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Posts posted by rebo

  1. According to this https://wikivisually.com/lang-th/wiki/อำเภอเวียงป่าเป้า site it should be the area of Doi Mohg. (Search for the word "scheelite"
    Looking at Google Earth you even find a pic what could be a mine entrance at N19 24.558 E99 33.282; the Thai description means "Mineral cave Doi Mohg, T. San Sali, A. Wiang PaPao, C. Chiangrai".
    But who knows whether the location is correctly posted or not ...?

    Mine entrance Doi Mohg.jpg

  2. 46 minutes ago, Chip Allen said:

    I became acquainted with a Thai/American brother and sister at a university where I worked. They are fluent in both Thai and English, having an American mother and a Thai father. They both tell me that a large percentage of Thais do not even speak their own language correctly, which leads to any number of misunderstandings. Comments?

    Absolutely right! Communication Thai to Thai is an entire misunderstanding when it goes further than "aroi", "sabai" and "suai". My theorie is that they don't really listen, thinking they already know what the sender is telling them.

  3. On ‎19‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 10:29 PM, StreetCowboy said:

    How is the battery life?  Do you need to charge for every ride?

    Depends on the functions (training, partner) and screens you use (e.g. coloured constantly moving map needs more power than the screen with black/white info).
    When I'm on tour I mostly need the map, then the battery is good for about 7 to 8 hours but when you set the system on really power saving (non-)functions it lasts for 10 hours, sometimes even more.
    You can find everything you need to know about this and most other issues in the Garmin Edge forums (https://www.google.de/search?source=hp&q=garmin+edge+forum&oq=garmin+edge+forum&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l2j0i22i30k1l8.935.4775.0.5326.

  4. 1 hour ago, BuaBS said:

    In the article : "found 174 of the samples were contaminated with phosphate and carbamate, which are the residues from insecticide. However, 99.42% of the whole samples were safe from insecticides."


    So 174 is 0,58 % ... means they have tested 30.000 samples . Mmm , sure .


    "putting a QR Code to ensure the safety of the product"   Oh yes that will ensure the safety !:sleep:



    I thought exactly the same.
    And never believe this.
    These two figures make the whole statement completely implausible.

  5. 1 hour ago, Kasset Tak said:

    The temple could raise money for the children by selling for example amulets... but thanks to the head monk in Bangkok (already with enough money and residing in a wealthy temple), they are banned from doing that!

    Just look at Wat Yai in Phitsanulok, they lost approximated 300,000 in revenues during the 3 first days of the ban!

    If you now extrapolite this figure you can estimate a sum of more than 30 million Baht/year from amulet business alone.
    Not bad so far for monks ...
    On the other hand: Less accidents, more lottery winners ...

  6. I see this news just spreading throughout all main media around the world.
    In most of the reports also some further info about the current status of legislation and legislative progress in Thailand is given.
    Even though I know the memory of readers not directly involved in a certain matter is short, this may put a little bit more pressure on Prayuth to keep this date if he really wants to lift TH out of a 3rd world dictatorship status.

  7. The right one and the lower one are available at Global House and Thai Wattsadu but only half inch (blue water pipe).
    I need 1 inch but couldn't find yet.

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