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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. Thought that the problem was VillageFarang being aghast at the thought of people eating frogs legs instead of bangers and mash and khandadar wanting to eat French Fries. :)

    Not to mention those who cannot be bothered cooking their fish :D

    I am not sure where the rumor comes from concerning me wanting french fries. I suppose it has something to do with jubby. That guy is just all over me these days. I wish he would get on VF's back again and give me a break. I think VF even enjoys the torment a little bit.

    I am never wanting for fries. I happen to have TWO imported french fry cutters. They are the type that accepts a whole potato and when you push down on the handle, the entire potato is instantly turned into nice french fry cuts of potato. The wife leaves the skins on, pre-cooks and then chills them and then, when I have gone enough days without (french fries, guys), she cooks up a mess of them. Perfect every time. The utensils work well for other veggies that are used in salads or other cooked dishes.

    Now, if you're talking burgers, I am ALWAYS on the lookout for a better burger. Maybe that is where the french fry rumor comes from, with just a bit of mis-information added. It doesn't matter how good a burger a guy finds, he can always discover an even better one if he spends his life searching. That's what I do.

    If I ever get brave enough, I will open a drive-in style burger place in CR that offers a good deal on a "bag of burgers" for take-away. I'll be my own best customer, for sure, even though it would cater to the youthful crowd on motorcycles. These kids need a place to hang out and listen to the style of music they enjoy. So, if anyone beats me to it, you will have at least this dedicated customer if you make a decent burger.

    Okay, let see... Am I on topic here? I can't even remember what topic this thread is.

    Oh, yes. Pollution. Well, it certainly is a clear day with a lot of fresh air here in CR, isn't it? (Hopefully, this is enough to pass the Scea test. This etiquette business has really caused me to be gun-shy about posting.)

  2. What do you do with the rest of the frog?

    Always bothered me that.... :)

    Sadly enough, in my case, the rest of the frog becomes turtle food in the sloughs, creeks or ponds where the frogs are gigged. There just isn't enough of anything left that is worth eating for me. I dunno what the commercial processors do with the rest of the frog. I doubt it is wasted. I have been involved with shipping enough frozen "leftover" parts of chickens, turkeys, pigs and cattle from processors to know that they don't waste anything. Lots of those parts go to pet-food manufacturers. Other pieces go to soup manufacturers or processed meat manufacturers. You never really know what you might get in your cream of chicken soup or that tasty chicken bologna. So far, I haven't run across any tasty frog bologna. Maybe they use the leftovers for fish food or fertilizer. Lots of aquatic life is used in different commercial fertilizer.

  3. Actually, the frogs that make all of that racket are so small that a leg feast isn't likely. Now if a guy could land a mess of bull-frogs, then he has some good eating. Some of those legs back home are as large as some of the chicken legs they serve here. And yes, as cmjantje says, they are a meal to enjoy.

    However, VF could cook and serve those tiny frogs to his neighbors and he would probably become much more popular with them.

  4. I think I have deciphered this.

    He is saying that it isn't raining in CM but at the same time, he is posing the question "Then where IS it raining?" All the talk about the road map, the political strife and the laughing is just to see if he can shake you from the original trail of thought.

    I have the answer. It is raining hard in Chiang Rai and has been for the last two hours. Coming your way, I suspect. Protect your road-maps.

  5. So, they bring in one of the world's worst public speakers to present their case in English? They bring in one of the world's worst writers to pen the statement in English? Is this for real?

    Whatever message they intended to get across is lost. Looks like a grade school production. A great opportunity to communicate, in English, a message that they think is important, and this dude wasted it. He wasted 12 minutes of my time, also.

    Amazing on how you get off on saying anything as ignorant as any rational person can stand. Your blatant insults will not change a thing, but just strengthen the cause of these brave citizens who are doing more to change the corruption that overflows from the seat of the present gov't. I can see that you are too self-indulgent/absorbed to care one iota for another's cause

    Ah, another poorly thought-out comment.

    It isn't my fight, dude. It isn't yours, either.

