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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. Hi Cees.

    Here is my experience with that question. The officials in my local immigration office tried very hard to dissuade me from making the change. Each time I went for my 90 day thing, I would make further inquiries into what and how to change mine to a married style. Bad news and no good answers, every time. They even convinced my wife that it couldn't and shouldn't be done.

    I finally figured out what paperwork I needed, got it all in order and showed up at the end of my retirement year. I told the guy I was applying for the married style. He ignored me and started the paperwork on the retirement thing. I stopped him, pushed the papers at him and said "I'm doing the married one!". Reluctantly, he got up, fetched the typewriter and processed the thing in about ten minutes. I truly believe that they just don't want to have to type up the new forms. But it is done and all is well here now.

    My advice is, do the same. Go in with everything you need and tell them that you are going to apply for that type and don't want to hear about the retirement route. You don't have to be rude or hateful. Just insistent. And if there is too much guff, ask to see the head man or woman. If all else fails, make a trip to another office and get it done. But I doubt it will come to that.

    Good luck.

    Edit: Just read the post about having to do in your own area. Didn't know that.

  2. What is it about Americans and a public health care system?

    Do they really believe that it's only a short step away from the hammer and sickle flying over the White House?

    But then I know one or two who believe it already is.... :lol:

    Of course, I realize that this thread is not CR related.

    And, I am not a person to get involved with the health care system or not. I'm on my own and I know it and I like it. They have had a decent health care system for a large portion of the population for years.

    Hammer and sickle. Hmmm..... It really isn't about that, as far as how I view it. It is about promising something for a group, knowing that the only way to provide that something is to borrow more money or to take away something that they have already given/promised to another group in previous years. Plainly speaking, the money just isn't there. And even more plainly speaking, instead of fighting about socialism or what is being stolen from Peter to pay Paul, I think a much better procedure would be to do as I stated above. Demand solvency, first. Then make the decisions on what can be offered and sustained.

    As for ginooooo and the plight he describes, that is the perfect opportunity for that particular group (vets) to rise up and lead the nation in demanding solvency. Solvency fixes most of the problems. Spending the tax dollars of the individual on outside projects, without the consent of the individual ( through a vote ) is just bad business. If you want to take tax dollars from everyone to build an interstate highway in the country, then the officials should have that power to make that decision. But to take your hard earned money and to pump it into a bottomless pit in another country is a really bad concept. So, someone needs to take the lead.

    But, yes, I am aware that some of the more radical thinking is that national healthcare is the beginning of the end. Every camp has its extremest and nuts. Maybe I am one or both of those. No person who is crazy knows they are crazy. They think they are normal and the rest of the world is skewed.

    Now, where did I put my sharp sickle.....................?

  3. One of the realities of life is that the federal government will probaly go broke over health care. Eventually we will all have to pay more for this benefit no matter what promises were made in the past

    This is a curious statement. The government referred to IS broke and has been, for a long time. The definitions of broke, in this case:

    1. Bankrupt

    2. Lacking funds

    3. Having little or no ready money

    Operating on borrowed funds is "broke". And operating on "borrowed funds" is what they are doing, and have been doing, whether in the case of an outright loan or through the sale of bonds. To be considered solvent, or "not broke", they would have to be in the position of being able to repay the debts/ buy back the bonds, at any time. Of course, they cannot do that. If all markers were called in right now, the government would cease to operate for lack of money to pay salaries. Slowly but surely, our terminology has become skewed in order to make us feel less vulnerable about our own insolvencies and then we extend that to the entity that is in place to provide services, management of state affairs and security to us.

    As ginooooo said, promises were made. But they can't all be kept. So all are going to have to do with less. I think it is truthful to say that most vets, standing in line for healthcare, would gladly let the elderly and the children go in front of them in the line. Choices have to be made. The country cannot have it all, nor can the population, as individuals. The day of reckoning is here, even though most continue to bury their heads in the sand and hope it affects someone else.

