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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. Here is my experience with a recent Overbrook visit. But the post is more about the insurance agent, my wife and how things get done here.

    Went to Overbrook because that is where my insurance agent said I should go. Just needed and x-ray and someone competent to read it and see if I was really hurt or not.

    Got there, registered, bypassed the check in and went to screening. Pretty quick. Got number for screening. A female staff member stopped by me to see what number I have. "It will be a little while" she says. I tell her okay, make a few jokes and ask her how soon the wedding is going to be (diamond on her finger). Wedding is finished, she says. Tells me about Thailand and rings. Says "Excuse me " and goes to see the screening girls, comes back and gets me. Screened, off to the doc with no waiting, he takes a look, asks a couple of questions and sends me to the lab for x-ray. Click, click, finished.

    Back to his office, wait about two minutes, go in, he and I look at the x-ray, nothing broken, here's a prescription, get it on the way out after you see billing. Go to billing, wait about three minutes, see that lady, she tells the wife that our bill has to be paid now because the insurance doesn't cover that. Wife calls agent, explains, agent speaks to lady on wife's phone, lady gives phone back to wife and tears up bill, says go see the doc again. Says go see the doc again. When we walk in, the doc is on the phone with the insurance agent. Gets off the phone, checks me out again, writes up another report and back we go to billing.

    No bill, the insurance will pay. Get the scrip and go.

    The wife is a wonderful, cheerful, pleasant, little being. But she is also tough as nails when necessary. I'm sure a lot of us are married to a woman just like that.

  2. In addition to Stu's Trek cycle being on the TV classifieds, I notice there are two leather motorcycle jackets on there today as well.


    But I am looking for rhubarb.

    Up to you of course, but I really think leather is better :)

    Man, you've got an eye for humor, don't you?

    But if I find a rhubarb motorcycle jacket, I'll be the envy of all of you and you know it.

  3. Breakfast or lunch is fine. Evening meal is fine. Coffee is fine. I would meet in a bar but I'll drink Pepsi. No drinking and driving for me.

    Maybe need a new thread with that CR TV M&G as the title. Probably quite a few aren't interested in restaurants enough to read this one. So, specific thread for that topic maybe?

  4. If I'm going to cook all of the Farang food at home, then there isn't much point in going out, is there?

    BTW- Bought a BIG crock-pot the other day, the largest I could find, in Mae Sai. Used it every day since then. WOO HOO!!!!!!!! The things I have been missing...............................

  5. I don't know MJ, so I don't know if I like him or not. He won't stop by my house and let me aggravate him a little. But I do like his posting here. As many have said before, it would be boring if all of us were the same. We need him and his take on things. His take and opinion is just as important as anyone else's whether we all agree with it or not. That is what makes the world go round instead of standing still.

    As far as the forum changing, of course it is. And the owner of the forum is making changes to cause it to become even more changed; more of a social networking thing as much as a forum. That will suit some and not suit others. Either way is fine with me. I can throw the rhetorical punches as well as the next guy but I prefer not to.

    I think some of the change we see has nothing to do with the forum itself, but is a product of how the younger (slightly) crowd has been involved with the Internet for a long time now. Society and the way we do things is changing, so not extraordinary that it is showing up on the CR forum too. And even I, a not so young, not so old guy, cringed when that fellow asked a while back if there was any interest in CR for a "trance" party. Good grief! What is this world of mine and mumbojumbo's coming to? So, I see where he is coming from.

    Still, as someone else says, sometimes people write things here that piss others off. And as his advice further stated, we just need to let it go instead of getting aggravated about. I got aggravated. Shouldn't have. But probably will next time. It is who I am. And then I'll get over it.

  6. For the long time now mumbojumbo has had the ability to p!ss people off with one post a week. Put him on ignore if you ever feel the urge to respond.

    That is BS, i have put good informative info on this forum a lot longer than you. Ignore me if you like. What i don't do is respond to every thread, like you.

    sceadugenga is a forum God and does not post enough IMHO! :clap2:

    Wow! A post on the CR forum from the guy who busted open the hornet's nest a couple of nights ago! What a deal!

    How are you, UG? I'll be stopping in to see you again in about a month.

    Yeah, Scea does some good contributing here, doesn't he? But been a little quiet lately. Maybe your contribution will engage his keyboard again in the CR forum.

    I think the BS thing in the post above refers to Beef Steak.

  7. I can make the Sven thing at Chang Garden.

    I will probably take the car that day.

    Sven, I had no idea there were 250 in your gang. I thought you were only four or five.

    The date is a Sunday so you can put me down for two people. The wife should be traveling with me that day.

  8. We enjoyed a meet & greet (M&G) at the Rim Kok buffet today. Five males in attendance and two wives. Things went better than expected. It turns out we ALL forgot our wallets but the manager allowed us to charge the meals to jubby's account. jubby was absent so he will get a nice surprise the next time he visits there.

    As best I could tell, we had two on motorbikes and three in autos.

    We are looking to get one more M&G in before the evening of the 25th. The 21st is not good for Garry so any day suggested other than that will work out, I think. He will correct me if I'm wrong. Evenings, breakfasts or lunches, doesn't matter. Just let me know the time and place and I'll be there.

    Still on for the eve or late afternoon of the 25th at Rico's.

    Sven, maybe it is time for you to call a date, time and place that your outlaw bunch can make it to.

  9. Well, he should have given me permission. I have a good one just waiting to be typed. But I'll save it for another thread.

    But his idea here is a really good one. He thinks of stuff like that.

  10. Looks like tomorrow is on. Scorpio, got you covered on the ride. Touch base with me fairly early (09:00 or so? and let me know.

    The 25th is on as well. No rush to settle on a place. Woralak isn't crazy about the pizza at Ricos and neither am I but I suspect he has other things on the menu there. So if Rico's is strongly preferred by any of the 25th attendees, I think we can all find something on the menu that we like and if not, we can eat after the meeting breaks up. I think the 25th thing is for sure late afternoon or early evening. But we have time to nail that down.

    Sven mentioned a resort. If the weather calms down, That is worth looking into as well.

    22nd, I'm not sure. Let us knock out tomorrow and see who we have left and go from there. But I will attend them all, even if we have one every day until Garry leaves.

    Also, the Hash is this weekend. Good op for any of us to cover that base of new people as well. I have it on good authority that Soap has gotten over the fever and will be there, in good health and good humor. Check the Hash thread for directions.

  11. For those of us who live off the beaten track, impromptu visits are going to be quite rare, regardless of an open door policy. Those living in town are used to ten minute travel times, not and hour or more. Our visitors must necessarily block off a three to four hour chunk of time. If it is going to take two hours round trip, for a fifteen minute visit, then it hardly seems worthwhile.

    So as much as we like having people over, it just makes more sense for us to meet up in town, while we throw in some shopping before or after.

    Back on topic, Garry isn't going to be in town that long so whatever people decide to do should be quick if they want him to attend. We had tentative plans for this morning but the rain gods had different ideas.

    Why doesn't someone invite Garry to one of their favorite buffets this week and then leave it open for anyone else who wishes to show up. Cheap, plenty of food and easy parking. After all it is just a meet and greet, for now. :)

    Great idea. Who can do lunch at Rim Kok resort tomorrow? I can but will be in car, not cycle. Right now, a cycle seat would bring tears to me eyes. My butt hurts. So, 11:00 a.m. anyone?

  12. Pretty good advice from an older CR forum hand. That almost felt like the gentle touch of a moderator. It has been a while since we had anything deleted or closed here. I hope it lasts.

    Edit: But, of course, in the wrong thread. That's just how we are here in CR.

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