    But just so you know, I am all for democracy. And just so you know, corruption was a big part of the previous government. And the previous one. And the previous one. Why weren't the Reds in the streets fighting corruption during the last government's tenure? Do you have any idea of what is really going on here? I live in the north. I know people who went to BKK to attend the rallies and I know they went there because it was an opportunity for them to make some money. Good on them. They needed the money. They damned sure didn't go there to fight corruption.

    Logic tells me that there should be elections. Logic tells me that the Reds will overwhelmingly win the elections. However, elections were going to come anyway. Was there ever a reason for ANYONE to die just to hold them a bit sooner? Can you really not see that THIS particular event is all about ONE MAN and has nothing to do with democracy or fighting corruption? Can you not see that the Reds have had this in the bag all along and certain high-ranking members had a personal stake in seeing that it happened sooner instead of later? They will win when the elections come. No doubt. But no person needed to die just to have it happen a year or so earlier.

    I wish "the cause" well. But I cannot wish the leadership well. I wish the individuals well. They needed the paychecks. And when all is said and done, the elections will come and the people will speak. And some families on BOTH SIDES will have lost some very dear members, never to see them again.

    But the fact remains, this video is a very poor representation of ANY point of view, whether you like it or not. If you don't like that FACT, then join the Reds and do a better job. IF the video is authentic, they need some help.

  6. Please, gentlemen of course there is doubt

    but that does not make the rest of my comment less true

    nice try...... :)

    The rest of your comment is poorly thought out. The other 100,000 have not been shot. If they had been, then maybe it would be a good comment.

    Hypocrites doesn't enter into it unless you ignore the facts or make up your own facts. If that is the case, then you are free to use any of the other words you have posted in previous threads because none of them are relevant anyway.

    What you mean like making 10,000 a 100,000

    does that make you a hypocrite then.....by your own words?

    No. It makes me a typist in a hurry.

  7. Please, gentlemen of course there is doubt

    but that does not make the rest of my comment less true

    nice try...... :)

    The rest of your comment is poorly thought out. The other 100,000 have not been shot. If they had been, then maybe it would be a good comment.

    Hypocrites doesn't enter into it unless you ignore the facts or make up your own facts. If that is the case, then you are free to use any of the other words you have posted in previous threads because none of them are relevant anyway.

  8. So do you think anyone actually believes that because you show some random bloody pictures you have proven that reds aren't armed?

    I think there is no doubt Seh Daeng was not armed......but I guess for some on this forum as long as 100 are armed the other 10,000 are asking to be shot.....I used this word on another thread


    Even within the Red movement, there is doubt and argument about which side shot him. That much is documented.

  9. He seems very well spoken to me. His arguments and points do have merit. Not all of the leaders are in their homes, more than one is still at/nearby the protest site.

    Unfortunately, for the reds, the propaganda machine designed to meld the minds of the locals works especially well on most foreigners living here.

    His arguments and points do not have merit. His group has made a lot of mistakes but he does not address ANY of them. He only points the finger at the opposition and he invited the foreign journalists to document the fouls of the opposition while totally ignoring the fact that the same group of journalists have been, and will continue to, document the fouls of his own group as well. He had a great opportunity to address those fouls in whatever way he thinks would sway opinion. Instead, by ignoring them, he loses any listener that might be thinking about giving his words some serious thought.

    If by "merit" you mean that he mentioned videos of people in street clothes without weapons, being shot and laying on blood-spattered pavement, don't go there. Anyone can remove a weapon before the cameras roll. Anyone can change clothing on a wounded or dead individual before the cameras roll. And anyone can shoot those individuals. His side or the opposing side can shoot them. Nobody knows who shot them or why. There is only footage of them laying there in the street. Don't get sucked in by that crap. Both sides can stage any scene they want to stage. Same thing with the ambulance guy that was shot. Nobody knows who shot him but truly, only ONE side has anything to gain by posting videos of the dead guy.