    This isn't meant in any way to lessen the recognition that vets have earned, nor to lessen the importance of promises made to them. It is meant only to bring to light the reality that all of the promises and guarantees can't be kept. If they are kept for one group, then another will suffer. In light of that, if one vet has coverage from a second career, current employer or other source, then he/she should use that coverage and let the Federal benefits stay available for someone who doesn't have secondary coverage. For someone who, due to inheritance or other circumstances can easily pay for their healthcare out of pocket, they should do so, leaving more funds available to those in need. Confusing want with need is harmful. Exercising rights that aren't necessarily needed, is harmful. In another scenario, I have the right to bear a concealed weapon in my home state. I also have the right to kill anyone who enters my domicile uninvited. Just because I have those rights doesn't mean I will exercise them. I wouldn't necessarily kill an intruder if I thought there were other options that would be effective and less devastating to said intruder and intruder's family. Each individual needs to care enough for the country that he/she makes the correct choices in his/her circumstances that those choices will help to insure the survival of the group as a whole. Those choices are often of very small consequence and deciding in favor of the group as a whole is no big deal. For others, the same decisions would would lead to bankruptcy and are therefore a very big deal. Individuals need to make the correct choices.

    Lots of other problems have led the country to this predicament and those need to be resolved. Offering billion and trillions to other countries who need help is often the wrong thing to do, when the offering country is in such bad shape that it is about to fail. Better to close the checkbook for a few years until the account is in the black again. I think EVERY offer of financial aid to another country, for another disaster or rebuilding, needs to be put to a vote of the people, not the elected officials. Those officials aren't representing your interests when they make those gestures.

    It is up to the people of the offering nation to insist on getting their own house in order before handing out borrowed funds to other nations in need. Once spending is in check and balanced properly with incoming funds, the smart, legitimate and final decisions can be made. And at that time, worthwhile promises to the citizens of the offering nation can be honored. But it all starts with each of us, as individuals, to make those personal decision at our own personal level. You can't expect the representatives of the people to act on one set of standards when we are living another set of standards. We tend to point the finger at big government. In some cases, that is correct and the "right" thing to do. In other cases, it can be correct, but is still the wrong thing to do, because we have other options, that are more "right" for the survival of the country as a whole. It is up to individuals to hold the government accountable to the standards of individuals instead of giving them a blank check.

    So, if the Tri-Care shortcomings bothers us, we need to fix what is causing it, not to fuss about the Tri-Care itself. Because even if we spoke loud enough to get the Tri-Care back on track, it is at the expense of others that we hold dear in our lives. Children should come first. Elderly second. Vets third. And the rest, last.

  4. Wise words from a wise man. he's wrong about the legacy thing though :)

    He was right about the delusional guy who works with steel though ;)



    mai bpen rai, mia khun kit wa sut lor chai mai khap? :)

    Yes, every Friday night, whether I need it or not. We usually have popcorn with it. Thanks for asking.

  5. If you know you're coming for sure, here's the best way to prepare, in my opinion.

    Watch every episode of Green Acres. Put yourself in the position of Oliver. Know that you're the odd man out and everything that goes on around you makes sense to all involved except you. Then, at some point, realize that what is wrong is you, not them. Become a part of what you're living and don't waste any time trying to get life or people to conform to your standards or your situation. The sooner you begin to think like Mr. Haney or Mr. Drucker or Eb, the sooner this life will become yours and the sooner you will become a part of this life.

    As you arrive and settle in, here's some other things to remember. Don't ask why they do it this way or that way. Just accept that the way you are witnessing is THE way. Your old way isn't relevant. Go with THE way when you can. Realize that superstition carries a lot more weight in guiding life here than religion or government. Don't bother explaining to anyone that the superstition and folklore is not supported by science. What they know and what they have experienced is much more real to them than any "logic" that you might be able to offer to support your arguments. Don't think that you are superior because you know of better and more efficient ways of doing things. These people can do more with less than you would ever be able to do. These people can live in a jungle and get fat where you and I would starve to death for lack of food because we don't know that almost everything in front of us can be eaten. In this country, they ARE smarter than you and I and we are educated idiots.

    If an elder tells you that you shouldn't move into your house on Tuesday but should wait instead for Thursday, just do as they said. What does it hurt to wait a day or two? If you have built a house with the front door and steps leading straight out of the house, change it. Make it so you have to turn left or right to approach the steps after you leave the doorway. Thais know that if you build the steps in a straight line to the door entrance, then the money of the house will flow too freely from that house and you will always suffer financial troubles while you live there. And on and on and on.

