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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. Just got the scoop from a friend.

    10:00 a.m. at the Inn Come Hotel.

    Interesting speaker scheduled but I have already forgotten what the topic is. But I'm guaranteed that it is an interesting speaker. jubby, perhaps.

    Bring the wife as there are quite a few Thai wives in attendance and they all enjoy chatting and meeting each other.

    Apparently there is also, this time and every time, a book and DVD swap.

    Cost for non-members is 150 baht. Don't know if that is for one or for the couple.

    Someone will add to this, I'm sure and they will correct any bad info I might give.

  2. If this does not have the makings of a beautiful subject for a short story competition, I do not know what has.........

    In fact, I will even offer up a 1000 baht prize for who can come up with the best story.

    Winner being either anybody who bothers to enter or if more than one does, then we will put it up as a poll to deicde the winner. I have a short attention span so let's say closing date 14th July.

    I don't know if anyone can be enticed to take such bait. Someone is sure to chime in with a comment about needing a work permit for this.

    Here's the thing: I'm pretty tied up following the "Pigs, Worms and Compost" thread in the Farming Forum. If that thing slows down, I will see if I can find the time for a good story about Country Homes. But whatever I can do, lots of others can do better.

  3. Where the heck is Flatouthruthefog when we need him?

    I suspect YOU have the potential for an entertaining post here, something along the lines of BIL & cutting grass.

    Or maybe the third party could enlighten us, seeing as it was probably just as bad a day for him . :)

    Nah. That is privy info.

    But I could write many a story in this thread. I suspect we all could.

  4. If someone doesn't post soon about what the deal is, I am going to just invent the story and post it. I'm sure it will be as good as the truth.

    Go ahead with your story, as I don't see anything forthcoming any time soon. Besides it might force out a rebuttal of some sort. ;) Probably only name calling, but we can always hope for more. :)

    I could handle that. I was called a name once before, a long time ago. It didn't hurt me.

  5. I can't see buying for one year. In my opinion, housing is overpriced right now and a guy could get stuck pretty bad when it is time to sell a year later, especially if he HAS to sell quickly. Then again, if you find a house that is fairly or cheaply priced, you could come out ahead. I just think with the housing market the way it is, it is a bad idea to buy for short term. It seems to me that they are building new ones left and right but the used ones aren't selling. Seems there is more money available for buying new than buying old, probably because the builders are working harder to maintain their financing networks. But, I'm not all that educated in the housing markets here. That is just how things appear to me with what I hear, see and overhear.

    I think the OP will find Internet available in that village but I think ImageDude has a friend in that village and maybe he can verify for us that it is available. If not, CAT CDMA will work in that village.

  6. Are those meds you've got tested and certified? any side effects?

    Who knows. I've been looking for the oral one for a while as I used it in Australia and it was very effective with fleas.

    I'll launch it today. Watch this space.

    I'll be watching. I have used the little brown bottles with the aluminum cap that you have to tear off. The stuff doesn't last very long. Don't recall the name. If the medication on the food works for one month, I'll switch to it for this borrowed dog. He deserves some fair treatment. He works harder for me than he does for his owner even though I don't ask anything of him.

  7. It suits me, I rarely need to access the forum for my own personal information now, most of my time spent here is trying to help new arrivals and tourists but if you guys find it boring I wont waste my time.

    A lot of the guys in the sticks find the forum useful for the type of social interaction most people take for granted, but obviously dindong and woralak have a problem with this.

    Like I said, I really can't be bothered if I have to put up with this type of shit if I want to talk about something that IS important to me, like ticks on my dog.

    No, no, no. Don't go away. MOST of us like a good tick story. Others like a good tock story. There's room for all.

  8. It is my understanding that you can own the one rai until you sell or die. Any other lands exceeding the one rai have to be off your name within one year. That is the reason for making sure that the house and its one rai is listed on its own Chanote, separate from adjoining lands that she might own.

  9. OP, check out Daikin in CR.

    Just north of the river bridge, Maekok Road intersects with Highway 1. One block from Highway 1 is a large blue and white building on your right. So, that intersection is the last set of lights before you cross the bridge over the river on Highway 1 going into CR. Make a right there onto Maekok Road, go one block, look on your right. There is also a large sign on the front of the building that reads Uni-Air.

    They are a air-conditioning shop. They carry a LOT of brands but they don't stock that much. We ordered today (Monday) and they said our delivery to the store is Wednesday at noon and installation is Thursday morning .

    They do not carry M Kool, nor have they heard of it. They do sell the water type air-conditioners though.

    Brands include Carrier, Trane, Mitsubishi, LG, Panasonic, Daikin and about five more that I can't recall.

    No English speaking personnel in that shop.

    They do travel to Mae Sai for installations.

    Prices there were at least 10 percent cheaper than the appliance shops in town, and maybe 20 percent cheaper than Sinthanee, etc, depending on the brand and model. The wife got a really good deal because of her connections but her sources say that shop has the best prices in town.

    Mitsubishi compressor plant burned so all shops in Thailand are quoting the middle of next month as the earliest they will have Mitsu's in stock if it isn't already on the floor in their store. Other brands aren't affected.

    Daikin store phone numbers are 053-716-555 and 053-714-400

  10. The only kind I have used doesn't get sprayed. A small liquid dose gets poured onto the skin between the shoulder-blades of the dog.

  11. Frontline is a great product.

    I did try the injections on my dogs in the old country and they seemed to work well but Frontline was more convenient for me to administer.

    I haven't seen Frontline here but apparently you know where to find it. I treat this "borrowed" dog with small bottles of some product that I get at the pet shop supply store near the corner of Hong Lee and the old CM highway. It works okay but wears off fast. Only lasts about two weeks.

    Anyway, every dog deserves to be free of the ticks and the fleas.

    I haven't seen a good yard treatment here. I treated my lawn with diazinon granules in the old country and it held off the ticks, chiggers and most other insects for a year at a time. But if the dogs leave the treated area, then they themselves need to be treated.

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