    He states a very one-sided view (and does a very poor job of that) that can only bring ridicule from thinking people. If he is going to speak, he should speak the truth so that he is taken seriously. There is no comment addressing or apologizing for, the hardships that his group has caused their fellow countrymen. There is no comment nor rationalization about the FACT that members of that group ARE armed and have done harm to others. There are a whole slew of important items missing from this statement. The whole thing appears to me to be an attempt to embarrass his side. It works. I'm embarrassed for them by this communication failure. I am really not even convinced that this ridiculous video is authentic.

    As for your comment that he seems well-spoken, I'll guess that English is not your first language. Take it from someone whose first language is English: He does not communicate well. Not even close.

    I'm not taking sides here. It isn't my fight. But if I were to take sides, specifically his side, I could certainly write a much more effective statement. And I would certainly insist that this dude wasn't going to be the guy reading it for the world to see and hear.

    I think the whole thing must be a hoax. No person with sense would make this video and expect it to be taken seriously. If they have a cause they believe in and they want it to be presented in English, then they should do it. This ain't it.

  10. Well, the pollution is back. I can't see the stars at all tonight. Can't even see the neighbor's house about 300 meters away from here. It is 11:30 p.m. and the stuff is running down my driveway, washing all of the gravel off to the side. It is also so thick that it is making a heck of a racket as it hits the roof and sidewalks. I have never seen it so bad.

  11. So, they bring in one of the world's worst public speakers to present their case in English? They bring in one of the world's worst writers to pen the statement in English? Is this for real?

    Whatever message they intended to get across is lost. Looks like a grade school production. A great opportunity to communicate, in English, a message that they think is important, and this dude wasted it. He wasted 12 minutes of my time, also.

  12. In the absence of anything resembling fees, my services have been withdraw.

    Had you mentioned fleas from the git-go, it could have been arranged. This borrowed dog is loaded with them. As it stands, I guess I got a freebie.

  13. Guys, Guys, whats happening Here. I'm confused. Its supposed to be about my bad day right ?

    Based on advice my current counsel, Sceadugenga, I'm not even going to refer you to post number 42, which seems to answer your question here. I'm not even going to mention it. Nary a word. Not a peep. I'll just leave it alone.

  14. Brian reports that a fellow Denmark citizen made the trip from Nakhon Sahwang to see Carsten. The fellow apparently delivered several types of Carsten's favorite Denmark food and that made Carsten's day. The guy has been a resident of Thailand for five years now. Good to know he would go to so much trouble to bring a smile to the face of a less fortunate fellow countryman.

  15. VF's has sold his phantom which is also giving me a warm feeling all over . I remember that conversation about not needing anything faster than a phantom but I guess he's feeling a need for speed. I won't go over 80kms so as nice as the Ninja undoubtedly is, it would be wasted on me.

    I'm not much on top speed but I do like to cruise a little over a hundred. On the Phantom I always feel I'm on the limit of what the bike can do.

    I was impressed by the comfort, maneuverability, ABS, and quickness of the Ninja. I would like to take some longer trips and feel the Ninja 650 has more range and versatility, and better fits my needs, than the Phantom at this time.

    So that was then and this is now. There is a first time for everything, so I guess I could be wrong. :)

    Not wrong. Just evolving.

  16. Man, I'm old. So old. My memory is a wreck. Help me out here, guys. Didn't a certain forum member write on these pages, not so long ago, something about not needing a big bike to go crashing into the rice paddys with? Something about a Phantom being just the right, safe size for northern Thailand riding? It seems to me that someone wrote something like that. Now, who was that........? VH? VT? VK? No......... That's not it.

    Man, my memory is just too darned faulty. Who was the guy that wrote that? Lemme see. Hmmmmm. VB? No. VS? Uh, uh.

    Oh well. It will come to me shortly. I'll return when it does.

    If you are having difficulty with your memory, why not try my favored technique of selective memory. Creativity can extend to memory as well as ornamental wildlife garden ponds. Be creative. :)

    Well, of course we are all allowed to change our mind. I hope whoever it was that posted those words I have referenced does enjoy his new motorcycle. I also hope he is careful and doesn't get hurt. Bigger and faster toys seem to make us younger at certain moments and younger brains tend to make riskier decisions.