    Smile and greet everyone you meet on the street or in shops with a hello, in their language or yours. They will reciprocate. If you don't make the first move when passing strangers, they won't won't either. It will appear that they don't even see you. But when you do make that first gesture, the huge smile you receive is a reward that will stay with you and will boost your day and your mood, every time.

    Always remember that you are a guest here and this isn't your "home". You can't vote. It IS your life, but it isn't your home. You can't have a say in how things are done or about the future of the country. When you're dead and gone, there will probably be no evidence that you were ever here, no thing that anyone will ever be able to point to and say that YOU did that or YOU made this happen. You give up being a force that propels the now into the future when you leave your home. There isn't much chance of a legacy here for you. It CAN happen but unless you're a real go-getter, the chances are nil.

    Stop in an see us for a hot or cold drink when you hit town. We're always happy to have guests, meet new people and give a warm welcome back to old friends. If we have a bit of advance notice that you're coming, we can have some other Farangs here for you to exchange contact info with and I'll even cook some hamburgers on the BBQ for everyone.

    We have all kinds here on the forum. Resident psychiatrist, VF, and his favorite patient. Grumpy old men. Wise sages. Party folks, older and younger. One guy, very smart and extremely handsome, works with steel a lot. A few shutter-bugs. Some shop-aholics. A couple of future arrivals, same as you. Some people who are really into motorcycles. A few guys missing pieces and parts because they were really into motorcycles. A few guys with more women than is good for them because they are really into women. A few guys with no women because they are really into men. We have fluent Thai speakers, non- Thai speakers, intermediate Thai speakers and sign language Thai speakers (me). This country is great because NOBODY native to this land has ever heard of the "pull my finger" gag. That's one bit of sign language you can teach to everyone you meet. You should see the look on a fifty year old man's face when you do that to him. So, yeah, you can have a lot of fun here, too.

    Whatever you do, don't buy a killer rottie when you get here. This place is overrun with them. I know of two and one-half already.

  6. There are VFW's around Thailand like BK, Chiangmai, I believe reading from other boards but do not know if around Chiangrai.

    Never heard of them in CR. Would be very surprised if there is one in Thailand at all. Might be some loose-knit group get-togethers but nothing official.

    Easy answer would be to do a search of locations on the VFW web-site.

    Same for the VA. Can't believe they would spend the money to staff one here when they can't afford all that they need for them in the home country. But again, the VA web-site should list locations.

  7. I don't understand, why would you be locked up?

    I have crossed this crossing many, many times and though they have been very insistant on getting baht from me, I stick to my guns and tell them I only have the official rate, $10.

    They can only refuse to stamp me and this has never happened.

    I don't do the stamp, for starters.

    I have also been in enough countries where corruption is the rule and I know what CAN happen. To me, it just isn't worth the risk. For a guy with a kid, it would be even less worth the risk. I have seen people whisked away at customs AND immigration in a variety of countries with no initial explanation. And at least some of them are still there.

    I look at it this way- Way too many people have ended up in bad places because of something they were doing that was "right" but wasn't appreciated by whoever was in charge. That happens in a lot of places. It could happen at that office and probably has happened at that office in the past. There is no way I need to be sitting in a pit, wishing I had done the "wrong minor" thing and could be home with my family instead. Again, the well-being of the family outweighs my pride. So, if I get to the point where my pride will outweigh the well-being of my family, then I'll just avoid those little piss-ant situations. Again, I'm not on my home turf. And lots of folks that aren't on their home turf are wishing this very minute that they could be. But it is too late. They pissed on the wrong man's boots.

  8. I have seen them at the old airport in the evening, several times, if it is the type with the motor and propeller. All of the times I have witnessed them there, whoever was operating them couldn't get them off of the ground. But I have seen them over my house a few times recently, including this evening. I also see one in the back of a truck around town fairly often. Not sure if the guy just likes to show it off or if he really gets out on the thing that often.

  9. Just wait till the thing drops off the side of the printer and spills the contents of all four tanks on the floor :D

    I know how you felt, talk about a mess and it takes ages to clean the ink from your hands.

    I usually find that the ink will not dry up if you keep the tank about half full.

    Mine seem to work better if I keep them half empty. I notice that I have more problems if I keep them half full.

