100 baht per movie if you buy ten or more. The wife recently coordinated that deal for me. I went ahead and paid her the thousand baht for ten right then. I couldn't find ten that I wanted at that time, so the lady said just stop in from time to time and keep getting the movies until I reached ten. I did and she always remembered how many I had left to choose to get to ten.

    If you are a new customer to her shop. make sure she knows you live here and will be coming in again. The policies are a bit different for tourists in that shop.

  11. mellofello, thanks for the oven info. Sounds like a good one to have.

    Still working on the new kitchen and will hold off on the oven for a bit.

    I suspect your post has interested several others in addition to myself.

  12. Wow.....you guys up in CR must lead exciting lives when you dedicate a 4 page topic about the new makro!!!

    I don't know if it has been mentioned, but down here in CM [the big city with 2 makros] they have had minced salmon in the freezer section, where the frozen fish is natuarally. Great value @ 49thb/K and i've used it in caseroles, fish cakes, lasagna and other recipes. Great, mild tasting and easy to work with.....@ 49thb/kilo, it's cheaper than canned cat food.

    We live exciting enough lives that we haven't resorted to critiquing the CM forum. Yet.

    But you're welcome to join in. No chicken threads here yet but we're full of surprises. You never know.

    Truly, the thread isn't about the "New Makro". It is more about keeping each other updated on what is new in the old Makro, as things change there quite a bit. But please keep us posted on your finds in the CM Makro's. I suspect as they get new things there, it will be mirrored in the selection we get here and we'll know to be on the lookout for some of those "hard to find" or "never have been found here before" items.


    P.S. Any of you CR guys up for a friendly raid on the CM forum?

  13. Try the ChiangMai forum.

    <comment in violation of forum rules deleted>

    And yes... some are having fun with eachother, can they? I am glad this is not a "grey mouse" forum and also untill now ALL my questions were answered. indeed, sometimes by reminding me of the beautiful map of Sven. IMHO a unique one on Whole TV (as far as I know).

    I also am not a native speaker with some difficulties in translating, so what?

    Live and Let

    What is a "grey mouse" forum? Never heard of that.

    But you do fine with your English here, CMJ, as does Brian and a lot of others whose first language isn't English

    I, for one, do try to have fun here. I love to aggravate the guys who I know can appreciate a little aggravation and humor. And for the most part, they are always kind enough to see it for what it is; fun. If I go too far, someone will tell me, one way or another.

  14. lovelomsak, I too apologize if I have abused you on this CR forum. I usually go to someone else's forum to abuse people. I will keep an eye out for you on this forum and if I see you, I will let you pass in peace.

    The motorcycle thread has been a good thing. We had lots of new people posting on that one. That was nice. Everyone was invited to the meet and greets, whether they were motorcycle people or not. But not many showed up. People just seem to have other things to do with their time, their friends and their families. Maybe we need more new, interesting threads, as was the motorcycle thread.

    As for the Hash thing, it was here before us new folks but it has lots of new members. But they don't post much, do they? Brian, come to the hash sometime. Nothing but nice people there.

    I don't think the TV folks really want to get together in person, Brian. Maybe it is better to be who they want to be on here. Until then, we are doing okay. I meet new folks often. I e-mail them, PM them, chat with them on the net and sooner or later, they stop by for a coffee and a visit. I guess we just have to discover them one person at a time.

  15. Regardless of where you find the hose, you will need to buy an extra length of hose that size, a couple of pieces of splice tubing and some hose clamps. You, or someone, will have to make the hose longer, by cutting the factory hose and adding the extra hose length in the middle of the factory hose. I do not believe you can find a washing machine hose that long, prefabbed..

  16. I suppose it's the way you read it. I never found it particularly offensive, more of a "cheer up it could have been worse" type message.

    I've noticed people are a bit prickly here.

    I'm still smarting over my spanking for daring to admire the girlies in Swenssons. Do you have rehab for deviates here?

    You didn't get spanked. I just said, in a wordy way, I don't go for the girls, I go for the ice cream. But I am not blind. I notice the same things you do, everywhere in this city.

    Keep on postin' good man!

  17. And please people... let anyone have a haircut they Like, like I see some farang in clothes not worthy to wear in e.g. Big C. Please let us be ourselves, at least that was the Main reason I came to live in Chiang Rai!

    Okay, CMJ. You have convinced me. I have been wrong in this thing. I will let VF live a peaceful life with his haircut. Thank you for showing me where I was wrong in my thinking. I don't need to make trouble in our peaceful little city of CR.

    And just so you know, you did this in the nick of time. Several of us had plans to lure him into an abandoned coffee shop and give him a proper haircut. I hope he is grateful for your intervention.

    I will leave him alone. But now, how can I find anything to write my own "Finally Happy" thread about? I was really counting on that haircut thing to lift my spirits. And he was really counting on it for a "Big Trouble In Thailand" thread.

  18. Scorpio, you have a fine haircut and it looks good on you. No need for you to bring a hat to lunch.

    VF just can't pull it off. It is unnatural. Kind of like looking at the bearded lady at the circus, you know? And I let him know it every time I see him.

    But you guys need to quit hijacking this thread. It is okay when I do it but the rest of you are too much.

  19. So you guys know each other from the Good Old days. Good.

    Lighten up Guys. nothings been said here that should upset anyone. Just a bit of Mischeviousness :D

    Anyone up for a meet (Kiss & make up) at Dons tomorrow for Lunch !?

    Isn't that the truth? Strange words suddenly in this topic.

    Maybe TWO people need to stop by here at the same time for a little single malt session. Most of these things are easily fixed and usually come from misunderstandings anyway.

    CMJ, I invited you months ago. It still stands. We still won't see eye to eye on everything. But we can get along.

    You know, I disagree with VF on lots of things, starting with the awful haircut he keeps. After many battles between us containing harsh words concerning his hair style choice, he is kind enough to wear a hat now when he sees me. But we find common ground as well and things get pretty humorous with us sometimes. Until he takes off that damned hat. And then the fight is on, again.

    Sorry but I did not start accusationes... Jean did!

    Like with every Rottweiler comes with the training device. Very legal by the way http://www.innotek.n...te-Trainer.aspx . It did not work for me so I trained her myself. And as L. knows already... My R is safe More safe than his neighbors Russel See nr 30 on this thread)

    Please pm me your telephone number so we can make an appointment

    And a haircut? It is only a haircut and remember.... on brains the hair does not grow :)

    It isn't just any haircut. It is VF's haircut!

    I will send the phone number and you're welcome to stop by. But we won't be talking about any of the bad times on the forum except maybe the ones between you and I. I prefer to get along with everyone. Except VF, when he forgets that hat. So, other than VF and that haircut of his, or the outlaw jubby, we probably won't even be discussing forum members. Too many other topics to enjoy.

    The thread is a good thread with lots of good stuff. I hate to see it closed. The story isn't over, is it? More good things to come in your life.

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