    At one time in my life, I rode a 1971 Sportster. Nice bike and I loved it even though I seldom had time to take it out and enjoy it. I was lucky enough to live in wide open spaces back then and didn't have too much to worry about concerning what "the other guy" was going to do. I think that myself, the deer and the antelope were my biggest risk factors. I wouldn't ride such a bike here. I would just have too much inclination to "get up to speed" out there and I already have enough near misses with the less powerful and slower Phantom that I ride now. At this moment, I have a swollen black and blue big toe that is most likely broken. Had I been on a much heavier motorcycle a few days ago when I incurred this injury, I would probably be missing a part of my foot right now.

    Enjoy your new ride. But stay safe. As Limbo said, we never know who is next. But we each have a certain amount of control over whether or not it will be us.

  17. Maybe someone has connections with a good resort that would spoil those two and that would extend a discount. People could, anonymously or otherwise, drop off any contribution at the front desk in the name of the cause. I don't have any such connections with a resort in the area. I could arrange something at a couple of hotels downtown but those hotels aren't resort material. A resort would be a nicer weekend for them.

    I'm in for 1,000 baht. I don't want to get involved in collecting any money. Better to just drop it off at the resort office. Maybe sign a register, real name or otherwise, and list the amount being given so anyone stopping by can see how much has already been contributed. I can buy a little register or journal to leave at the front desk.

  18. The lowest act that a TV member can carry out is reminding a fellow member of something he posted several days ago.

    Well shame on you kandahar. :):D :D

    Uh, oh! Have I breached etiquette?

    Man, I didn't read anything about that in "forum etiquette". Are you making this up?!?!?!

    And if you aren't, is there any way I can be forgiven by ........ Uh....... Oh, man! It still won't come to me! VB. Ummm... VQ. Oh gosh! What the heck is his handle?

    Hey! Wait a minute!. I'm off the hook here. I didn't name anyone yet, did I? I'm good to go! HA! Dodged that bullet. Whew!

  19. Carsten is feeling a little better these days. He is smiling and wiggling around in bed and can be fairly animated when he is speaking. Nice improvements over the course of a few days. The financial situation has improved and that alone has lifted his spirits. He spent a lot of time in despair worrying about how the bills would be paid. He is eating well, sleeping a little more than normal and drinking enough fluids to maintain his body. He has no strength to stand but he is gaining a little strength each day.

    Some folks are spoiling him a little. He had a few female visitors the other day, none of which he knew, but he was just glad to see some smiling faces. He gets a cheeseburger from outside now and then, as well as hot dogs, Corn Flakes, ice cream and various fruit juices. He has spoken before of a dark bread that he misses from Denmark. He received a loaf of dark bread today and he says it is the very same that he has been missing. He was excited. What a huge grin such a small thing can create in Carsten. Thanks to the Tourist Inn Bakery.

    ImageDude is strong. He has had a few setbacks but the leg is healing as it should. A couple of complications not necessarily related to the leg injury are tormenting him right now but the docs are hot on it and should have everything up to par soon. I am always glad to see him. It does me good to see someone who has taken such a hard lick and still maintain their positive outlook. I have known several like him in the past. Some people are just a huge reservoir of internal strength. It is always good to meet the kind of folks that you know could have been the hardy pioneers and explorers of yesteryear. They have the intestinal fortitude to move forward in the face of adversity. ImageDude is one of those. Exceptional. And his time isn't yesteryear. His time is now. If you haven't made his acquaintance yet, make sure you add him to your list of acquaintances soon.

    Another person who shares some of those same characteristics is Brian. His docs had to slow him down finally and make him get some sleep. He just couldn't slow down on his own and it was taking a toll. So, he has handed some of the fund-raising duties to some volunteers in Denmark and is starting to enjoy his own life a little bit. He still takes good care of Carsten every day but he sleeps at night now more than he was. Sadly enough, people are still accusing him of fraud and, true to his character, he is shrugging it off and moving forward. I think if you put Brian and ImageDude together in a harness, they could move the world. Brian is moving Demark all by himself.