  10. I understand your point and the principle. I even agree with both. But my family is more important to me than those baht. I can't do my family much good if I get locked up. Now, if it was back home, I would stick to my guns on that one.

  11. Don't give the f***ers 500baht. $10 is the official rate and though they will hmm and hah, if you give them a clean unmarked note, they have to take it.

    Maybe so. But for a few baht, sticking your pickle in the wringer with that crowd probably isn't a smart move. Especially if you want to do the trip again in the future. You just might find that you're a drug mule and didn't know. Or worse. Bad decision to stir shit in a place where you have no rights. If the money is that important to you, then it is probably better to just stay home and put it in the piggy bank.

  12. I think we will be making a shopping run to the BIG town in the next week or so. I'll see what they have at Central. If they have something that looks good, I'll call you and see if you want me to get them at whatever price they have. If I buy them and you're not happy with them, I'll keep them and use them. Haven't seen good ones here in CR.

  13. Has anyone run across a shop that has a REALLY good selection of stainless steel machine screws, nuts, washers and bolts? I know about the machine shop on the super highway, not far from the old bus station. He has some there but I need some things that he doesn't carry and he isn't keen on ordering new stuff. That is the only place in town that I know of for a variety SS fasteners.

  14. For what it is worth, concerning Overbrook. I just visited with brianmarinus for a while today and he reminded me of Carsten's visit to Overbrook.

    When Carsten first fell ill, he went to Overbrook. They admitted him, ran tests and took x-rays. They kept him for three days and then sent him home, in bad shape, saying they could find nothing wrong. A short time later, a friend of Brian's, who works at the CR public hospital as a nurse, stopped by. She heard of Carsten's illness and checked on him. After a few minutes of looking him over and asking questions, she insisted that he go to the hospital. When he got to CR hospital, they immediately did x-rays. The on-duty doc looked at the x-rays and said that Carsten had lung cancer and it was very far progressed. Of course, a few months later, Carsten had left us for another world.

    I'm not saying they can't find anything at Overbrook. I'm only saying that they can surely miss some things that a government hospital doc can easily find. It took that doc just a few minutes to diagnose Carsten's illness. So, I'm not sure how much faith I would put in Overbrook's yearly physicals/check-ups. Maybe CM isn't too far to travel for something as important as saving your life if CM has better facilities or docs.

    Concerning the above post by Thighlander about the lab work on the blood, there are places here in town that can do the same thing and they are cheap enough for most of the normal tests. Some results are available the same morning and some have to be sent out to be analyzed, so there is a waiting period. More in-depth lab blood tests have higher pricing ranges at these facilities. .

  15. They obviously over charged you because you are a farang. ;) That is the standard line, isn't it?

    Just watch that sarcasm there sir!

    As a long term member of the Old Asia Hands Club you're fully aware that Thais only exist to take farangs for every baht they can.

    I'm not sure how true that statement is. I have often read on other TV forums that Thais only exist to take farangs for every BATH they can. But none, other than my wife, have ever tried it with me. I suppose it is because I'm not an old hand yet. I wonder if I will live that long.

  16. Okay guys. I am not touching that Limbo comment. Be careful.

    teddy, sorry, but VF and I don't bite. It is more of as therapy approach. You can see how well we have have done with some of the other members. jubby is almost cured. bifftastic has a few more session to go but is making headway. Garry is a lost cause. And if you read the threads, you can see that Harrry thinks hoes come in pairs. We are certainly failing him. But give us a couple of more years.

  17. jubby, I have great cards and no complaints about them. I know you envy my cards. Now, if she's a Pom, living in Oz, then things are worse than I originally thought. Poor thing. Two strikes before she even arrives. We will get her sorted out though. VF and I love a challenge.

    What makes you think she is coming here to study Limbo? Or is this a typo?

    Before you convince teddy to start playing bridge, you might make her aware of the risks of playing cards in this country.

    teddy, check in with my wife when you arrive. She can probably get you a discount on a hotel, depending on which one you stay in. She is on the forum as woraphat. She has some pretty good connections here, as do some of the older expat forum members.

  18. I cannot help you with a repair place. However, I CAN save you from going through this again. In the future, stay away from the male lap dancers. Then your laptop won't be getting all of that damage.

    You're welcome.

    See you for lunch tomorrow. The beef is slow-cooking as I type.

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