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Posts posted by rebo

  1. So it seems time becomes ripe for a survey ;-)

    a.: The entire story is a total scam. The initiators want to collect as much as possible to enrich themselves. Nobody was ever accused/arrested.
    b.: The girls found - whereever, however - these notes, didn't recognize them as counterfeit and did'nt hand them in to L&F. Planned to use the 1'000 $ for their own purpose. They where arrested while trying to exchange them and on bail now, waiting for their trial.
    c.: They found - however - these notes, recognized them as fake but tried to exchange them in another country thinking they wouldn't be identified as fakes over there. Arrested and on bail they are waiting for the court hearing.
    My own vote goes for c..

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  2. 2 hours ago, Thian said:

    Has anybody ever failed for the exams and refused a license?

    Yes, my former boss (holding his home DL for 30+ years from a country which probably - due to its topography - produces the best and safest average motorbike riders) because in the practical examination he activated the indicator instead making redicilous contortions (which I never saw in real traffic in no country) above his head.



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