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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. Thats good to know Kd. I'll do just that. :D

    Can you also recommend a Good Tattoist, I need to get that Kwai tatoo changed to 'go ahead punk , Make my day ' :)

    Yes, you do need to change that. But I am not a tattoo aficionado. I can't help with that.


    I've been waiting all week to use that big, foreign word. VF is going to be soooo envious. Thanks for the opportunity. Glad to finally be rid of it. That sucker was getting heavy.

  2. Simon, I'm no expert but I think you might be ahead if you go with the whole shoe. I can't imagine any Thais wanting to trade a worn-out sole for another worn out sole. Each customer runs the risk of getting a sole in worse shape than the one he is trading in. If the online business actually offered PAIRS of new soles or new shoes with new soles, it would do more business, I think. And consider expanding the business outside of Thailand as well. If you are going to offer soles in Thailand, why restrict your online customer base to Thais only? It is a big world out there and most of the inhabitants wear shoes. With that in mind, please consider offering the entire shoe instead of just the soles and making it available throughout the world. The name could go something like "Thai Shoe Trader Company, World Wide Exporters". Your current name, Thai Sole Trader Business is kind of a put-off, I think. The whole thing kind of reminds me of a Newtonia Underwear Exchange or something like that, you know? Not at all appealing.

    If you are dead set on going with the Thai Sole Trader thing, I think you should at least offer the option of new soles for purchase. Some people may need different soles but would feel better if they have new instead of used. Maybe you could offer some kind of trade-in allowance for the old soles.

    Well, I hope I have helped. I'm pretty good at this stuff, as you can see. As for your questions about how to register it or set the thing up, I have no idea. Good luck with that.

  3. I guess I got off easy. I was beginning think I was the next guy to go through the bad day/week/month thing.

    A broken toe, a dependable hired guy that quit me for a government job and then a cell phone that went through the wash. Okay, a bad week but since then, things have returned to uneventful. The toe is healing, the wife bought me a new cell phone almost a week after the washing incident and I have a lead on another good helper. Things are looking up.

    forget the Toe Kd; A dependable Hired Guy is hard to find. Good luck with it.

    My helpers been off I guess a month now, I've decided to scale the work down to a minimum, its only garden work really so i'm letting most of it go back to nature. A couple of Hours on the Tractor today cutting grass and an hour with the Chainsaw and things are starting to shape up.

    I had a little set back yesterday when I took the Phantom into sintanee for a service. A young Guy was doing a fine Job of servicing a Nuovo, doing a real good Job you'd expect from such a reputable establishment. The Guy doing mine took an Hour to change the Oil and checkout the office Girls and then handed the keys back with a smile. I refered him to the service handbook and the list of checks as long as your arm. one was the spark plug, no have, go to Honda City. I huffed and puffed and suddenly a spark plug appeared from nowhere and he did atleast half a Job of doing the rest of the checks. so it took two hours to do an hours work, he wasn't happy, I wasn't happy, his supervisor wasn't happy and all because I've got 'Buffallo' tattoed across my forehead in Sanskrit. :) .

    The day definatelly improved though, a good meal at the Rimkok with a couple of friends , a trip to see the patients at the general and then a few beers at ricco's follwed by a rather unexpected Meal lovingly prepared by er' indoors :D

    The next time you need a service for the Phantom, stop by. There is a Honda shop close by my house and they have one guy that is a very good man. You can request him for the service. He also does pretty good as an electrician at my house when his day job ends.

  4. I guess I got off easy. I was beginning think I was the next guy to go through the bad day/week/month thing.

    A broken toe, a dependable hired guy that quit me for a government job and then a cell phone that went through the wash. Okay, a bad week but since then, things have returned to uneventful. The toe is healing, the wife bought me a new cell phone almost a week after the washing incident and I have a lead on another good helper. Things are looking up.

  5. That makes three people I've pissed off in the last hour, one of them a board administrator. A record even for me. :)

    Well, I'm not one of them. I can assure you that when I am typing a response to sceadugenga, I'm in a good humor. I never have a worry about any hatefulness coming from him.

  6. Not sure I agree, they've done pretty good job in some of the Isaan cities.

    A Skype call from a friend in Khon Kaen mentions a number of deaths personally witnessed that seem to have been covered up.

    Yes, the violence is documented in the Isaan area and the Brit warning was probably well-founded for that area. Lanaman's post did emphasize CR though, as I read it, with the CR portion of his post being underlined. My reply was focused on CR only. I can see nothing here that would cause me to advise a friend to avoid this town at this time.

    Perhaps others are seeing or hearing plenty to cause worry. I only have access to the news, thoughts and feelings in my neighborhood. While this part of town is overwhelmingly supportive of the reds, it is also overwhelmingly protective of this part of town.