    I have been thinking about something here. There will come a time when Brian can finally get on with his life. As I mentioned before, he is still technically a newlywed. His wife has devoted herself to this thing as fully as Brian has. Each and every day since Carsten first went to the hospital (Overbrook, the first time), Brian and Su have devoted themselves to helping Carsten. Perhaps there are enough of us out there that are willing to give a little back. Maybe we could arrange a weekend get-away at a local resort for them. Two or three days of no responsibility, no cooking, no cleaning, no travelling. Just lay back and enjoy some peace and quiet. Swim. Sleep. Watch a movie or two. Have a nice bottle of wine with dinner.

    Nobody owes them anything. I'm not saying we do. I'm only saying, I know what they have given in time, energy, money and more. I don't know anyone that would do what they have done and what they continue to do. It would be nice if something came back to them. It would be nice if it came from us. I have never known anyone that deserves something like this more than these two.

    Post your thoughts.

  20. I surely can't compete with your colorful lifestyle. Things continue to idle along at a mind deadening normal here in the field. I am trying to stir things up a little, however. I've got the Phantom for sale in the classifieds and if it ever gets sold, I'm heading off to Chiang Mai to get me a Ninja. To tell the truth the wife is yet to be convinced but I think I'm getting there.

    I've got a friend with a couple of new 650's and he got me hooked on a ride the other day. Almost forgot, I swear that Momo and King were nowhere near your ducks. :)

    I quite fancy a Ninja myself, seem quite affordable. Now I'd really like a BMW but crazy prices. to be honest I've been doing a lot of Kms on various bikes recently and from what I've seen and experienced with Dogs, Chickens & the driving skills of the Collective , I've come to the conclusion that we're all better sticking to 4 wheels. Now I've heard the argument from experienced riders about more power, gets you out of trouble but I'm not convinced a Ninja can ride a Dogs or protect you from the collective anymore than a phantom. The chances of not ending up in Hospital by no fault of our own are somewhere between 0 and nothing.

    your lovely wife will take some convincing hopefully and you'll stay safe.

    As for Dogs, I'm a firm believer that all Dogs should be on a leash or lynched .

    Stage one complete as the Phantom has now been sold. Still haven't convinced the wife, however. I'm getting there, but slowly. :D

    Man, I'm old. So old. My memory is a wreck. Help me out here, guys. Didn't a certain forum member write on these pages, not so long ago, something about not needing a big bike to go crashing into the rice paddys with? Something about a Phantom being just the right, safe size for northern Thailand riding? It seems to me that someone wrote something like that. Now, who was that........? VH? VT? VK? No......... That's not it.

    Man, my memory is just do darned faulty. Who was the guy that wrote that? Lemme see. Hmmmmm. VB? No. VS? Uh, uh.

    Oh well. It will come to me shortly. I'll return when it does.

  21. Kandahar, I start to understand that there is a misunderstanding here!

    My english is not so good as you probably noticed so that has probably played a joke to me!

    But I really appreciated your answere to all my questions!

    I must have a talk to jubby when I see him again!

    Btw, I found some links about OG! (Ornamental Garden)


    And also one about OGP ! (Ornamental Garden Pond)


    So maby we can start a new thread just about OG and OGP ?

    The last link is discussing "For those who have decided to adapt their ornamental garden pond into a pond which will attract wildlife "

    So there we will have a new idea, a Wildlife Pond (WP).

    If you can have a WP in an OG? Tough question!


    Edit: I found another very interesting link, http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=ipsring

    We are talking about " Ornamental Pond Enthusiasts " (OPE) !

    So how many OPE´s do we have here in Chiang Rai?

    Oh, I see now. I would have never guessed it would come down to a language problem. Well, all is solved then.

    Good luck with your wildlife pond. I don't have the space, the time or the money to pursue such an idea but, if you build it, I will come admire it. Perhaps Biff and jubby can be counted as sponsors for your endeavor. They seem to have a keen interest in such things.

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