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Posts posted by rebo

  1. 3 minutes ago, amykat said:

    That's funny. I understand what you are saying but this is different.  This is not someone we are meeting here.  What about the Dad who got arrested last week, his news is not in any local paper either and he is raising money too and we don't think that is a scam.   The husband I think is going on a big TV news channel he said soon, tomorrow?  A local Fox station I believe. I don't think they would seek that kind of attention if it was fake. 

    Pls don't misunderstand me: Not all people lie. But everybody can because it's so difficult to verify.
    And the story of these two girl has just too many weak points that I believe it as they tell it.

  2. 19 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    It would be quite a straight forward plan/scheme .

    Say that we've been arrested and need funds.

    Collect gofundme money from friends back home .

    Then say they went to Court and got fined and had to pay a lawyer

    All money spent.

    End of story .

    This is one of the most important lessons I learned during almost 30 years in SEA: Don't immediately believe anything an expat or a tourist tell you. Everything can be a lie; in most cases you can't verify it.
    But in one case I was really surprised: Years ago a neighbour from UK told me he had all his money from bank robberies. Of cause I laughed and didn't believe him. One day police drove up, arrested him, and after some days I read in the BP he really did what he told me.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    If they're lying, they better be damned careful about exactly where they say they found the money on the street. There's an excellent chance that after they pinpoint the location, the police are going to track down any CCTV footage or witnesses in the area, and if there's no evidence that they didn't pick something up off the ground and weren't jumping up and down or high five-ing each other over their unexpected good fortune,  these two Thelma and Louise wannabees could be looking at some serious jail time.


    Therefore they said they "found" the money in Cambodia.

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  4. 12 minutes ago, amykat said:


    Well actually, how can I put this delicately ...if they had a good lawyer and even before ... and when the police are inclined to want a case to "go away" they keep things quiet.  The more quiet is it, the easier it is to make it go away and reach settlements that are good for everyone involved. Get it??  That is why they are on FB and places asking for people not to involve media and not to draw too much attention to them.

    Police should become quite careful in this case since every hour more and more people are very interested how this case comes out ...

  5. I found the people at least in northern Thailand extremely willing to help a cyclist with a broken bike (2 times in my case: broken rim, broken chain). The more remote the more helpful.
    Even before I started to ask for help people stopped and offered me and the bike a ride to a workshop.
    I think if you try to stop a car by this typical hand-moving-down gesture it will not take 10 cars until you'll find yourself on the load bed of a friendly pickup driver.


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  6. The heat is not a big issue if you start very early at sunrise and cycle into the heat. Normally I make the tour JC is planning every year at this time for two months to flee the pollution in the north but this year I'll escape to Europe.
    Sorry, Jonathan, for not being able to give you some advices because with 15 kg of luggage I prefer to ride on tarmac close to the main routes (with easy access to 7-11, restaurants, accomodations ...). Nevertheless --- enjoy it!

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