  7. There was some talk of a couple of guys being arrested with an inner tube and a tin of petrol near the town hall.

    No, I'm not making it up, the source is usually reliable.

    I have heard of no violence through the local market grapevine, although I have been told by several that bad things will happen soon.

    I personally doubt that much will happen here, as the red supporters here, live here. Now if outsiders showed up, then it would be another story. It seems easier to trash someone else's yard than your own. I believe that our local supporters would not allow outsiders to come here and make their mark.

    It seems that the reports concerning CR are based on rumor. Maybe the Embassy prefers to err on the safe side where the safety of their citizens are concerned. As near as I can tell, the report is erroneous.

  8. Just to let you know the salary you are offering is as much or more than most RN's make in a government hospital. You would be better served to try and find some RN's that want to work some extra time. RN's in Thailand all have to take 2 years of English but some of them don't feel comfortable talking English a lot. My wife's friends, in Chiang Mai, often fill in at private hospitals as private nurses. Go to a government hospitals and ask around one of the ICU's is a good place to start as they are highly trained and often want extra work. Hope that helps you a bit.

    Thanks for the note.

    Brian's wife, my wife and a few others have been in talks with the staff at the CR hospital. The problem there is finding someone who isn't currently working. One of the staff did try this thing out for a bit and found herself in conflict with administrators, as some of her time spent with Carsten overlapped her normal working hours. The search does go on for someone who is free during the day. An inquiry has also been submitted to the nurse trainlng program here in CR. The administrator there has no pupils at the moment who are free during the day but she is checking with past students to see if any are available.

    Your suggestion leads me to consider having this thing broken down into several small shifts with several people covering the required hours in different time blocks. That could turn into a headache for Brian, trying to juggle people, wages and shifts, but it could work out well if he gets the right people.

    Right now, there are several people in contact with Brian but so far, the requirements haven't been met. Brian has agreed to make some exceptions, but even then, he hasn't found anyone who can meet the minimum needs.

    If you hear of anyone, feel free to PM Brian.

    I thought this thing would be a no-brainer that would be easily solved. For whatever reason, it is turning into a more difficult quest than one would expect, especially considering the wages being offered. Several people have offered to do the part about keeping him company and taking care of his feeding needs but there are hygienic/sanitary tasks involved and that has put off several prospects.

    Edit: Sorry Brian, I didn't see that you were posting here as I typed a reply.

  9. 711 & Nice Kitchen. Thats easy then. what about fruits, does he have a preference ?

    You know, there's a Danish Guy in our Village. He was a sea-fareing Man in his youth Also. Maybe they have something in common. Atleast a common language I should think. I think I may have a word , it may do them both good.

    He mentioned nectarines. I don't know if they have them here. I'll find out. I do know he gets more bananas than he cares to eat. A guy can only eat so many bananas.

    Yeah, maybe the sea-faring Danish guy is a good idea.

  10. I suspect I got him on a good day Khandahar. He's extremely Thin mate, the Doctors right he's too weak for Kemo . He's going to need a lot of Hotdogs and fast. That kemo's going to knock him for six. It'll stop his appetite in its tracks also.

    Where's his favourite Hotdog stand ? save people making two trips :)

    Yes, it was a good day but each day is getting just a little better than the one before. He is improving, slowly. And knowing that people care enough to stop in and say "hi" helps him to improve even more. Back when he had only one friend showing an interest, he really didn't see much point in going forward. He felt alone and unwanted in this world. Now, when he finds that some people have travelled hundreds of miles specifically to see him, he feels that he has something to live up to. And as more and more locals stop in, his will only gets stronger. I think it is very safe to say, other people have restored him much more than any hospital treatment has. Each and every person has something inside them to contribute and whatever it is, it is powerful and does wonders when they give Carsten a dose of their caring.

    If there is a hotdog stand in CR, I don't know about it. The 7-11's in town serve hotdogs and the one just one-half block from the hospital serves them hotter than any others I have tried. He likes onions, tomatoes and a small amount of ketchup on his hotdogs. He also likes the cheeseburgers from Nice Kitchen on Jedyod Rd.

  11. I've been reading this guy's posts for the short time that he has been making them. He's suddenly "mister prolific poster" but a lot of his posts are basically telling everyone else how they should be acting or living. I guess he thinks we need his guidance. I don't need it.

    He also claims that all he sees here are unhappy farangs attacking every move that happens in this country. There is a lot more to this forum than what he sees. That right there tells me that anything he posts really isn't anything to pay attention to in the future. Someone that can only see in this forum the things that he sees isn't anyone that can see clearly and therefore, he can't speak intelligently about it.

    Now he makes this post inviting everyone to attack him. Mostly I see a cry for help or a cry for the mods to shut him off. I'm hoping for the latter. His post here isn't meant to do any more than inflame the readers. Hopefully, someone else will try to keep this forum a little more worthwhile and, not only close the thread, but close him also.

