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Posts posted by rebo

  1. 3 hours ago, sanemax said:

    How do you know that no one called the number and that no one is bothered by it ?

    There have been numerous complaints by Thais against the burning and they dislike the pollution just as much as the felangs .


    But I see and cough up all the smoke every morning.
    Where are they to complain? Am I the only one who feels REALLY DISTURBED?

  2. 1 hour ago, JimmyJ said:

    Another major disappointment to seeing Thailand as a future home.

    I'm a vegetarian besides so even more so.


    I already planned to cope with the reported road carnage by taking Uber and flying. Ruled out purchasing a car and definitely no 2 wheeled vehicles.


    First the polluted air in Chiang Mai and other places, then this.

    Rent is cheaper but life span is shorter.


    Loei was definitely one place that I planned to visit.

    I now see it's one of the areas with the most pesticide - an area known for green tourism.


    Somebody in this thread mentioned what sounded like a chain of stores which sell organic produce.

    Has anyone here visited one?

    Yes, of course, we buy most of our vegetables at the King's Project outlet close to Royal Park Rachaphruek in Chiang Mai. They claim there products "Pesticide Safe" or "Pesticide Residue Free" (written in Thai) but not "Organic".
    This was the background of my question whether their products were tested, too, and what about the results.

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  3. 1 hour ago, seajae said:

    problem is they dont want to investigate their own in case they are found out, we all know how corrupt they are but the investigations are being hampered by the hierarchy, if they actually removed all the corrupt officers they would need a new police force as most would be gone.

    and the new ones would be as corruptive as the old ones were because they all are deeply in dept to became member of the brown crew.

  4. 2 alternatives for the trip from Tha Wang Pha to Khun Khuan:

    One is the "standard" tour on #1082: 82 km, with 3 main peaks (1'200m, 1'000m, 1'100m), alltogether a little bit less than 3'000 m climbing work. No accomodation (afaik)! Can have some rude truck/bus traffic.
    At the end the #1082 will lead into #1228 reaching Khun Khuan.

    The second one is the northern one through the woods: #1148 north, about 1 km before little Ban Nam Mong turn left on #4011, after exactly 12.8 kms turn right on a (off-)road without number which will after 31kms and over the peak lead into #1188 to Khun Khuan. Also 82 km, 1 hefty climb from 400m to almost 1'200 m a.s.l., alltogether about 2'500 m climbing, almost no/only local traffic. No regular accomodation for sure, no food/beverage supply. Definitely MTB only!

    At this time of the year it will be on both routes partially really chilly, sometimes foggy, until 11:00 a.m., so be prepared. This is the reason why I would not ride it before March: You hardly can start early enough to have enough time to make it (if at all; both routes are really hard work, at least for me ...) conveniently in one day.
    In case you are interested in getting a file for the second, quite adventurous but very nice version write me a short PM and tell me the best file format for your purposes.
    The first version you'll find easily on any map.

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