  12. Sorry to hear about that, maybe guilting the embassy into helping through notifying the press might be an option..Maybe Thai Visa could help out with that through any potential contacts they might have and possibly a YouTube vid or something else relevant it seems a worthy, noble and notable cause sometimes the inhumanity of such insensitivity needs to have a light cast on it to finally help them identify the error of their deeds..

    Thanks for the supporting words. You are appreciated. Brain often relates to Carsten the different supporting posts that are found here.

    I think it is likely that the Embassy of Denmark is on firm legal ground in their refusal of help to Carsten. I'm not sure just exactly how they rationalize their decisions but I am certain that Carsten isn't the first such case and he won't be the last.

    A personal opinion here: I notice that whenever people get into trouble politically, such as being nabbed crossing into unfriendly countries, most nation's Embassies get very involved and no expense is spared into winning their freedom and flying them home. That is a good thing, I guess, even though some of the people that receive such help are really literally asking for trouble. Carsten wasn't asking for trouble. True, he didn't take care of everything that he should have prior to making the trip to Thailand but there wasn't an obvious expectation of disaster when he headed this way. When others make choices that ARE obviously going to be met with disaster, Embassies seem to be ready to pounce to help them. I find this an odd thing. End of opinion.

    The press thing you mention has already been accomplished. It didn't move the Embassy. There was quite a write up in Denmark, with pics of Brian sitting bedside with Carsten in the hospital. That piece did move quite a few Denmark citizens and many have contributed funds. Shortly after the funds started coming in, several people caused some fuss about the fund, causing it to get suspended while all of the legalities and accounting were set up. I believe that the donations are due to resume any time now, if they haven't resumed already.

  13. Please update your situation if you found somebody. Can't you post something on a Thai website? I'm pretty sure that you'll find the right person. Hope your friend is getting better soon.

    Did you get in touch with his embassy? They have to help him. Cheers.

    No caregiver has been approved at this point. Still interviewing and searching.

    Thanks for the suggestion concerning the Thai website. The ad was placed on the Chiang Rai Focus (Thai) website several days ago. Several applicants have inquired but I think it is the requirement for an English speaker that is the hold-up. Carsten has already tried working with an non-English speaking caregiver but it proved very difficult for both parties.

    Apparently, the Embassy doesn't have to help. Much effort has been spent chasing that presumption. It has been dismissed and other avenues are being pursued.

  14. ImageDude will be out of the hospital today. Great to hear that he is headed home and on to the resumption of his life. I wish a speedy recovery to you, good man.

    Carsten was in good spirits today. I had to wake him when I arrived this afternoon but by the end of the visit, he was fairly animated and even fancied himself a bit of a comedian. Good to see him becoming his old self.

    Carsten decided that he does want to go ahead with chemo after all but the docs say that he isn't strong enough to survive it. So, he is working on getting his strength back so that he can be strong enough to receive treatment. He eats as much food as he can get. Perhaps his strength will return.

    Thanks to Bifftastic, his girlfriend and jubby for their visit to our two friends in hospital today. Visitors lend strength and good spirits to those in need. Folks like Biff and jubby seem to know how much good a few words can do. Thanks, guys. I visited with Carsten after they had gone and found Carsten to be in the best mood that I have seen him in. A few smiles and amiable chatter can sometimes do much more than medicine. Apparently, their visit made him hungry as well. He ordered three hotdogs and a Coke for his afternoon snack today. He also placed an order for fresh fruit. I'll see what the markets have in stock these days.

    I'm moved by the turn-around Carsten is experiencing. His mind and his outlook have made a 180 degree turn for the better from two weeks ago. Whatever his future holds, he's enjoying life a little bit right now. Each day is valuable to him. I am pleased for him that he can have these good days. I wish him many more but I'm grateful for each of his good moments in the here and now.

    The search continues for a full-time caregiver for Carsten.

  15. I was thinking about getting into town early tommorrow. Get the Phantom Serviced at Sintanee first thing and then off to the Bank.

    I just heard a rumour that the Banks are Shut. Can anyone verify thats not true !?

    The wife's friends in the financial sector have told her that the CR banks are indeed closed until Monday.

  16. Red shirt cavalcade in town.

    Hope they are better behaved than their comrades in other provinces.

    Time will tell

    So what happened Guys ? I guess not much . Are they Still there ? Are you all under seige or under welmed ?

    I haven't heard of anything happening. My area of town is quiet and the local grapevine is devoted to discussion of BKK turmoil.

    We are still on for the meeting tomorrow, as far as I know.

  17. Does anyone know if the curfew is for a few days or have they only made an announcement about last night?

    Post number 37 on this link posted at 09:02:13 this morning says this: "Its possible that there will be an extension on the curfew within #thailand - To be confirmed by Thai gov."

    The link: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Bangkok-Red-....html&st=25

    Post number 40, same link, says it remains in effect tonight in the provinces that are under "Emergency Decree".

  18. According to the banks' websites, all Siam Commercial and Bangkok Bank branches nationwide will be closed today and tomorrow. Not sure about other banks though.

    The BOT has stated that banks nationwide will be closed (check the News Clippings). From the Bangkok Bank website: "» Bangkok Bank will suspend service temporarily on May 20-21, 2010 in accordance with the notification from the Bank of Thailand"

    However, Internet Banking and I believe ATM services will still operate. Correct me if I'm wrong about the ATMs though.

    Difficult to say if you're wrong or not. Last night, ThaiVisa posted an announcement that the AMT service would not be disrupted. A few hours later, they posted a new announcement saying that ATM's would be off, nationwide, during the curfew hours. I went out late last night in Chiang Rai and withdrew a little "emergency stash" just in case. The various ATM's in my area were being used and working with no problems. This was around 23:00. Several other people had the same idea, apparently. I have never seen the ATM's so busy at that time of night.

    So, even if the machines are going to be down in the future during the curfew hours, it seems that the intention is to make them available during the daytime.

  19. Carsten is holding steady these days. He can smile and have a laugh, enjoy some good food and he is pretty alert when company comes to visit. He sleeps a lot more than a healthy person sleeps but he obviously needs that rest. He lost his full-time caretaker recently. Brian has placed some ads for a caregiver for Carsten and several people have showed some interest. Hopefully, the next day or two will bring a caring person to spend twelve or so hours a day looking after his needs.

    For those of you who are reading this from somewhere other than Thailand, be advised that the Thai hospital system is quite a bit different than the system you may know. Here, family are expected to look after the non-medical needs of a patient. Carsten hasn't any family here so he has been relying on hired help. The hospital WILL provide this support for Carsten but it is very expensive. Bathing, helping with toilet needs, feeding and other tasks are left to family to take care of. Almost every person in this hospital has one or more family members looking after them, pretty much full time. It is not unusual to see family members sleeping on the floor under the bed of the patient during the night.

    Brian reports that the legalities of the fund-raiser in Denmark for Carsten are nearly sorted out. There should be a little more money to take care of him in the near future.

    ImageDude has managed to overcome his recent setbacks and is going forward. He has resumed his physical therapy and is feeling better. Other treatments have been put in place to hold the annoying small ailments at bay and they appear to be working well for him. He was fairly chipper tonight and full of optimism. He is anxious to get well enough to go home. Soon, hopefully.

    A quick note on Brian. He is doing well. The extra staff handling the Facebook page and the donations has given him quite the reprieve. With everything going well in those areas, he has more time to look in on Carsten and keep up the shopping for things that Carsten needs. Patients such as Carsten are expected to provide their own toilet paper, among other things. Brian takes care of purchasing those items.

    As much as he has done, he can't win them all. Some people just seem to live to aggravate others. A fellow in the south of Thailand recently offered 5,000 baht to help with Carsten's care. Brian accepted and then went through a lot to accommodate the man's demands. In the end, the demands became too much and on Monday, Brian sent the 5,000 baht back to the guy. All of this after the guy demanded that Brian post about the donation on several sites in Denmark and demanded that Brian mention the guy's Thailand business in those posts. Brian is pretty level-headed and didn't let it get to him. But he spent an inordinate amount of time on this guy that he could have spent much more productively elsewhere. Some people aren't very good at being people. I hope Brain doesn't have to deal with any more of those types.

  20. Look, why get all worked up over a symbol? clearly the Thais dont give a rat's hind qtrs over what someone else's thoughts are about a simple symbol. My god, give it a rest.

    I couldn't give a rat's butt about how the Thais see the symbol.

    I do care that you forget your medicine and start posting crap like you just posted. It is beyond me how anyone can write off all of those people who perished, soldiers and civilians alike. It is beyond me how anyone could buy into that denier crap. The only thing that will ever make sense to me concerning people like you is that you do know better but you choose to act like you don't just to get attention. Well, if you need attention that bad, go help some of the people on this planet that need help. THEY will pay attention to you.

  21. There's nothing wrong with Nazi symbols and Thais dressing in that way. It's just that western people groomed to think certain ways by a chosen few media companies. No one knows with certainty what went on in 1940. It's sad that people think what they are told to think by the chosen media. Thais on the show simply reject the chosen notion. For this they get my utmost respect for I never believe what I am told to by any manipulated news organization. We have no proof of anything. All we have are potentially doctored pictures and film footage that could have been made by master filmmakers of the time.

    Yes, and all of us who had grandparents there shouldn't believe the stories that the grandparents have passed on to us, right? ALL of our grandparents were a part of the big hoax, right?

    What planet were you deported from, anyway?

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